Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 50 The Roar Of The Five Elders

Just when the Marine generals were angry. The World government also received a report from Kalifa. Five Elders didn't have much anger at Yan Luo using the 'Dongfeng Express' to destroy an island again. Instead, he showed a relieved expression.

"Fortunately, I didn't anger him last time. Otherwise, who knows if that lunatic will send Mariejois a Dongfeng Express." White-haired and long-bearded Five Elders felt that his decision was too wise. Paying the protection fee with a mere one-tenth of the heavenly gold saved a huge crisis.

Mustache Five Elders looks unhappy, he is determined to destroy the Pendragon family. "That lunatic is too dangerous. He must not be allowed to continue."

On this point the Five Elders agree. "It's easy to kill that lunatic. The only thing I'm worried about is Dongfeng Express."

"Have our agents found out? The production base of Dongfeng Express, and the specific quantity."

"We must speed up the search for intelligence. We are sending some people to infiltrate the Pendragon family as quickly as possible."

"On the other hand. Strengthen the defense of Mariejois. Let Vegapunk step up research on weapons and equipment that can resist Dongfeng Express."

With the command of the Five Elders. The whole World government is running. Whether it is a defensive Devil Fruit, or a defensive weapon. They are all collected by the World government. They don't want to be subject to Yan Luo all the time.

this day. A newspaper completely boiled the whole world. On top of the New World Moby Dick. Marco gets the latest paper. At a glance, the whole person was shocked to "The Submission of World Government"

This title alone is a gimmick to watch. Read on "The day before yesterday, the World government Heavenly Golden Fleet encountered the Pendragon family in West Blue. Forced to submit to the Pendragon family. Pay one-tenth of Tianshangjin as protection fee. "

"Declaration of the West Blue Emperor: Yan Luo. Pendragon, the underground emperor of West Blue, announced recently. All countries where West Blue is located, Marine, Chamber of Commerce, and even pirates must pay protection fees to the Pendragon family. Otherwise all will be destroyed. At present, both Marine and the country are cooperating to pay protection fees. . . "

The Marine and the World government surrender to the forces of the underground. Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality? The eight-hundred-year world government is about to fall. "

Does Marine Really Stand for Justice? : At present, West Blue Marine is very cooperative with the Pendragon family to pay the hand protection fee. Is such a Marine still a just Marine? "

Look at this newspaper. Marco thought he was dazzled? After repeated confirmation. It was found to be true. The newspaper also featured Yan Luo sitting on the throne arrogantly. Huoshaoshan stood in front of Yan Luo with a phone bug in his hand respectfully. Prove that what the newspaper said is indeed true.

"Dad...something has happened," Marko yelled, running towards Whitebeard.

"Kulala...Marco. What is it that excites you so much?" Whitebeard looked at Marco who was on fire and asked curiously.

"Father, look what this is saying. The world is going to change. It's going to be chaotic." Marco yelled anxiously. It took the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates by surprise.

"What world chaos? What are you talking about, Marco?" Whitebeard asked with a frown.

"Dad, read this before you talk." Marko handed the newspaper to Whitebeard.

Whitebeard didn't pay attention at first. But after seeing the content in the newspaper. Everyone sat upright. There is a powerful aura exuding from his body. People don't know why. What the hell was written in the newspaper? It made Dad so serious. Could it be that Marine is going to war with the Four Emperors?

"Gu la la la... This is really a big deal. Little ones, get ready. The world is going to be chaotic. Marko informs. The countries and chambers of commerce on our territory must pay protection fees." Whitebeard ordered road

"Nani? What protection money?"

"Do you want to collect money from the state?"

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were shocked and curious. When they read the newspaper, they will understand. The world is going to be chaotic. Protection fees must be collected. Even West Blue-style get-togethers crush everything. Collect protection fees. They Four Emperors as overlords of the New World. If there is no protection fee. Wouldn't it be looked down upon by others?

An island in the New World. The excited red-haired group also saw the newspaper. Beckman smiled wryly, "Shanks, it seems that we also need to increase some income for the Pirates."

Redheads are not stupid. It's just that the character is a little out of character. He knew exactly what Beckman meant. At the same time, he smiled wryly. They have to collect this protection fee. If you don't accept it, you will be looked down upon. I believe the same is true for several other Four Emperors. The red-haired sighed, "Let's go ahead with the notification. Let those chambers of commerce and the country pay the protection fee."

"So there is such a thing as a protection fee. Katakuri. The countries on my territory must pay protection fees." In Wanguo, Charlotte Linlin's eyes were sharp. It turns out that there is such a saying of collecting money. Charlotte Linlin let Katakuri arrange without hesitation.

As for Kaido, let alone. In a word. "Rickies like West Blue charge 10% protection fee. The countries on our territory must pay 20% protection fee."

With the Four Emperors officially announcing protection fees. The more powerful pirate groups in the whole world followed suit. Because the World government and Marine bowed their heads to Yan Luo, the prestige accumulated over hundreds of years was greatly damaged. Many careerists have taken the initiative to test. For a time, the World government was facing a huge crisis.

Mariejois Five Elders let out a loud growl "Damn Morgans. Fuck you..."

"Damn it. Send all CP agents immediately. I want the head of Morgans." Mustache Five Elders roared loudly. Half the people of the Holy Land heard the wrath of it.

"Damn. Damn Morgans. Damn that bastard West Blue."

"Hunting down the Morgans with all my might. Do whatever it takes to take down those bastards who dare to show up."

"Tell Marine to prepare for battle. Suppress everything..."

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