Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 76 Sengoku, You Are More Insidious

"Nani, the red-haired Shanks and the West Blue villain Yan Luo·Pendragon are in the West Blue decisive battle?" Sengoku called the Marine generals for a meeting when he received the first news from Ain.

Eagle Ghost Spider: "Marshal, this is the best chance. Wait until they are both defeated. We can kill them all. I suggest that the whole army be dispatched. Rush to West Blue immediately.

Dove Kongming Vice Admiral: "I disagree. According to intelligence, there are only three Red Hair Pirates and the Pendragon family participating in the battle. The others have preserved their full combat effectiveness. Even if the entire army is dispatched, it may not be able to eliminate them. It may even anger Pendragon Family. Have you thought about the consequences?"

"A group of cowards, afraid of this and that, just go home and take care of themselves."

"You're making too much of a point. You know that West Blue guy is vengeful. Even the Five Elders won't agree to act rashly if they get angry."

The hawks and the doves had a heated discussion in the conference room. Sengoku had a headache on his face. Your sister, the old man taught you to come here to discuss the solution, not for you to quarrel. Do you really think there is no butcher? Ghost spider, what do you want to do? Roll up your sleeves, hey hey hey. . .

"That's enough. Shut up, old man." Sengoku couldn't help it anymore. If it continues, I am afraid that a full martial arts will be staged soon.

"Kacha Kacha" the entire conference room fell silent. All that remains is the sound of a Garp fighting a donut. When it suddenly became quiet, Garp froze for a moment and raised his head to look around, "Why isn't it noisy anymore? It would be nice for young people to quarrel more. That's the way to have vitality. Continue?"

"Shut up. Old man, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb." Sengoku's face darkened after hearing Garp's heartless speech.

"Cut, it's a waste of time. Do you still think that West Blue belongs to Marine? You can count all the countries whose West Blue heart is World government. Now people don't think West Blue belongs to World government." Territory. Don't you worry about it." Garp sneered-.

The Marine generals all bowed their heads. Ashamed. No one in the entire West Blue trusts Marine. I don't want Marine to call for help now that something happened. Instead, turn to the evil underground power Pendragon for help. It can be said that West Blue is a disgrace to Marine. Where Marine's justice is worthless. The people there look at Marine like they look at garbage.

this time. Marine at West Blue is all complaining. They're like worms waiting to die in West Blue. Strongly request a transfer from West Blue. Let these Marine generals be filled with righteous indignation. Just say you are a black force. The good Mafia quit such a promising career. I have to compete with Marine for business. Became a "peace messenger" and took away Marine's jobs. As a result, all Marines in West Blue have nothing to do. In addition to eating and playing cards, I sleep and bask in the sun. Is this still Marine?

Crane Vice Admiral glanced at Garp faintly, "Your son didn't do it. That guy Dorag made such a fuss in the Red Coral Kingdom. The reinforcements that Marine and Senior Sister conquered didn't arrive in time. Instead, that little guy Pendragon saved him." People from the Red Coral Kingdom. In the final analysis, the kingdom of West Blue has lost confidence in the World Government and Marine, isn’t it caused by your good son, the culprit?”

Garp was suddenly embarrassed. He smirked and touched his hair, "Ahahaha. Is that so? As expected of the old man's son. Hahaha...

"Idiot." A group of people rolled their eyes.

At this moment, Crane Vice Admiral's phone rang. Crane Vice Admiral went out and made a phone call, and his face became a lot more serious after receiving the information just now. The monster Kaido also appeared in West Blue, and fought with the red hair and Yan Luo, and now it has become a monster melee.

"Nani? Didn't that monster Kaido go back to New World?"

"It's more chaotic now. We don't care?"

Kong Ming Vice Admiral suddenly said something. Let the Marine generals have their hair stand on end. "Everyone. Do you think Kaido and the Pendragon family will cooperate?"

...asking for flowers......

Sengoku's expression changed. For more than half a year, Kaido has been fighting with the West Blue and Pendragon families. At first, Sengoku thought that Kaido was going to fight with the Pendragon family. Because Yan Luo threw Kaido as a toy to Naval Headquarters at the beginning, which was equivalent to humiliation.

Now that I think about it, I don't feel the calendar. In case the two sides reach an agreement. Two Four Emperors levels join forces. And they are the craziest monsters in the whole world. It's scary just thinking about it. no. Some way must be found to bring these two monsters into discord. "


"Yeah yeah. Can't get them to gang up. And the redheads. If it's three. . . let them really fight." Some Vice Admiral was already in a hurry.

"Contact the news immediately. Say that New World Four Emperors Redhead and Kaido have teamed up to be suppressed by the West Blue evil party. They have already planned to surrender to the West Blue evil party. Then let people spread the news on Kaido and Redhead's territory. Just say that Redhead and Kaido Kaido is willing to serve as a running dog for the West Blue evil party. Give Yan Luo Pendragon another title, and the world's strongest man has changed. Just replace it with that kid. Give me the right to publicize."

I have to say that Sengoku's trick is wonderful. Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is impossible. But the beauty is that three people become tigers. What will the pirates under the red-haired Kaido think? Those ambitious people will try to find out whether it is true or not. Moreover, neither Red Hair nor Kaido's subordinates will allow their boss to submit to others. This is called forced palace. And the title of the world's strongest man is exclusive to Whitebeard. In this way, Yan Luo will automatically be hostile to the Whitebeard Pirates. It's just a lot of carvings.

The generals in the office looked at Sengoku with admiration after they figured it out. Facts have proved that ginger is still old and spicy. Your uncle is still your uncle. Only Garp said "Sengoku, you are more insidious."

"Go away".

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