Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 89: The Domineering Evil Party

"The Pendragon family is half a hostess. Unohana Retsu, please advise." Unohana Retsu introduced herself very politely.

At this time, Yan Luo stepped aside. He hooked his fingers at Granny Ze. The mother-in-law has not recovered from the shock yet. Say good sacrificial ceremony. How did you attract this lunatic?

She is very familiar with Yan Luo's name. Emperor of the West Blue underground world. To be precise, it is the uncrowned king of the entire West Blue. No matter Marine. nation. The world government and West Blue all need to see this face.

Then came the Four Emperors Kaido, a prisoner of war. Another melee between two emperors and one emperor. As for the news that Yan Luo single-handedly invaded Impel down and rescued the great pirate from Eternal Hell, Marine deliberately concealed it. Otherwise, I don't know where the face of the World government will be thrown.

These are enough to prove Yan Luo's terror. Such a terrifying guy actually appeared on Daughter Island. Why the mother-in-law was frightened. Hancock also has his hands on such beings. "Die,,, it's over now... Queens of all ages. I, Gloriosa, I'm sorry for you. I didn't protect my daughter country well."

When Yan Luo hooked his fingers to Granny Ze. The mother-in-law rushed over immediately, "Dear Lord Yan Luo. This is all a misunderstanding. Hancock is still young and easily impulsive. Please forgive Hancock for his ignorance."

Yan Luo smiled immediately. "Hehe, old man, you are quite smart. I don't want to talk nonsense anymore. From now on, you are all my captives, and now I give you two choices. First, I heard that the slaves of Daughter Kingdom are very popular outside. Me, how about you all selling~"?"

Why did the mother-in-law's face change. Quickly knelt down, "Master Yan Luo, please don't do this."

"Second. Be my people. From now on, your Daughter Kingdom will be my subordinate force. My order will never allow disobedience, so tell me your choice. Daughter Kingdom's previous Queen Gloriosa." Yan Luo stared indifferently What mother-in-law.

"But the current queen is Hancock." Granny Ze said cautiously

"Hancock. He's so pretty. Is he my exclusive slave or a woman? He needs to decide for himself. As for the fate of Daughter's Island, it's up to you." Yan Luo announced directly and domineeringly. The fate of Daughter's Island and Hancock is decided with one word.

"Master Yan Luo, Daughter Island is willing to pledge allegiance to you." Granny Ze saluted without hesitation. In fact, my mother-in-law has no choice at all. Instead of being a slave. There is still hope for becoming an affiliated force of Yan Luo.

As for resistance? You think too much, why does my mother-in-law think that Daughter Island can resist Yan Luo? This murderer was directly suppressed by the Marine and World Governments. To put it nicely, Daughter Country means that Boa·Hancock can get on the stage. Others are ants in front of this monster.

"Bastard, don't just decide other people's fate. Aijia will never allow it. You are an immortal traitor." Hancock, who was fighting Unohana Retsu, cursed angrily. "Sandersonia. Kill that old crone for me."

The two sisters Boa and Sandersonia were angry. Because what my mother-in-law did is tantamount to selling them all. This is a betrayal of Hancock. The two women were about to rush over with weapons in hand.

Yan Luo smiled and snapped his fingers. next second. Three figures appeared in front of the two sisters. "Who are you? Go away."

The two sisters swept towards the three of them directly with huge weapons. Bullet gave the two sisters a cold look. The slap "pa" looked like a light slap, but it directly slapped the huge bodies of the two sisters. The huge bodies of the two sisters rolled and flew out.

"Lord Sandersonia"

"Master Marigold," the elites of the Nine Snake Pirates exclaimed. Quickly went up to check the injuries of the two,

He was relieved to find that the two women just passed out. But when he turned his head, he glared at the three figures. "Sisters avenge Lord Sandersonia and Lord Marigold. Together."

"Asshole. I'll kill you." The elites of the Nine Snake Pirates roared in unison.

".||Stop it. Stop it all for me." Granny Ye was sweating profusely. Hurry up and stop these elites of the Nine Snake Pirates.

"What mother-in-law. Why are you stopping us? Have you really rebelled?"

"Why mother-in-law. Get out of the way. Otherwise, we will be impolite."

"Shut up. You idiots. Do you know who they are? Are you trying to kill us all?" The mother-in-law said angrily. Gave Margaret a heads up.

"Grandma, no one is allowed to attack the Nine Snake Pirates." Margaret said stubbornly

"Stupid, those are the cadres on Roger's ship. The heir of the devil, Douglas. Bullet. And the king of evil, Abalo Pizarro, once you do it. Our daughter island is all over. Do you want to be everyone? When the time comes Even Hancock (Zhao's) will be killed because of your impulsiveness." The mother-in-law reported the identities of the two.

It really shocked everyone. One Piece Roger's cadre. This name alone is enough to shock everyone. At this moment. Suddenly Hancock's voice was heard. "Asshole. Let go of Aijia. You vulgar woman. Aijia is as beautiful as a fairy. How can you treat Aijia like this."

Everyone looked over suspiciously. At this moment, Hancock was bound up by several glowing chains. The most embarrassing thing is the tortoise shell binding. How can Hancock, a proud woman, bear this? Unohana Retsu smiled darkly and said: "Bakudō's sixty-three locks are bound, and your figure fits it very well. Just give it to Yan Luo. He should be very happy Let’s have fun. I’m going to conceive a cute baby.”

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