Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 97 Sengoku: "The Resignation Of Laozi Special Code Quit"

Because of my childhood experiences. In Hancock's heart, there is a fear of Celestial Dragons. Yan Luo shot Celestial Dragons directly like this. Instead, he won some favors. Although only a little bit of improvement. Who told Yan Luo to bully her too much before. Anyone was directly tied without saying a word. Then the overbearing threat. Will be angry and resentful.

But Yan Luo didn't care at all. If you tie it, you tie it. Threatened, threatened. He is a vicious party, does he need to be a licking dog? If he likes it, he just kidnaps him.

Yan Luo's operation is very realistic. From when Kalifa told him that the chief cp asked her to steal poppies for Vegapunk to study. Yan Luo arranged everything. The Kalifa mutiny was part of the mutual will of both parties. Yan Luo hoped that Kalifa would mix into the cp executives. The world government hopes to get poppies and crack the 'antidote' to the fairy water, but the world government "060" doesn't know that Kalifa has been controlled by Yan Luo.

Yan Luo's "fury" directly cleaned up the suspicious characters of the entire Pendragon family. It scares all the big and small forces in West Blue. Be more careful in doing things. I am afraid of offending Yan Luo.

At the same time, because the Marines of West Blue were all driven out of West Blue by the Pendragon family. On the Marine side, Sengoku is too busy to keep his feet on the ground. He was scolded bloody again by the Five Elders for this incident. After all, Marine was kicked out of West Blue because he took the initiative to attack West Blue.

In fact, Sengoku was extremely wronged. The baby is suffering [the enemy is riding on Marine's head and pissing. Is it wrong to fight back as a marshal? Sengoku thought about pointing at Five Elders' nose

Is it wrong? It's a pity that the tenth rank of the official university crushes people to death. No matter how many mistakes your superiors make, you can only complain a few words. It is too sinful for subordinates to make mistakes. If it weren't for Sengoku's prestige in Marine is too heavy. The Five Elders are all set to switch.

"Blue Blue" Sengoku heard the voice of the phone bug. Suddenly he frowned. One sees this phone bug ringing these days. Sengoku felt unlucky. Because it's the dedicated phone bug that the Five Elders left for Sengoku.

"What are those five old bastards trying to do this time? Forget it, listen first before talking." Sengoku answered the phone bug "Hi. I'm Sengoku."

"Come to Mariejois at once. Finish this sentence. Hang up immediately.

"To Mariejois? You're going to be scolded again. Hey" Sengoku was used to it. There is nothing good about being called to Mariejois during this period. Sengoku is all used to it.

half a day later. Sengoku appears in front of the Five Elders. But what shocked him was. Except Five Elders. There is also a group of Celestial Dragons. Sengoku wiped his eyes, "Isn't this old man dreaming? These fat pigs have started to lose weight? The few over there are only skinny."

This group of Celestial Dragons is exactly the Celestial Dragons who enjoyed the 'fairy water'. Now because of the Rose Chamber of Commerce, Capone Loya committed suicide. They have been out of stock for ten days. Once the addiction comes. One by one, they went crazy towards the murderous maniac. During this time, drug addiction broke out. Thousands of people have been killed by Celestial Dragons.

These Celestial Dragons don't just kill. Even abused himself. Once addiction breaks out. If you can't bear it, you will kill yourself. Use pain to slow down the madness of drug addiction outbreaks. Today, these Celestial Dragons are at the instigation of Saint Marco Char. A large number of Celestial Dragons came to force the Five Elders. Ask the Five Elders for their 'Wonderful Water'

The old five-star is aggrieved. Who do you think we are working so hard for? Don’t you want your group not to be poisoned by that fairy water? In the end, our kindness was treated as a donkey’s liver and lungs. Instead, the Celestial Dragons are relying on him. Or offer fairy water. Either they're all gone.

This made Five Elders almost vomit blood again. It is obviously impossible to kill Zhuluo beast. Who made them Celestial Dragons? Celestial Dragons just don't make sense. Five Elders in desperation

I directly thought of a good way, which is to dump the blame on Sengoku. Let Sengoku find a way to negotiate with the Pendragon family.

Now Kalifa got a little poppy and gave it to Vegapunk. But research takes time. It's impossible to research 'immortal water' just by using it. The Celestial Dragons are making trouble again.

The Five Elders really had no choice. I can only lick my face and ask the Pendragon family for some 'fairy water', but Five Elders don't want to do such a shameful thing. Then the back-to-back man is a must.

"Sengoku. You are finally here. Have you eaten? Are you hungry? I asked you to prepare it for you." The smile on the face of Five Elders with long hair and white beard was like seeing his own son.

Sengoku immediately became alert. If you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal. Sengoku has a bad feeling in his heart, "Master Five Elders... Is there something important that you asked me to come over? If not, I will leave first. Marine has been too busy recently. I have been waiting for a few days Didn't sleep well."

Five Elders rolled his eyes. Your sister, you haven't slept well for a few days. We vomited blood because of these pigs. Two hours of sleep a day for a month is not bad. Sure enough, it's time to give you some early training.

"Sengoku. There is an important task for you to complete now, so blah blah blah..." the bald Five Elders guard tried to say it again.

Sengoku looked confused, "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake? You want me to buy that bullshit fairy water? You still want Celestial Dragons to continue using that kind of thing that harms mankind? Are you crazy? You think Celestial Dragons don't die fast enough ?"

"Hey. There is nothing we can do. If we don't provide fairy water, Celestial Dragons will torture themselves to death. Don't worry, Vegapunk has accelerated the research on the antidote. This time, I will wrong you first. Regardless of West Blue You have to agree to whatever request you ask. We will compensate you afterwards." Curly-haired Five Elders comforted

Sengoku was really pissed off. Throw such a shameful thing to yourself. Then I will send the old man away with an empty talk? Why don't you go to heaven? "Could it be that the lunatic wants the old man to kneel and the old man also agrees?"

Five Elders thought for a moment. Reluctantly said: "If this is the case, I can only wrong you. We will give you the greatest compensation."

"The old 5.9 subterranean quit. Go to whoever you like. Farewell." Sengoku's eyes were about to burn with anger. He took off his hat and flicked it. Special, Laozi is like a big brother, these old people really want to kneel down by themselves, I don't do it. Whoever you like to kneel down will go the way.

"Sengoku. What are you doing? How old are you and still so childish. Why are you throwing a tantrum? Put your hat on." Blonde Five Elders shouted with a black face

God's special temper tantrum. Sengoku glared at the other party angrily, "What the fuck, you old bastards don't want to lose face and throw this kind of thing to the old man. Tell me? How many times is this the first time? You should ask yourself. There is compensation every time. What about the old man’s compensation? Have you been eaten by a dog? You still want the old man to take the blame. Go eat shit.”

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