Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 99: Ms. Gion Is In A Daze

Of course, recruiting Sengoku is just Yan Luo's bad taste. He also knew it was impossible. Since the Five Elders want to exchange for 'fairy water' to stabilize the Celestial Dragons. Then Yan Luo will not let go of this good opportunity to rip off. After thinking for a while, Yan Luo said: "I want you Marine Vice Admiral Momousagi Gion. I will give you a thousand bottles of fairy water."

"Impossible, our Marine Vice Admiral cannot be exchanged. You give up. Change the terms." Sengoku jumped his feet angrily. In the beginning Sengoku was as steady as a dog. I thought to myself, no matter how much Yan Luo charged, the World Government would pay anyway. But when he heard Yan Luo's request, he jumped angrily.

Gion is Tsuru Vice Admiral's younger sister. One of the top prospects to become Admiral's Marine Vice Admiral. This is for Marine to bleed. And Crane Vice Admiral will never agree. Why should Marine pay for the affairs of the World government? I don’t want to be ‘shameful’ if I don’t have enough embarrassment.

"So there's nothing to talk about? Goodbye." Yan Luo hung up the phone right away. Anyway, he is in no hurry. When the time comes, the Marine and the Five Elders will definitely be in a hurry. Don't forget, those Celestial Dragons can't wait that long. Nor can he reason with Sengoku.

"Blue, blue..." The phone bug rang again immediately. Yan Luo didn't even look at it. Keep killing food.

"Boss, is it really good to let Sengoku hang out like this? So you are also the Marine Marshal." Robin wondered

"It's none of my business if he's the Marine Marshal. Whether I'm a Marine Marshal or not. Do you want me to coax him? Cut, wait until I'm full." Yan Luo just wanted to leave Sengoku alone. Anyway, it's not me who is in a hurry.

an hour later. Yan Luo patted his stomach contentedly. Finally had enough. The stomach of a Saiyan is simply a dimension bag. Ten cows are not enough to feed Yan Luo. If this is placed in modern times, it will definitely be sliced.

"Brubu." Lu" This is the tenth time. Yan Luo wiped his hands. The phone bug "Yo, long time no see Sengoku.

The phone bug. The veins on Sengoku's forehead, "Asshole, I haven't seen you at all... no, Yan Luo. Pendragon, what are you going to do to let Gion go?"

There are now two more people in Sengoku's office. It is exactly crane Vice Admiral and Gion. At the beginning, Yan Luo put forward conditions. Sengoku is angry and wants to kill. I called several times to scold Yan Luo. After realizing it later, Sengoku became anxious. If Yan Luo must be exchanged for Gion. Knowing this, Celestial Dragons will definitely persecute Gion. Facing the oppression of the Weilong people. How should Gion experience?

Sengoku immediately understood the seriousness of the matter. Immediately call Tsuru Vice Admiral and Gion over. Tell what happened. Gion was stunned on the spot. Crane Vice Admiral cursed even more, scolding Sengoku bloody. Sengoku is going to take on this kind of stupid mission? It's all right now. It's not a matter of trading. How can we keep Gion now?

Sengoku doesn't have the seriousness of the matter either. So keep in touch with Yan Luo. Trying to dispel Yan Luo's thoughts. Gion also looked confused and worried. He stared at Sengoku blamingly, the old lady was being targeted by the evil party. It's all the old guy's fault.

Yan Luo's lazy voice sounded: "What does it mean to let go of Gion? I'm saving Miss Gion. You know what the World government is? Killing and setting fire. Forced to turn people into slaves. Use Buster Call at every turn Destroy the island. I don’t know how many pregnant women were killed in South Blue back then? Such evil forces will kill Miss Gion sooner or later. I want to save Miss Gion. Get him out of the sea of ​​suffering.”

The three of Sengoku were stunned. These things are indeed not purely done by the World government. But you alone are not qualified to criticize. You must know that Yan Luo killed 80,000 people instead of 100,000. Your Pendragon family seems to be better at destroying the island. As for the slaves? Don't tell me your Pendragon family has less than a hundred thousand slaves? I wouldn't believe it if I killed them. Just like this, you still dare to speak uprightly with the cheek? Do you think we are fools?

On Yan Luo's side, Robin looked at Yan Luo with disdain again. "Boss, you have a thick skin."

On the Marine side, Gion was shocked, "There is such a shameless person? But I like the words "Miss Sister."

Sengoku yelled at the phone bug angrily: "Shameless little bastard. I'm not going to hand over Gion to your Chi.

"I'm not in a hurry. I believe those five old men will come to Gion soon. I'm looking forward to your performance at that time. Do you bring Vice Admiral and Gion to rebel? Or let the Five Elders bring Gion to you Give it to me. I'm looking forward to it. I'm really looking forward to it." Yan Luo hung up immediately after finishing speaking.

".Touch" Angry Sengoku smashed his desk with a punch "Damn it. I fought him. This shameless little bastard. Despicable. Vicious. I'm going to kill him.

Crane Vice Admiral glanced at Sengoku faintly. "I'm more worried about Five Elders than that. That little bastard was right. For Celestial Dragons "Gion is in danger now. You made it all what do you say?"

"I will never let them take Gion away. I will go talk to Five Elders. At worst, I will just take you and resign." Sengoku shouted angrily

"I didn't hit you. You are the Marine Marshal outside. But in front of the Celestial Dragons, you are nothing. For the safety of the Celestial Dragons. Abandoning you as a Marshal is not a big deal." Crane Vice Admiral sighed. As for the mutiny? It will be hunted down by the World government with all its strength. Except (Li Zhao's) non-return to an existence that can rival the World government.

"Damn it. How could it be like this? What did that bastard want? Gion. Why didn't he die? The old man cursed him to go out and drown in the sea." Sengoku was furious and even used childish curses .

Crane Vice Admiral mercilessly added another knife, "If the curse was useful, that kid would have died millions of times. I don't know how many people in the entire Marine cursed him to death. Okay. Stop being childish. Continue to fight with that Let's talk, little bastard. As long as he gives up Gion. Some appropriate concessions can be made."

"But, now that kid doesn't understand the phone?" Sengoku's eyes widened. It's not that I don't work hard, but that the opponent is too cunning.

"Let Kizaru talk face to face." Tsuru Vice Admiral couldn't control so much because of Gion at this moment. .

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