On the deck of the pirate ship coming at full speed, a middle-aged man wearing a black cape and a beard stood on the deck with full majesty.

Beside him, a young pirate kept looking around with a telescope. Soon, the small sailboat where Xia Yu was located came into his line of sight, and after seeing that there were only two men and a woman on this sailboat, he immediately opened his mouth and shouted, “Captain Telino, a small boat has been found in the sea ahead!” ”

“Isn’t it a pirate?”

“It’s not.” The young pirate put down the binoculars and continued, “It’s a small sailing ship, it should be a villager from a nearby village!” ”

“Haha, if Lao Tzu guessed correctly, it should be a villager from Moxi Village or Cocosia Village!” Telino took the binoculars and looked in the direction where Xia Yu was, and the smile on his face became increasingly cruel, “First kill these two people to make the brothers excited and excited, wait until they get to Moxi Village and Cocosia Village, and then let the brothers have fun!” ”

“Yes, Captain Telino.”

The young pirates simply responded, then turned to look at the group of pirates on the deck, and said with a red light in his eyes, showing cruelty, “Brothers, we will be in Moxi Village soon!” First kill two people to help the fun, and when you get to Moxi Village, the chickens and dogs are not left! ”


A group of pirates standing on the deck roared in unison, one by one, like hungry wolves, ready to rush out and kill at any time.


At this moment, Captain Telino, who was holding a telescope, suddenly waved his hand to signal the younger brothers behind him to calm down, and said in a deep voice, “Quick, go and take out all the bounty slips, as well as the news newspapers.” ”

As soon as Telino’s words fell, a pirate came to Telino with a thick bounty slip and newspaper, and asked blankly, “Captain…”

Without waiting for the pirate to finish speaking, Telino took the bounty list and the newspaper all over, and then quickly rummaged through it. Soon, he saw a figure in a worn-out newspaper that excited and scared him.

On the front page of the newspaper, the headline appeared as Mihawk, who was carrying the supreme knife night.

Looking at the figure of Mihawk appearing in this newspaper, Telino immediately picked up the binoculars again and looked towards the sea where Xia Yu was! When he saw Xia Yu’s flat head squatting beside him at the bow of the boat, he couldn’t help swallowing his saliva and said with some stammering, “How is it possible, how can the knife of the world’s number one sword Haomihawk be in the hands of that animal?” ”

“Is it an impostor?!”

After staring at the black knife with his flat head in his arms for a moment, he made a decisive decision, “Immediately lean over and snatch the knife that the animal is holding in his arms for me!” ”

Whether it was an impostor or not, he had to snatch it up and see it. After all, the shape of the black knife in the animal’s arms is too similar to the world’s strongest black knife on the back of Mihawk in the newspaper in his hand, it is exactly the same!


On the small sailing ship, Dusty, who came to the bow of the boat, held the handle of the knife like a great enemy, and her beautiful eyes stared at the pirate ship approaching at full speed without blinking.

She didn’t expect that this group of Telino pirates, who had been chased by her and Colonel Smogg, would suddenly appear here. Although she has not officially returned to report now, as a navy, even if she is on vacation, as long as she encounters pirates, she is obliged to rush out to fight!

However, compared to Dusty Qilai, who was like a big enemy, Pingtou was extremely excited.

Looking at the pirate ship that is constantly approaching, the flat head holding the black knife is anxious because he can’t rush out to fight right away, and he keeps bouncing on the bow and stern!


Suddenly, as soon as the flat head jumped to the stern and from the stern back to the bow, the mast of the small sailboat was swept by the black knife in its arms, and then it broke off and fell in response.


Xia Yu, who was sitting on the side, saw that the flat head actually split the mast, and his eyes widened instantly, and he scolded at the impatient flat head, “Are you here in heat/period?” Why are you so excited? The mast was broken by you, how do we get to Rogue Town? ”

Hearing Xia Yu’s voice, Dusty, who was like a great enemy a moment ago, looked back blankly, and after seeing the mast that fell half of the sea, she also fell into a mess in an instant, “Flat head, you are too messy, hey.” ”

On the deck of the pirate ship coming at full speed, Telino, who was holding a telescope, also blinked blankly and asked his subordinates beside him, “What are they doing?” Actually cut off the mast? Is it giving up and running away? ”

“No, I don’t know!” The young pirate standing beside him shook his head, unconscious.

Because the mast was cut off, the boat gradually stopped.

Soon, Telino’s pirate ship came to the opposite side of the boat, looking at Xia Yu and Dusty standing on the boat, a cruelty flashed at the corner of Telino’s mouth, and then took a step forward to the edge of the deck, and said irresistibly: “Give me the black knife in the arms of that animal, and spare you from death!” ”


Without waiting for Xia Yu and Dusty to speak, the flat head who couldn’t wait for a long time let out a loud roar again, and then jumped up with a black knife and landed steadily on the deck of the pirate ship.

“Yo huh.”

Seeing that Pingtou actually jumped up holding the black knife so wisely, Telino’s eyes lit up, and he beckoned to Pingtou, “Come over little guy, give me the knife!” ”

“Flat head, you, what are you doing?! Come back, hurry! ”

Standing on the small boat, Daschi did not expect that Pingtou actually jumped directly with the black knife, shouting in a hurry, and preparing to pull out the knife and rush over.

Just when Dusty pulled out his knife and was about to jump to the pirate ship to prepare for battle, the flat head on the deck of the pirate ship jumped up again, and then just grabbed the black knife and slashed at Telino!

Ugh —

The black knife slashed, and a knife qi that showed the strange qi bloomed in the air.


Shi Ji, who had been following Xia Yu’s movements through the monitor on the floating island, couldn’t believe his eyes, and looked at the picture in the monitor with a confused expression, “What is the situation?” ”

In the surveillance screen, the flat head that rushed to the deck of the pirate ship was jumping with a black knife very joyfully, and every time it jumped up, the black knife in its arms would slash down in the air, and it would bloom in the air with a chopping wave. After repeating this several times, the pirates on the deck of that pirate ship quickly fell into chaos.

For Pingtou, Shiki still had some impressions, but because when he went to the mushroom house, Pingtou did not show too surprising actions, so he did not take it to heart.

But at this time, this pet that Xia Yu kept in the mushroom house actually used a knife, and also cut out a chopping wave? Sure enough, whether the mushroom house is a handyman, a long-term worker, or this pet, is not a simple character?

At the moment when Shi Ji looked at the surveillance screen with a confused face, the pirates on the pirate ship jumped into the sea with dead and injured injuries in a random slash on the flat head, but after a while, none of the pirates on the pirate ship were overturned by the flat head.

And that’s not all!

After killing all the pirates, the flat head that had not yet had fun was another wild split against the pirate ship. Soon, the pirate ship could not withstand the madness of the flat head and disintegrated in a burst of cracking.


Standing on the small boat, Dusty was stunned to look at the pirate ship that had been cut down by the flat head, and her eyes almost fell out.

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