“Mine explosion ~~~”

Zuo Kong’s fingers just hooked, and suddenly a man’s voice came from a distance, and then his feet began to expand rapidly, and his own domineering nature instinctively prompted him of danger.



The violent explosion directly resounded in the sky, and a terrifying deep pit appeared on the ground, a terrifying deep pit up to ten meters long and more than twenty meters deep, and its power had completely surpassed the cannonball.

“Didn’t kill?” A man walked out and said in a very soft voice.

He wears a helmet, a mask with round lenses, suture scars on the sides of his eyes, a long dark blue trench coat, and metal decorations such as gears on his clothes.

The whole person gives a cold motorcyclist-like feeling.

“Doflamingo really likes me! Another cadre? Zuo Kong’s voice suddenly came, and said mockingly.

All the pirates were nervously raising their heads, above the tallest ruins, and the left sky was wrapping their hands around the moon. Hun stood at the top, seemingly looking at the man below who suddenly walked out.

“Zuo Kong claims to be a ‘devil’ surgical fruit ability, you who can kill Mahabais must not be underestimated, otherwise you will die.” The man spoke very directly, and he said the information of Zuo Kong, seemingly calm but solemn.

“So you laid this ambush for me? Guladius belonging to the Army of Spades! Zuo Kong opened his hands and seemed to be very excited to laugh.

“Good.” Guladius pushed the round lenses on the mask and said very calmly.

“Just with these trash fish, can you not help me at all, or do you ‘Don Quixote Pirates’ only have these miscellaneous fish?” Zuo Kong asked with a smile.

“Ferris Explosion —”

Although Guladius was still expressionless, anyone familiar with him felt that he was already angry, and his left hand was aimed at the empty left position, and the building under him began to expand even more violently.

“So that’s the case…” said Zuo Kong softly.


“Lie down, lie down!!!”

Like a violent explosion like a mushroom cloud ascending to the sky, all the pirates hurriedly fell into the snow, but even the violent impact brought by such an explosion still set off endless impacts, if it were not for the help of the pirates to each other, I am afraid that most of them would have been washed out.


Suddenly turned around and threw out a punch, a straight punch collided with the fist that appeared out of thin air, and the next moment his face was frozen and terrifying strange power, mixed with an almost irresistible terrifying impact coming towards him.

“Arm explodes ~~~”


The arm swelled violently, and there was another violent explosion, and the left empty finger hooked, whispering: “ROOM!” ”

“You fellow…” Guladius waited until the smoke cleared, saw the situation in front of Zuo Kong, and said coldly with anger.

“These people are still good as a human wall.” Zuo Kong shrugged his shoulders and walked out from behind the pirates who had been blown up to a bloody blur, and said with a smile.

“It’s really worthy of the explosive fruit, and the battle place prepared in advance is really amazing!” Zuo Kong looked at this violent explosion and said interestingly.

Guladius didn’t talk any more nonsense, just pointed at all the pirates and said coldly: “Back off, strike with long-range bullets.” ”

“Obey!” Although the pirates were angry, they quickly retreated, and soon artillery was set up all around, more guns, completely forming a tight encirclement on the left.

“Don’t move.” Guladius stopped all the pirates and said coldly.

“But my lord…”

“Shut up for me!”

The reprimand of Guladius immediately made all the pirates shut their mouths, and among them Guladius had absolute majesty.

“You’ll die!” Zuo Kong said with a smile.

“ROOM Chop!”

The left air suddenly appeared in front of Guladius, his fingers hooked his right hand, as if holding an invisible blade, sweeping over.

“The whole body exploded…”

Guladius’s whole body quickly swelled, and instantly swelled into a huge ball, Zuo Kong smiled faintly, if the surgical fruit is so simple to crack? So does it still deserve to be called the ‘ultimate surgical fruit’?

“Armed color strengthening!”

Another low roar, the attack of the left air has arrived as scheduled, and the next moment his face froze, and Guladius’s waist was cut open, but because of the blockage of the armed color domineering, an entity attack was formed, and the explosion came.


“Brush …”

Zuo Kong suddenly appeared in the distance, spit out a mouthful of dust, and secretly cursed: “Damn, this guy Guladius actually detonated the bomb prepared in advance, it seems that this time is really well prepared!” ”

“Blasting hair !!!”

It was followed by millions of strands of hair, like steel wire, overwhelmingly blocking all retreats on the left.

“However, let you see the trick of combining the surgical fruit with the ton of crushed fruit.” The left empty palm hooked, and he smiled confidently.

“ROOM, gravity space, 100 tons!”

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