“Right here.”

“The brothers killed this bastard and took back the fruits of the operation.”

“On the !!!”

A roar, roar suddenly came, Zuo Kong looked strangely, only to see many pirates chased over, although all of them were also seriously injured, but all of them showed crazy looks, everyone’s eyes were red, and they had the meaning of killing Corazon to eat skin and meat.

“What is the situation? Isn’t Corazon the one who was supposed to solve the entire Barreiros Pirates? The stunned Zuo Kong almost spoke, and hurriedly lowered his voice and said.

Fortunately, the voice is low, and it is nothing in the noise of the entire pirate group, if it is accidentally exposed to being besieged by both sides, it will really be tearless.

“Damn this bunch of bastards actually chased after them.” Corazon put the fruits of the operation under his clothes and scolded.

Corazon did not dare to give the surgical fruit to Luo to eat, now he is seriously injured, if he is defeated Luo, who has not developed the surgical fruit ability at that time, he will definitely die in the face of such a group of vicious pirates.

However, more Corazon was still puzzled, and thought in a low voice: “What is going on with this Barreiros pirate group?” How could it be so heavily guarded? ”

This time the sneaking in Corazon originally planned to sneak in with his ability to calm the fruit, but he didn’t expect to be discovered directly, and after a fierce battle, this is to rush out, the kind of monitoring method that is simply 360 degrees without dead ends, it is simply a pit daddy.

In fact, it is not only Corazon but also Zuozon who is confused, what is the situation?

It’s a pity that neither of them could have imagined that in fact, this matter was caused by Zuo Kong, and Dies vaguely always felt that someone was secretly watching the fruits of the operation of the peepers, so he almost laid a net of heaven and earth, patrolling 24 hours a day, and the result was not waiting for Zuo Kong, but waiting for Corazon.

“Finger guns…”

In the face of this group of pirates who have been carried away by interests, Corazon does not dare to relax in the slightest, and the shot is his full strength, and his two fingers are interspersed among the pirates like a pistol.



The sound of the blood column spewing out, the screams of the pirates, and the position of the pirates’ hearts one by one there was an extra finger-thick wound, unwilling and trembling. Trembling and kneeling on the ground, unable to move anymore.

“Good opportunity, kill him!”

The two pirates suddenly jumped up from behind, and the two large knives roared and fell, and even here in the left air, you can feel their vigorous roaring murderous aura.

“Arashi !!!”

Corazon turned around, his long legs were raised directly above his head, the vacuum was rolled up, the sharp slash was like substance immediately roared away, the two pirates were stopped and broken in mid-air, the internal organs flowed out, fell to the ground and fell without even a chance to struggle.

“Ahem…” Cora gasped, coughing up a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

“Good opportunity!” Zuo Kong immediately seized the opportunity and suddenly struck, like a cheetah, and directly pounced.

“What people?”


Corazon just had time to turn his head, kicked directly on his jaw from the bottom up, and the sound of ‘clicking’ made Corazon feel that his jawbone had been kicked and broken, flying upside down in the air, and the difficult adjustment of the body.

Zuo Kong will not wait for Corazon to counterattack, the most important thing now is speed, take advantage of his illness to kill him!

“Die!” Zuo Kong said cruelly.

The speed increased by three points, and the speed was so fast that it even left only an extremely shallow footprint on the snow, and he jumped into the air fiercely, and his fists turned into afterimages, hitting Corazon’s body madly.


A mouthful of blood spurted out directly, and Corazon pumped violently. As he moved, he was completely mastered by the left air, and the original injury, coupled with the intense consumption, now he was almost powerless to fight back.

“Damn it!” Corazon opened his eyes with difficulty, firm. Hard stretch. Finger out, scolding

“Finger gun!!!”


Zuo Kong’s brain suddenly came from a violent shock, the whole person turned around sharply, a real air force passed directly through the side, at this time it was too late to pursue again, Corazon had fallen to the ground, a turn and stood up.

“Damn, the attack just now was too ferocious, who is this person? So young to have such great power? Corazon knelt on one knee hastily, raised his head to look at the left sky that fell from the air, and muttered with difficulty.

“Phew, phew…”

Zuo Kong gasped slightly, his own shortcomings he understood, any strong person has a unique power technique, but he has a very powerful system, but he does not have this special skill, just now the furious attack, ten percent of the strength to play seven achievements is good, and physical strength is also a lot of consumption.

“Little ghost, although I don’t know who you are, but…” Corazon stood up shakily and said with difficulty.


With a roar, Zuo Kong rushed up again, he fought that there was no time to wait for Corazon nonsense.

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