Including Zefa.

Seeing that after Liu Xing said that sentence, there was no follow-up, and most of them reacted.

I didn’t expect the first crucial link to end so quickly…

Moving on to the next exercise strength and showing the results of this training, Smogg’s premonition in his heart suddenly became strong at this time. And the reality was as he expected, and he was called up by Liu Xing and executed in public. Therefore, he was even more determined to become a marshal and remove Liu Xing’s new goal!

Because the house where he originally lived is being repaired by a group of naval soldiers.

It’s so noisy!

So after coming out of the boot camp, Liu Xing went directly to the office that originally belonged to the Warring States.

On the way, he remembered something and took out the golden phone worm.

“Even the authorization of the demon slaughter order has been handed over to me, and I have to say that it is indeed full of sincerity.”

“It’s not enough to have a person’s right to speak, the five old stars should also participate.”

The major general on the side, seeing that Liu Xing seemed to be a little interested in the golden phone worm in his hand, couldn’t help but feel his heart jumping, hoping that he would not launch a demon slaughter order out of a whim. I really don’t know why the air marshal at the top also gave such important power to Liu Xing, who acted in an elusive style …

In fact.

The golden phone worm that launched the demon slaughter order is the focus of the Five Old Stars’ plan.

He expected Liu Xing to involuntarily use this power to make trouble.

It’s better to leave behind the mess that forced him to solve it himself…

Back to the office.

Although it has only passed less than 24 hours, this time is enough time for the key leaders of the navy headquarters to accumulate a lot of new things.

A bunch of brand new documents were arranged directly on the desktop.

“Lieutenant General Liu Xing, I suggest you start with the lowest file…”


Before he finished speaking, he was blocked back by Liu Xing’s promising voice from his throat. The major general was also a smart man, and felt that Liu Xing already had the intention of rushing people, so he directly said “Please feel free to find me if you have something”, and then exited the office.


With the soft click of the door being closed, silence returned to the room.

Liu Xing first found a can of tea that the Warring States were reluctant to drink on weekdays, and when he opened the drawer, he actually found that there were a lot of small snacks stuffed in it? I have long guessed that the guy is in private, not as serious as when he usually sees it! Usually, it is estimated that I lock the door and hide in the office to eat…

Holding Erlang’s legs, he put them on the son in front of him.

Liu Xing took a sip of tea and a sip of snacks, and gradually became sleepy.

After only a short sleep, I rubbed my sore neck, withdrew my feet, and sat in a chair in a more formal position. I have to say that I am accustomed to my comfortable sofa, and the big bed, and then in this “hard” condition, it feels difficult to sleep soundly…

Nothing to pass the time around.

It’s a boring feeling…

Liu Xing thought about it and took the document in front of him.

“It’s time to pass the time.”

He picked up the first document, glanced at it, and then picked up the second…

Most of them are trivial things, some can make decisions directly, Liu Xing simply wrote a “agree” or “disagree”. As for some documents that were too complicated and needed to think about the pros and cons, or how to allocate resources most appropriately, he threw them aside.

In the way that salted fish flow will handle files.

That efficiency is naturally extremely high…

In the blink of an eye, there were five bounty slips with instructions left in his hand.

It’s just that the column below is blank.

Now there are many pirates on the sea, and not all of them are qualified to be sent to Liu Xing’s eyes, and they are worthy of his personal bounty. These five people either did something that affected the reputation of the Navy, or they were murderous and bloodthirsty, in short, they all had special reasons.

“That’s kind of interesting.”

Liu Xing thought for a moment and picked up the pen.

Start filling in the new bounty amount above the space below each bounty slip.

The temporarily highest one gave a bounty of 120 million. He originally had a bounty of 80 million, and the latest intelligence showed that he had obtained another devil fruit, and while being seriously injured and repelled by a vice admiral, he also left scars on the vice admiral’s body, and it was still appropriate to give 120 million.

The prices are marked one by one.

Soon, when it was the turn of one of them, Liu Xing stopped.

Because I saw that in the photo taken, this guy put on a mocking face and had a very stunned expression.

Look at the personal introduction next to it. He was originally an ordinary pirate with a bounty of less than 20 million, but after recently enlisting a group of thugs, he began to frantically slaughter civilians, which is very bad in nature. It seems like deliberately provoking the headquarters of the Navy!

Liu Xing waved his hand.

Directly set a high price of “300 million” Berry.

After the amount of several latest bounty orders was decided, Liu Xing sent it, and it didn’t take long for the people below to call. After confirming it, he showed a puzzled expression – this pirate can only take the most ordinary civilians to spread wild, the real strength is actually very poor, I don’t know why Liu Xing offered a high price of 300 million, and said that he will pay for it himself when the time comes.

If the reason is really like Lieutenant General Liu Xing just said: purely because he is unhappy to see him, he personally pays to accelerate the demise of the target, it will be too capricious!

Five of the latest bounty slips were released.

That pirate whose bounty instantly crossed to 300 million naturally became the target of everyone…

Somewhere in the West Sea.

“Hahahahaha, Lao Tzu’s latest bounty list is finally out!” A pirate laughed loudly: “Last time, you actually dared to charge me such a low amount, this is enough to attract the attention of the navy, right?” Little ones, read me the latest numbers! ”

“A… Ten…… Hundred…… Thousand…… Ten thousand…… Captain, your bounty this time is a full 300 million! His subordinates read out the number in shock and confusion.

“Thirty million, it seems that the damage caused is still … Wait, what do you say? Three hundred million?! ”

The pirate captain hurried over.

After seeing the real amount, I immediately wanted to cry.

Three hundred million? How could it be 300 million?

Although there was a wave of limelight, he was the one who knew his true strength best…

Not ready to step into the circle of 300 million bounty criminals! It is estimated that a large group of people will come to pick up the leaks and harvest his heads……_

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