Navy Headquarters.

In the marshal's office.

Sengoku had finished processing the tedious documents, stood up, walked to Garp, and snatched the package of senbei from his hand.

"Ah, Sengoku, you old fool, you rob me of my senbei!"Garp suddenly stood up and reprimanded.

Seeing Garp's angry look, Sengoku didn't take it seriously at all. Instead, he sat leisurely on the sofa and ate senbei.

"Garp, is what you just said true? Is it true that the sailor named Roya, as you said, was able to use the Overlord's Haki freely in just over three months?"Sengoku asked.

After saying goodbye to Roja just now, Garp came here immediately and told Sengoku about Roja's affairs.

"Sengoku, what can I say about you? You are the Admiral of the Navy. Don’t you have any information about the marines under your command? I really don’t know how you can be the Admiral."Garp quickly snatched back his bag of senbei from Sengoku and even began to mock him.

"���You also know that I am a marshal. How many sailors do we have in the Navy Headquarters? Besides, there are so many practical matters that need to be dealt with. Every one of my sailors can clearly know that you can be this marshal if you are capable!"Warring States shouted back angrily.

"Hahahaha, I don't want to, I'm just a lieutenant general, you see how free and comfortable I am now, unlike you, you have white hair but you dye it black on purpose, you're already old, can you stop pretending like that, Sengoku." Karp continued to mock

"Shut up!"

"You are also an immortal!"

"Garp, since that Roya is a genius, then you have to teach him well. Our navy is counting on these new generations."

After Sengoku finished speaking, he reached out and snatched the senbei bag from Garp's hand again, only to find that Garp had eaten them all.

Suppressing his anger, Sengoku calmed down and asked,"By the way, Garp, what's going on recently? Have you heard about that pirate in the East China Sea?……"


Early the next morning.

As agreed, Roja came to Garp's training ground.

But the first one I saw was not Garp, but Kerby and Belumeb

"Brother Roya!"

"Hello, my name is Kerby, and this is my friend Belumeb!"

"Belle and I apologize to you for our rudeness yesterday. We are really sorry."

Coby pulled Belle to bow and apologize to Roya. Coby's attitude was still very sincere, but Belle looked reluctant.

"It's okay. How are you? Are you okay? Luo Ya also said politely.

""Brother Roja, I heard from Vice Admiral Garp that the power you used to defeat me yesterday was the Conqueror's Haki, a power that only one person in a million can possess. You are really amazing." Coby said excitedly with a fanboy look on his face.


Belumebear on the side was still unconvinced,"It's just Conqueror Haki, I must have it too, but it's just not awakened yet."

Roja was dismissive of Belumebear and didn't take it seriously at all, instead he chatted with Coby.

After a while, Garp came

"What are you doing here? Don’t you need training?"Garp scolded sternly.

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

Roya and Coby shouted respectfully.

"Kerby, Belumeb, the performance of the two of you yesterday really disappointed me. Today’s training is doubled, no, tripled. If you can’t finish it, don’t even think about eating and sleeping."Garp yelled.

Kirby and Belumeb couldn't refute at all, so they had no choice but to go to training angrily.

"Roja, come with me."Garp said to Roja.

Roja nodded and didn't say much, but followed Garp's footsteps and walked out together.


Garp took Roja away from the Navy Headquarters and came to a barren mountain.

Although he didn’t know what Garp’s intention was, Roja followed Garp here without asking.

"Luo Ya, you have great talent. It takes more than three months to master the free use of Conqueror's Haki. It is rare."

"However, the Conqueror's Haki is innate and cannot be acquired through later training. Therefore, we use the other two types of Haki more widely in battle."

"They are Observation Haki and Armament Haki."

"I brought you here today mainly to demonstrate and explain these two kinds of domineering power to you."

Garp explained to Roja very seriously.

Of course.

Roja must know these basic knowledge, but he did not interrupt him. After all, he still has to show some respect accordingly.

"First is the Observation Haki, watch carefully." Garp said as he picked up a huge stone and punched it lightly, turning it into a pile of gravel, then picked up a piece of cloth to wrap it up and threw it into the air.

Seeing the pile of gravel falling from the sky, Garp closed his eyes instead, acting extremely calm.

Without exception, with the help of Garp's Observation Haki, these stones that fell like a rainstorm did not even touch Garp, allowing Garp to dodge them easily.

Roya was not surprised by this performance, because he had already mastered the Observation Haki, and the system also enabled him to practice automatically. After a night of automatic practice, Roya believed that he could easily reach this level.

"This is the basis of seeing, hearing, and seeing. If you can cultivate seeing, hearing, and seeing to the extreme, you can predict the short-term future. As for this, I won’t show you much." Karp explained

"Next is the armed color domineering!"

"First of all, it is the wrapping of Armament Haki. In addition to strengthening one's own strength, Armament Haki can also be used against natural fruit ability users and capture their entities."

Garp clenched his proud iron fist, and suddenly, his fist turned completely black. Yes, it was the covering and entanglement of Armament Haki.

"Of course, this is also the most basic, just to give you a demonstration"

"what's next"

"I want to show you what kind of power it is to release the armed color after you have cultivated the armed color domineering to the highest level."

Garp smiled very confidently. He walked slowly towards a hill in the distance. As he walked, he put his fist to his mouth and breathed. After a little preparation, Garp directly faced the hill. Xiaoshan punched away.

Then, there was a loud bang, and the entire mountain collapsed.

Garp's fist did not touch the mountain at all, but there was an invisible aura suddenly rushing towards him. It came out and hit the mountain, dismembering the entire mountain in just one second.

Damn it!

Is this the power of the legendary naval hero?

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