Ten minutes passed.

Roja told Zefa everything about the situation in the impel city. Of course, there would be some fictitious elements in it.

For example, Roja didn't say anything about his victory over Magellan.

How to say it after all.

If it were revealed that he had defeated Magellan, other than everyone's surprised reaction, the first thought would be that Roja himself escaped from prison.

If he hadn't escaped from prison, how could he have fought with Director Magellan in Impel Down City?

After listening.

Zefa nodded in sudden realization:"That's it!"

"Doesn’t that mean that Impel Down City is already in great chaos?"

"And a large number of pirates escaped during the chaos."

"It seems that the world is going to be in great turmoil again next time!"

Zefa continued, with a very bad expression on his face, as if he was thinking about the future pattern of the entire world.

It is true.

Although there are countless casualties in Impel Down City, there must be many pirates who have escaped.

The most important thing is The only ones left were the big pirates on the sixth floor underground.

Even though Blackbeard Tikki made most of the big pirates fight with each other, there were very few left except for Blackbeard Tikki who took away Yuzuki Shiru and the others, who were extremely vicious criminals.

, there are also great pirates with their own unique dignity such as Red Earl and Barrett who have not participated in the fight of the Blackbeard Teach Pirates, and Blackbeard Teach will not take the initiative to provoke them.


Magellan is now. He was also defeated by Roja, so if legendary pirates like Barrett really wanted to leave, it would be easy.

However, Roja still has a few doubts, and that is Ze. Why is Fa here? It stands to reason that this is the timeline of the Summit War. Even if he does not appear at the scene of the Summit War, he should be setting up defenses near Marinevando, rather than appearing in the sea outside Impel City.

More importantly, although Zefa is no longer the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, according to his status, his status is not lower than that of Warring States Garp. Logically speaking, Zefa should know all this information, but now he has to let Roja come. Tell him.

This does make Roja a little strange.

"General Zefa!"

"Why are you here? And you should have heard about these things, right?"

Luo Ya is also a straightforward person, not beating around the bush at all, asking whatever comes to mind.

"Let me tell you the truth, Roya!"

"I have been sailing with my students for some time now."

"And because of something, the connection between me and the Navy Headquarters has been cut off."

"As for why I came here, it was not accidental. After all, the news of the Navy's public execution of Fire Fist Ace had spread all over the world."

Zeff's answer showed that he was also a generous person.

After getting this explanation, Roya understood. No wonder Zephyr, with his status, could not have been unaware of the situation in Impel Down. As for the public execution of Ace during the Battle of Marineford, this was undoubtedly known to everyone in the world. Roya had also guessed something about what Zephyr said.

"General Zefa!"

"I guess you ran away because when the Shichibukai candidates were re-selected, a pirate was selected, and that pirate was Edward Weeble!"

"am I right?"

Roya said.

The moment they heard the name Edward Weibull, Ain, Binz, and Xiuzo were all stunned at the same time. Even Zefa's eyes showed endless killing intent.

"That’s right!"

"A few years ago, the internship ship I was leading was attacked by pirates. All my beloved students except Ain and Binz were killed, and my right arm was also severely injured."

"And the culprit of that incident was Edward Weibull!"

"As a result, it is simply ridiculous that the World Government wants to order such a heinous pirate to be the king of the Shichibukai!"

Zefa's attitude at this time was extremely angry, and even his huge mechanical arm could not stop trembling. Perhaps if Edward Weibull was really at the scene, Zefa would definitely kill that guy with his own hands..

As for Edward Weibull, this is the man known as Whitebeard II. He can cut off Zefa's arm and kill an entire trainee navy. It is conceivable that he is still somewhat powerful, but according to Zefa. If Fa is capable of becoming an admiral, then Edward Weibull may not necessarily be his opponent in a one-on-one duel. Perhaps it was because the entire ship was made up of trainee sailors. In order to take care of these trainee sailors, , Zefa lost his arm due to miscalculation.

Of course, this was just Roja's guess.

This was Zefa's inner pain. They didn't mention it in detail, so Roja naturally didn't need to ask everything.

"no way"

"To put it bluntly, the Navy is just a running dog of the World Government."

"How can we talk about the justice of the navy?"

Roya said with a smile, and his meaning was very clear, that is, he wanted to mock the so-called justice of the navy.

After all, he thought that he had only killed a useless Celestial Dragon, but the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters attacked him at the same time, and every move was fatal. If he had not been strong enough, he would have been executed on the spot, and he would not have been imprisoned in Impel Down.

The same reasoning applies to Zephyr. Edward Weeble killed so many navy soldiers and even broke the arm of the admiral of the navy. Isn't this also a heinous crime?

In the end, just because of a word from those people in Marijoa who thought they were high and mighty, Edward Weeble was going to be enthroned as the legitimate Shichibukai, but the navy didn't dare to say anything, so they could only execute it as they said.

So this is also the reason why Roya wants to leave the navy, because he doesn't want to be a running dog of the Celestial Dragons.


"Roya, you are wrong!"

"It is true that the navy obeys the orders of the World Government, but not all of them are necessarily lackeys!"

"The Navy represents justice! You must always understand that justice always exists!"

"I hope that I can firmly believe in my own justice. No matter if you are a navy or not, you must fight against those vicious pirates in this world!"

Zephyr said to Roya very seriously.

For Zephyr, he is not a running dog of the World Government, but justice is implemented in his heart. However, maybe Zephyr's justice will gradually change because of hatred in the future.

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