Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 103: Orlan's Crazy Fan, Elemental Dragon Adult Limited Edition

"Sorry, boss, we made the room very dirty. Please clean it up yourself. The extra money is for cleaning."

Kuni took out a few more Baileys from his pocket and stuffed them into the shop owner.

He has been managing the factory for Orlan for the past few years, and he also got a share of the profits. In addition, the residents around him gave him medical expenses to thank him, so Xiong in this timeline is not poor.

"Are you crazy? Those are the people from the Delhi Pirates and the Kuerhe Gang. If you do this, they will chase you! Run quickly, it's not too late!

This is the edge of the island. Their large forces usually don't come here. The ones who stay here are just people who collect protection fees. You should be able to deal with it."

Pirates occupying territory is not uncommon in the Grand Line, especially in the lawless zone, but these pirates who occupy the island will do completely different things.

Some simply provide shelter, treat this place as a base camp and develop it well, and even make the locals support their rule.

Some are pure exploitation, no matter what this place will become, they will squeeze every penny of profit.

The situation on Firefly Island is not particularly bad. The pirates who occupy this place know when to stop, but it also makes the locals live very tired and miss the old days.

If someone beats these pirates, they will not go to inform them, and they may even feel happy about it, but they dare not join the other side blatantly. The shadow left by the pirates is still too big.

"No money this time, but with so many people, you may die if you stay on this island. You should try your luck at sea."

The boss said to himself, and even prepared an escape route for them.

Bear and Frankenstein didn't say anything, but left the room fee to the boss, and dragged the people who had bad intentions last night to the streets of the town.

As the boss said, there were not many people on the street at this time, but he misjudged something. Several drunk gang members were beating others in the corner of the street.

"Are you crazy asking us for money? When did we ever give money to anyone?"

"Do you think you can do business on this street without our consent? I think you don't want to do it anymore!"

A group of people dressed like cowboys were drunk and spoke vulgar words from time to time.

"Speaking of which, why hasn't the boss come back yet? Is he too drunk with that chick?"

"Who knows? He's a very rude man. I hope that chick can live a few more days and not die so quickly."

Several gang members were discussing what happened last night, but they didn't stop their actions at all.


Finally, a scolding from the side stopped them. A man with black hair and black pupils and a fairly strong body ran out from the side. His fine black medium-length hair looked greasy and he was wearing a worn windbreaker.

While speaking, he kicked over here and kicked a hungover gang member away while falling to the ground himself.

"Who am I thinking? Isn't this the 'genius inventor' Brand? How dare you come to me? The Godfather has been looking for you."


The gang members were not responded to with words, but with fists. Brand seemed to know how to communicate with the gangs and took the initiative to attack them when they were not paying attention.

For a while, the situation changed from a one-sided beating by the gang members to a street fight. Although the gang members were numerous, they could not play their advantages due to hangovers and narrow terrain. With the help of a handful of lime, they were beaten back by Brand.

Finally, they fled here in a panic.

"Wait, kid! Wait for our big brother to come!"

"Huh, it's a good thing these guys didn't bring guns, otherwise it would be troublesome. Are you okay?"

Brand helped up the child who had just been beaten by the gang. The child seemed to know Brand. While thanking him, he also asked curiously: "Did your research succeed?"

"It's almost there, it's almost there. I said, I will definitely research something to save this country."

Brand took out two pills, one blue and one pink.

"How about it, which one do you want to take?"

"Will you become a superman after taking it and drive away all those pirates and gangsters?"

The beaten child picked up the blue pill, his eyes full of hope, but it was fleeting.

"No, this is a strong painkiller, as long as you take it, you won't feel any pain."

"What about the pink one?"

"It's also a painkiller, but it's strawberry flavored."

"Uncle Brand, I suddenly feel that the adults say you are a fool, and it's not without reason."


A loud noise suddenly came from the direction where the gang members had just escaped, and the sound like a cannon interrupted Brand's conversation with the boy.

"Go home quickly, it's dangerous outside."

Brand told the other party and ran in the direction where the sound came from. In the middle of the street, a huge bear paw mark was left on the street, and the gang members were pressed into the ground with white eyes.

The boss they were talking about was the group of people who had gone to trouble Frankenstein last night. After a fight with Brand, they happened to meet Bear and Frankenstein who were dragging the pirates and gangsters out of the hotel.

The conflict broke out because Frankenstein felt that beating them would not make up for the cost and would only lead to more expenses than income, so Bear finally took action to deal with them.

But this time, it was considered a complete commotion.

The pirates and gang members living in the town appeared one after another, but were knocked down one after another.

"Hey! Here, follow me!"

Seeing someone fighting with gangs and pirates at the same time, Brand's eyes showed a look of joy, and he immediately called Bear and Frankenstein to follow him, wanting to take them to a safe place.

"Do you want to go over and take a look?"

"Go, they should be natives, maybe they can bring more information."

Frankenstein shook off the stains on the hammer and followed Bear.

"My name is Brand, I am a member of the resistance here. Those pirates are troublesome characters, just follow me, I know where there is a safe place to stay."

Brand had never seen Bear and Frankenstein on the island before. If they were originally members of the gang or pirates, they would not be so unknown, so he chose to believe them.

"Rebels? Are there still people on this island who are resisting them?"

Hearing this word, Xiong seemed a little happy. If there were such a group of people, he would soon be able to figure out the situation on the island. After all, after fighting for so long, he had to know the enemy's weight.

"This... It's just me. If you are willing to join me, then there will be three people."


A big pit appeared under Frankenstein's feet. Brand's words almost made her lose balance and fall. Finally, she burst out with a strange force to stabilize her body.

"Are you kidding us?"

"No, listen to me slowly."

Through Brand's narration, they finally understood the situation on the island. There were indeed a large number of rebels here, or more precisely, the former Kingdom Army.

After losing the protection of the World Government, they tried to continue to protect the safety of the island. At first, it was quite effective, but with the emergence of the Delhi Pirates, this balance was broken.

The Kingdom Army was not his opponent. After the island was occupied, they became rebels. With the passage of time, they either died in battle or withdrew. In the end, only Brand was left to persist.

He realized that his force could not defeat the enemy, so he wanted to invent powerful weapons to defeat the pirates and save the country.

"That guy is a monster. His hands can emit yellow flames. If touched by that flame, people will slowly age and die, and even armor will decay."

"A devil fruit ability user?"

"Well, it should be like that. In addition, there is the godfather of the Kuerhe Gang, Kuerhe, who is an animal ability user. He should be a creature like a centipede or a millipede. The two of them are the most difficult people on the island."

Brand took the bear and Frankenstein into a mountain on the edge of the island and entered a hidden cave.

Some sloppy experimental equipment can be seen here, which looks like it was dismantled from somewhere.

"These are all the legacy of the previous kingdom. That year, our king believed that a man could develop an elixir of life, and he used all the money in the country to purchase these equipment. As a result, that man ran away with the money.

The king took the remaining money and lived happily, and we were miserable.

By the way, you are not locals, right? I saw a warship approaching here yesterday. Were you exiled?"

"No, we are here to save this place. Wait a minute, I will tell you later.

Father, this is the information we collected. In addition, there is..."

Frankenstein picked up the Den Den Mushi and put Brand aside. He reported the information collected yesterday and the news just said by Brand to Oran. At the same time, Zack also reported the collected information to Oran.

There are certain differences between the information, but in the end there is a common point. The strongest person on this island is Delhi of the Delhi Pirates.

"Sidilier Oran! Ah, no, I shouldn't say that, it's too rude. Please allow me to do it again.

Dr. Sidilier! I've heard of you. I heard that your talent is no less than that of the genius scientist Vegapunk, but the main focus is different."

After asking Oran's opinion, Frankenstein and Bear finally brought Brand back to the camp. Unexpectedly, the moment Brand saw Oran, he became as excited as a fanatic.

"Bear, where did you find such a lunatic? Do all the people on this island have mental problems?"

"He is actually an enthusiastic person. Maybe he is a little excited to see Brother Oran."

Brand had never been exposed to science before. He changed his mind because of the changes in the country. He learned by self-study and learned knowledge from the literature and papers published in newspapers. Therefore, he knew more about Oran.

"Doctor, this is my idea for superhuman medicine. I think it's okay."

"Okay, Brand, calm down. I'm not here for academic research. If you are really interested in this, I can teach you after I finish other things, but your talent may not be in this area."

"Sorry, I was too excited."

Olan changed to a relatively euphemistic statement. He didn't know how Brand learned it, but every word Brand just said was a challenge to the scientific community. In layman's terms, it was all wrong.

But Brand brought him very valuable information. There are still a lot of research equipment on this island. Although so many years have passed, it may still be useful after repairing it.

Dealing with an island occupied by pirates is much simpler than usurping power and plotting against the country. The first step is to kill the strongest guy on the island, which can solve 90% of the problems.

Now we have all the information about Delhi. After all, he has dominated this island for so many years, it is impossible that no information will be exposed.

Zach even sent back a message, saying that Delhi seemed to have noticed the disappearance of the group of people last night and had already rushed here.

"Okay, everyone, we need a complete battle plan. Delhi's ability may be a little dangerous, but I just happen to have a way to target him."

Oran looked at Terra who was dozing off on the side, and the smile on his lips made Terra shiver inexplicably.

On the dock on the coast, Oran sat here with Terra and waited for a long time. Now a silver figure in front of Oran has gradually gathered into a human form, and there is also silver gel gathering here in the distance.

"Zach, are you sure you didn't hear it wrong?"

"Master, I'm sure that the man said he wanted to sneak here by boat. Maybe it was because he was right opposite the island, so it took more time. Look, he's here."

Not far away, a pirate ship came against the wind. It seems that today's sea breeze delayed their journey.

"Bear, come and say hello to them. You should have not neglected your exercise during this period, right?"

"Of course not. Do you want to sink them directly?"

"Of course, that's a pirate ship, but wait until they get closer. If that guy sinks to the bottom of the sea, it will be difficult for us to prove to other people on the island that this guy has been killed."


Bear didn't say much. He opened his arms and continued to compress the air. The bear paw bubble that was bigger than him eventually turned into a small mark smaller than his palm.

"Pressure cannon."

When the pirate ship gradually approached, Bear gently pushed forward, and the seemingly harmless bubble flew lightly towards the approaching pirate ship. The people on it didn't even realize what it was.


When the ship was about to dock, the bubble and the ship officially came into contact, and the compressed air exploded instantly. The powerful impact force blew the ship into pieces in an instant.

"It's quite powerful, but the casting speed is still a bit slow."

"It can be faster, so that the power can be more concentrated. Brother Oran, the enemy is coming."

A figure rushed out from the wreckage of the ship.

"Assholes, what did you do to my ship?!"

A bald man's hands exuded a strange yellow power, and finally condensed into several fireballs and flew towards Oran. Xiong raised his hand and slapped his chest. Oran also flew directly into the air with the power of the Book-Book Fruit.

The yellow flame fell on the wooden dock. In the blink of an eye, the already broken dock turned into a pile of rotten wood, and the most hit places turned into ashes.

Old Delhi, the superhuman forward fruit ability user, the time of things touched by his hands or the energy released will be pushed forward. With his current ability, every touch will make time move forward 20 years.

If the object's survival time is exceeded, then the object will disappear directly.

It has similar abilities to the Ripe-Ripe Fruit eaten by the Ninja of Wano Country, but it is not a fruit, because the impact of the Advance Fruit can be removed before the object disappears, while the growth caused by the Ripe-Ripe Fruit is irreversible.

"You are not young anymore, old man. Wouldn't it be better to retire at this age?"

"Kid, what are you talking about? Haven't I stopped going out to sea and come here to retire? You broke into my territory.

You broke my pirate ship. It looks like my vice-captain was killed by you."

"If you are talking about the coward named Stewie, then it was indeed me who did it, but I am curious, how did you confirm this?"

"I used that kid quite well. As for your question, go to hell to find the answer!"

Derry did not explain anything to Oran. All this was because Derry himself knew how to make a life card, and he hinted to Stewie yesterday that he should act in advance.

So after seeing the life card damaged, he came here. If he hadn't wasted time on the road, he would have arrived earlier.

"Feel the passage of time, kid!"

Delhi's bald head was not shaved by himself, but was caused by hair loss in old age. He hated people younger than himself. What he liked most was to make people older than himself and watch them die of old age.

This time, in order to quickly knock down the enemy, Deli even waved his palm five times in a row, which meant a hundred years of fast forward. If a human was touched, he would usually turn into a skeleton immediately, and this was what Orlan was waiting for.

"Terra! Watch your performance!"

This time, Orlan did not dodge, but hugged Terra and threw it hard, letting Terra face the opponent's attack.

After collecting intelligence about Deli, Orlan thought of a way to deal with it.

To be precise, he has many ways to deal with the enemy, but this way is the most beneficial to him


Terra's body began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, the rough scales became as hard as rocks, and the dragon wings behind him became extremely wide.

The teeth in his mouth became sharper, and the rock-like hyperplasia blocked all the vital parts of his body.

In the blink of an eye, Terra became a giant with a wingspan of more than 20 meters.

A hundred years is a lifetime for humans, but for elemental dragons, it only allows them to end their infancy and become a young dragon.

"Don't just stand there, Terra. The power in your body is about to awaken. Let him experience it."

Olan landed on Terra's back and gently touched Terra's neck. The growth cycle of Asian dragons is too slow. After knowing the other party's ability, Orlan thought of this step.

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