Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 111 This is the safest District 13

"Is that actually Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

"Her Royal Highness came to hunt down the remaining pirates herself. This is simply unimaginable."

There used to be a king on Firefly Island. Although the citizens miss the old order, they don't have much of a good impression of the royal family in the past.

After all, if it weren't for the previous king's mess, Firefly Island wouldn't be like this in the end.

The most important thing is that at first they thought that what they worked hard to collect was the high heavenly gold, but in the end, all their hard work was squandered by the royal family.

If those pirates hadn't made this place worse, they would never miss the past order. Only when people lose what they once had, will they miss it more.

The new princess is hunting pirates, which seems to be a fantasy to the residents of Firefly Island.

Maybe this was for show, but the royal family before them were not even willing to touch the soil, let alone Leliana getting all dirty like this.

In fact, Leliana didn't mean to show off, she wasn't that complicated herself, she really wanted to do something.

All family members are working hard towards the goal, but she spends most of her time on the road of cultivation.

This time, even Terra got a temporary experience card, but Leliana didn't make any contribution, which made her a little depressed, so Oran just let her go.

Now Firefly Island is in the process of finishing the work. The corpses of the previous pirates have not been put away as a deterrent. The remaining pirates are almost scared out of their wits. Moreover, with their strength, it is impossible to threaten Leliana. .

To put it bluntly, Leliana just stood there and let them shoot. These people may not be able to break Leliana's skin defense.

But Leliana's behavior has established a good image in the eyes of ordinary citizens.

The new king drove away the pirates and gangsters, and the underage princess was also maintaining the security of the island, which made them believe that the other party really wanted to change the island.

As the news spread, people's hearts became more hopeful.

They are the bottom dwellers on the sea. The goal of such people's life is simple from beginning to end - to stay alive.

The person who can make them eat well, wear warm clothes, and live safely is a good king.

A few days have passed, and the island has undergone two major searches. It is basically certain that there are no pirates left, and the curfew has been lifted.

However, at night, there were still very few people going out. After sixteen years of pirate rule, the island had no infrastructure and no entertainment at night.

Rather than facing possible dangers in the dark, it would be more practical to have a baby at home.

Thanks to Delhi, not only the expensive experimental equipment was preserved, but the industrial area on Firefly Island was not completely scrapped. The laboratory moved from Feld has been released by Oran from his own book. Begin to restart the industrial area on the island.

Pirates also need to eat. The agricultural area on the island is not abandoned, but due to the damage done by the pirates, the output has been declining in recent years. As a new order begins to envelope the place, the farmland has also begun a new round of development. of re-cultivation.

Oran is starting to build his own team. Ginny has become the minister of the Intelligence Department, but now he is a bare commander, and there is no other suitable member in the entire department except her.

The nature of this department means that this will be the organization with the strictest personnel review, and it is impossible for idlers to interfere here.

Kate took the Royal Guard mechas to form the Kingdom's Royal Guards, also known as the Royal Guards. They are currently the busiest department, and they can be seen in every area on the island.

Xiong and Brand were jointly responsible for the island's security forces and began to rebuild the security order on the island. Olan himself, as the top decision-maker, was directly in charge of scientific research, military industry and medical affairs.

At this time, he needed some helpers, so a group of bionic robots appeared. They did not have the emotional modules of Frankenstein and others.

In this ocean, emotions can raise the upper limit of strength, allowing special individuals such as Frankenstein and Zach to exert stronger strength. However, in auxiliary management, the absence of emotions means absolute rationality, and will never Will disobey Oran's orders.

They will consider the optimal solution based on the instructions given by Oran without any selfish motives.

These robots will be key assistants to Olan's management. The current infrastructure is not perfect, the speed of manufacturing robots is very slow, it is still in the stage of hand-to-hand manufacturing, and the current cost is not low.

After a period of development, the number of such robots will also increase.

If everything goes well, these robots will serve in key positions in various key departments. Of course, accounting positions cannot be left to them. These robots are not very good at making false accounts.

After all, this batch of artificial intelligence is the most rudimentary and can only respond logically. The program will make logical responses based on the set logical rules and does not have the ability to think for itself.

Time is passing, and Piltover's development is gradually getting closer to the right track. The first thing to be built was the fort abandoned by the pirates near the port.

Although in the first half of the Grand Line, the sea situation is not as dangerous as in the New World, defensive measures are still necessary. The powerful pirates with super strength will naturally have dedicated personnel to deal with them. What ordinary people have to consider is to keep those pirate ships close by. It sank in place before reaching the shore.

Heavy artillery with longer range and greater power was installed in the permanent fortifications on the shore to defend against possible risks.

Oran was carefully investigating the environment of the island. Although he had read the information before, there was a big gap between the documents and the actual situation. If he did not investigate carefully, there would be trouble.

Today, Oran is busy with infrastructure issues. Due to the unique island environment, all terrains can be said to exist on Firefly Island.

Two rivers run through the island, providing sufficient water for the island. The vast plains are all high-quality farmland. At this time, Oran is flying in the air with the Book-Book Fruit, measuring the river rushing down from the mountains.

The terrain here is very suitable. The difference in terrain makes the impact of the river water not small. Oran plans to build a hydroelectric power station at this location. Together with the wind power generation being prepared on the plain, it is enough to ensure the energy supply of the entire Firefly Island.

Still in the royal city, the place that Delhi used as a laboratory has been emptied, and countless books fill it here, turning it into a royal library.

After coming here, Orlan found a special book, opened it and stepped directly into it.

In addition to the conventional twelve areas, the book world in the book is a separate thirteenth area.

Well, the legendary safest thirteenth area, at least it is unrealistic for others to break into his book without Orlan's permission.

Some special things are stored here, and the ground is also full of research materials, which looks chaotic and disordered, but this is just a habit of Orlan.

He will sort and organize the materials of the projects that have been studied and put them away neatly, but the things that are being studied will be placed very casually.

Outsiders can't understand his laboratory, but he can find what he needs accurately.

In addition to doing infrastructure construction during this period, Orlan spent the rest of his time studying the blood drawn from Delhi.

In terms of results, he is in a stage of success and failure.

In terms of the ability to replicate the fruit, Orlan failed. The things extracted from the blood of the dead ability user are quite weird and do not have the commonality of the bloodline factor studied in MADS.

But this thing allowed Orlan to make a blue pill.

It is not a painkiller developed by Brand, a mediocre person, but a drug with the ability of the Advance Fruit.

The creature that eats the pill will age rapidly in a short period of time, which is considered to be a box of experience cards for Terra, making up for its lack of combat power in the young dragon stage.

This project has been basically completed, and Orlan has also begun to organize these materials and store them in his own database. It was at this time that Leliana found this place.

As we all know, little girls can always enter District 13 very conveniently.

"Dad, a group of strange people came outside and said they want to see you for a doctor. Sister Kate asked me to come here to call you."

Outside Firefly Island, several tiger-headed warships have anchored here, and the words "Babao" and "Hua" are written on the sails. There is no doubt that this is the ship belonging to the Babao Navy.

The status of the Babao Navy is very special. Qingjiao, as the pillar of the Babao Navy, has a bounty on her body, and is even a wanted criminal in the World Government.

However, the Babao Navy has a close relationship with the Kingdom of Flowers. As a member of the allied countries, the Kingdom of Flowers also has a lot of say.

Even though Qingjiao was defeated in the battle with Garp, Garp did not arrest him, but let the people of the Kingdom of Flowers take Qingjiao away.

The Kingdom of Flowers is located in the West Sea. With Qingjiao's strength, he has a way to take the ship through the Calm Belt. The problem is that the West Sea is located in the second half of the Grand Line. Even if he crosses the Calm Belt, he cannot directly enter the first half of the Grand Line.

Although he was impatient, Qingjiao could only enter the Grand Line from the Upside-down Mountain step by step, and it took a lot of time to sail here.

"No news yet?"

"No, they told us to wait a while, and they have already notified their king"


Qingjiao exhaled, suppressing his impatience. He knew that he was looking for someone to see a doctor, and the other party's rules still had to be followed. Fortunately, this time did not last too long. Qingjiao soon met Orlan and expressed his demands.

"I'm a little famous on the sea, you should know what I was like before, but now because of that bastard Garp, I lost my proud cone head!

If you can cure my cone head, I can accept any medical fee."

Qingjiao didn't say anything polite and directly stated his demands.

"I understand your request. This situation is not difficult to deal with. Riley, go find Bear and Fran."

Qingjiao's head is a classic problem in the pirate world. In theory, it can be beaten out again with brute force. Coincidentally, he has no shortage of people who are good at using super strength.

Try a few more times, and you can always find a way to hammer it out again. After all, Rileyana plus Bear and Fran represent three different forms of power.

Olan agreed very happily, which gave Qingjiao a glimmer of hope, but then faced a more serious problem.

"That. Can you pay for the treatment after it is cured? I guarantee with my reputation that I will never pay less."

Twelve days on the shelf, ten thousand a day, I have worked very hard

I have something to do today, so I will not be here for now

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