Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 116: The Wolf Who Lost His Integrity, the Land of the Graveyard, and O'Hara

"Go along the snowfield from here, and you can change boats when you reach Mitchell. Well, it's not that far."

After comparing the old map with the new map, Olan determined the location of several of his people, and then re-planned the direction of travel.

Except when he is on the road or for convenience, Olan does not use the book fruit to fly. There are too many things to worry about and operate when controlling a book to travel a long distance.

If there is a fixed route, he will usually choose to take a boat.

While Oran was planning the way forward, Leliana was patiently staring at the fish float on the water.

She didn't seem impatient, but rather patient.

The pink winter clothes are very conspicuous on this snowfield, like a bright star dotted in this pure white world.

A strong constitution is a strong constitution, and the necessary measures to prevent the cold must be taken, otherwise Oz would be an example.

If you can use clothes to keep warm, there is no need to look for trouble.

Leliana's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement, and the ice fishing rod she held tightly in her hand was very stable. Only the fishing line on the tip of the rod swayed gently in the cold wind.

This was her first time ice fishing, and it was a time of great novelty.

The icebergs in the distance tower into the clouds, and the slight sound of ice squeezing occasionally comes from between the ice layers, as if it is the breathing deep in the earth.

The sun shone slantly on the ice, stretching Leliana's figure long, and her shadow jumped on the ice, forming a sharp contrast with the silence around her.

Kate beside her was very relaxed, leaning on the back of the chair in a very relaxed manner, holding the fishing rod with her tail instead of her hands and bracket.

The breath condenses into small white mist in the cold air, and is blown away by the wind.

Perhaps because of the severe cold, the fish under the ice seemed to be very lazy, and the float did not change even after waiting for a long time.

Suddenly, the buoy sank suddenly, and a smile appeared on Leliana's lips. She immediately jumped up from the chair and started wrestling with the fish biting the hook on the bottom of the sea.

Although Leliana was patient, she had no skills in fishing. At this time, the fishing rod in her hand had been bent into an inverted U shape, and the fishing line was pulled straight.

"Come up here!"

Leliana used her arms to exert force, and a swordfish that was slightly larger than her was pulled out of the water.

Perhaps it was because Leliana was in the novice protection period of ice fishing. It was not until the fish was thrown onto the ice that the fishing rod in her hand collapsed under the load.

"Okay, I caught it. Sister Kate, you also have a fish biting the hook!"

"Really, let me see what I caught."

Kate also had no skills in retrieving the rod, but she was hooking up. Unlike Leliana's fishing line, Kate's fishing line was made of metal. After a fish bit the hook, she controlled her body to release the electric current.

While others are fishing, she is electric fishing. This is also a tradition of the fur tribe.

Waiting for the fish to bite the hook before discharging the electricity is probably the fur tribe's last respect for the activity of fishing.

"It's so ugly. How did you catch such a thing?"

What Kate caught was not a fish, but an eagle-headed creature. According to classification, this thing belonged to the Neptune type.

In this sea, in addition to all kinds of strange fish, the most special creatures are sea beasts and sea kings. Among them, sea beasts are all mammals, usually with the upper body of a mammal.

Strange creatures like sea giraffes and sea tigers are examples.

Very large fish, reptiles, amphibians, and birds are classified as Neptunes.

The size of the Neptunes also varies greatly. There are ultra-large Neptunes in the windless zone and the deep sea of ​​Fish-Man Island, and there are relatively smaller Neptunes in the four seas.

This Neptune with the head of a bald eagle seems to be just such a type.

"Although it doesn't look good, it looks delicious."

Leliana's purpose of fishing was very simple. She didn't want to catch and release her fish and perform strange merit-earning behaviors. She simply wanted to eat her prey.

Even though Olan's book space and the snack book in her backpack are filled with a lot of fresh food, she still won't refuse this hunting behavior.

If you think about it from the perspective of survival, the snacks in her snack book can last for a long time. The stock of buns made at Fish-Man Island last time has not been used up yet.

Turning a new page in her book, Leliana took out a set of kitchen utensils and placed the barbecue grill outside.

"Dad! Are you done? I've caught the fish!"

"Are you hungry? Just wait for a while and then set off after eating."

Roasting is a cooking method inherited in human genes. In theory, as long as the ingredients are not too bad, they can always be eaten after being simply roasted.

Although none of the people present were professional chefs, they could still cook simply. It didn't take long for most of the food to be delivered to Leliana's stomach.

When Oran and the others set off again, there were many other things in the team, such as a group of snow wolves pulling carts.

They were attracted by the aroma of food and discovered a group of people barbecuing on the spot.

Food is relatively scarce on this ice sheet. The beasts living here will not miss any hunting opportunities. From the perspective of the wolves, this is just a group of two-legged beasts.

Now is the winter when food is scarce, and the heavy snow has almost covered up all life. The wolves do not want to let go of so much meat, but when they take action, reality gives the wolves a painful blow.

The girl with the largest body on the opposite side said a bunch of strange words.

For example, [What a cute dog], [Don't fight], [Don't steal other people's food] and other human languages ​​that they couldn't understand.

Then she slapped all the strong guys in the wolf pack and knocked them down.

In order not to become their food, these snow wolves finally became sled wolves pulling carts.

This is a temporary means of transportation to save effort on the ice field. These snow wolves that came to the door were forced to pay their own physical strength.

The only good news is that they were fed by these bipeds.

"Meow hates dogs, these guys look stupid"

"Sister Kate, Dad said they are wolves."

"It's the same for meow."

Although sitting on the sled, Kate still felt disgusted in her heart. Perhaps this is the instinct of cat fur.

"At least they are obedient, aren't they? It will take a while to get to the destination from here. If they pull the cart, we will be much easier."

Aolan threw a few pieces of dried meat forward, accompanied by waves of wolf howls, and the snow wolves seemed to run harder.

They couldn't beat them, so they had to choose to obey in order to survive.

When Oran and his men were still on the snowy plains, Qingjiao had already returned to the Kingdom of Flowers.

At the headquarters of the Babao Navy, the pillar of the Erbao Navy was waiting for Qingjiao's return. It was not difficult to see a sense of complacency from his eyebrows.

"Has Qingjiao not come back yet? I think marriage is a very good choice. You are already married. Let your future children marry my grandchildren and become a family. This will benefit us all.

The Erbao Navy and the Babao Navy can also gather their strength to become the real Shibao Navy."

Like the Babao Navy, the Erbao Navy is a violent group in the Kingdom of Flowers, and they all have an idea about "Shibao".

The situation of the Babao Navy is not very good now. Qingjiao's son did not inherit his fighting talent. The Ba Chong Quan has not yet been cultivated to the level of the Cone Dragon Cone Nail, and cannot bear the responsibility of the Babao Navy.

Originally, when Qingjiao was not injured, the Erbao Navy had not thought about this matter. At that time, if they married the Babao Navy, the dominant power would definitely fall into the hands of Qingjiao.

But now it is different. The Babao Navy has entered a period of transition due to Qingjiao's injury. According to gossip, Qingjiao even has the idea of ​​retiring.

So the Erbao Navy chose such a time to propose a marriage, hoping to gain more dominant power. The Erbao Navy in the original timeline also did so.

After losing its pillar, the Babao Navy at that time finally agreed to the marriage. After all, they also needed the power of the Erbao Navy to stabilize the situation of the Babao Navy.

"Hahaha, merge? This is a good idea. I also want the Babao Navy to become the Shibao Navy!"

At this time, Qingjiao also came back here and directly accepted this matter for his son.

"But who will have the final say on the future of the Shibao Navy?"

"Qingjiao? Your head"

"Well, I found a super doctor to cure it.

Hey, don't leave, let's finish the marriage first!"

The leader of the Erbao Navy found a reason to leave here. Although the marriage is a good thing, if Qingjiao returns to his heyday, it will be difficult for the Erbao Navy to obtain the expected benefits, so he finally chose to postpone this matter.

Because of this cone head, it even changed the pattern of the Flower Kingdom to a certain extent. On the snowfield, Orlan also released the snow wolves back to nature.

Most of the surrounding snow has melted, revealing the tender grass below. After the wolf pack worked hard for a few days, Orlan and his team successfully left the original ice field.

"Well, the location is right. Mitchell is in front. When we get there, we can buy a ticket to the next destination."

There are not only pirate ships and warships sailing on the sea, but also ordinary merchant ships and passenger ships. In the four seas, the marine environment is not as dangerous as the Grand Route.

For people with a certain amount of financial resources, it is common to go to neighboring countries for vacation.

The World Government also has special routes between member countries. Although the frequency of flights is very low, and some unpopular islands may only have a ship going back and forth once a year, there is still a way to communicate.

Not everyone will prepare a ship specifically for long-distance voyages, and a ticket is the way most people travel.

"So Dad, where are we going next?"



"Well, it's the holy land of archaeology today. There is a very special library there. I am interested in those books."

With Kroba's efforts, scholars from all over the world saw his determination to explore history. This belief infected many people, and scholars from all over the world are gathering in O'Hara.

On O'Hara, there is a towering tree that is more than 5,000 years old. Scholars built a library in the tree and stored data and documents from all over the world there. At this time, it was called the Library of the Tree of All-Knowing.

Those materials cover a wide range, not just ancient texts, but also a lot of technology, geography, biology and other aspects.

The map of the Ice Kingdom is a similar historical document. Orlan currently has no plans to study the main historical text. Studying that thing will not bring him any benefits, but will instead bring him unnecessary trouble.

He just wants to copy another piece of information, which the World Government still doesn't care about, unless Olan stays in O'Hara every day and studies the blank with those scholars for a hundred years, which will cause trouble.

Moreover, at this point in time, the matter of studying the historical text has not yet been fully exposed, so it doesn't matter if we stay for a while.

Olan is now an excellent partner of the Navy, not a criminal who is laying the coffin for the World Government.

But in fact, what Oran is researching is actually more deadly than a hundred years of blank time. It's just that the world government has no idea how threatening the technology Oran is.

"Cloba, I remember him. He seems to have a good relationship with Vegapunk. He's the one with hair like a clover, right?"

"That's him. After copying a document, the purpose of this trip is almost completed."

There are many valuable parts in those materials, and many of Vegapunk's inventions are also closely related to those materials. Oran itself has the ability of book fruit, and it is a mobile library in itself.

For him, copying information does not require hand copying or photocopying. He only needs to go in and touch it with his hands to complete the reproduction of those books in his bookshelf.

"Let's go buy three ferry tickets. It's quite close to O'Hara."

"Dad, is this country a little abnormal? I think they are all so gloomy."

Leliana looked at the pedestrians on the road. Most of them wore black hats and had gloomy expressions on their faces. Many of them even had dead faces.

Even the androids made by Olan are more like living people than these people.

"Hey, travelers? Need a custom casket and grave? We can provide exclusive grave digging services."

The coffin shop just opened in the middle of the street, and the owner solicited customers without any scruples.

This is the custom of Mitchell. This country is also known as the country of graves. Half of its land area is cemeteries, and most of its citizens are engaged in funeral business.

Due to its geographical location, Xihai has always been known as a geomantic treasure land, and many people were buried on this land.

"No need! We are all alive and well!"

The boss's greeting made Leliana very unhappy. She felt that the boss seemed to be expecting others to die quickly.

The boss didn't pay attention to Leliana's words. He seemed to be used to it and closed the door casually.

"Okay Riley, this is how this country is, let's just get out of here as soon as possible."

"Meow doesn't like it here either. The atmosphere here is too weird. Just now Meow asked for directions, but those people looked like they had seen a ghost."

Due to Mitchell's customs, cats symbolize ominousness in this place, and locals generally do not have contact with cats.

Anyway, this is just a transit point, and Oran has no intention of staying.

Their luck is good this time. Oran just found out that a ship will leave here tonight for O'Hara.

As long as they pass through the cemetery area in front, the group will reach the dock, but it seems that a quarrel is breaking out in this cemetery.

"Go away, Absalom, this cemetery is contracted by us, you have no right to dig graves here!"

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