Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 118: Artificial Devil Fruit Born Early, Targeting the Small Garden

"Wow, what a big tree."

The most conspicuous thing about O'Hara is the Omniscient Tree, whose huge canopy covers almost half of the island.

Even just off the shore, you can clearly see this giant tree. For the people of O'Hara, cleaning up fallen leaves every day is a arduous task.

"Let's go, that tree is our target."

The size of the island is very different. Compared with Firefly Island, the area of ​​O'Hara is not even as large as a subdivision of Firefly Island. It didn't take long for Oran to bring Leliana to the Tree of Omniscientity.

The shape of the tree trunk is very strange, and it is full of traces of human activities.

On this island, the only tree older than this is the island itself. After thousands of years, the Tree of Omniscient has experienced changes over the years, and even formed a strange relationship with the residents of O'Hara. Symbiotic relationship.

Some windows can be seen on the tree trunks, and many people live inside. Croba is also waiting for Oran at the door.

"Dr. Sidriel, long time no see. I heard that you are now the king?"

"It's just a false reputation, it's not important, I'm here to disturb you this time.

Dr. Croba, I would like to borrow the library of the Tree of Omniscient and look for some literature. "

"This is nothing to disturb. The library of the Tree of Knowledge is open to the world. Knowledge should not be hidden. If you want to borrow it, you can go there at any time. Besides, there is an old friend here."

Although Olan and Croba do not have a close relationship today, they are still considered acquaintances and occasionally communicate. After all, they represent the top ranks of archeology and medicine.

They sometimes attend when some scholars hold exchange meetings.

"Old friend?"

"You'll know it when you see him. It's a coincidence."

Cloba led Oran and his party into the interior of the Tree of Omniscientity. Almost everything they saw were books. Various documents filled the surrounding bookshelves, even forming a wall of books.

Under the bookshelf, Oran also saw a familiar big head.

"Punk? Why are you here?"

"Olan? What a coincidence. I was looking for some information, and I didn't expect to meet you here."

Croba's old acquaintance was none other than Vegapunk. As the director of the research institute, Vegapunk was not banned. He was free to go wherever he wanted.

However, he rarely goes out due to time constraints. Although he can conduct research on the ship, the environment is much worse than that of Punk Hassad.

"What a coincidence, I'm also here to look for information. How is the life of the director of the institute?"

"It's not bad, at least the World Government has plenty of funds. I recently made a new discovery. If you inlaid seastones on the bottom of the ship, the ship can pass through the windless zone more safely.

Don't you have close communication with the navy? Maybe you can use this to make new deals with them. "

The appearance of Olan changed Vegapunk's research progress to a great extent. Although Olan did not directly disclose to Vegapunk the sea tower stone warship, Vegapunk still discovered it many years in advance.

When MAD was disbanded, Olan hid most of his research results and even made the outside world think that many of the research was done by Vegapunk. Therefore, Vegapunk wanted to use these results to help Olan exchange some research funds from the Navy.

It was his small favor as a friend.

"No, you can find a suitable time to reveal it to the navy. I have my own arrangements."

"That's fine. Is this Riley? She's already grown so big. It's hard to believe."

"Hello, Uncle Punk, your head has also become bigger. Isn't it very heavy?"

Today's Vegapunk's head is several times larger than it was a few years ago, and even the tongue exposed outside his mouth has become longer. In appearance, he even looks more like a weirdo than Frankenstein.

"It's okay, these are all solid knowledge."

Vegapunk didn't feel anything at all. This was also the effect of the Brain Fruit. The more things he memorized, the bigger his brain would become.

"Okay Riley, you and Kate can go play for a while or find a book you like. Dad still has something to do."


Leliana didn't say anything, just followed Kate to the side, while Absalom followed them silently as if silent throughout the whole process.

At this time, he already knew that Oran had the status of a king, and had brought himself into the status of a servant. In Absalom's understanding, it would be a great thing to become the king's confidant. .

Then Oran and Vegapunk were looking for something in the library together, but Oran was simply touching the books with his hands. Every time he touched a book, the collection of books in his book world would increase by one.

It was a rare meeting with an old friend. Vegapunk seemed to have forgotten his original purpose and discussed some research difficulties with Oran.

"Speaking of which, your previous research helped me a lot. It saved me at least several decades of work. Unfortunately, what I came up with was still a failure."

"Failure? What did you study?"

"Recreating artificial Devil Fruit through bloodline factors is not easy. I have already planned to suspend research in this area."

"Kaido's blood factor?"

"How do you know?"

"I can also read newspapers. I saw the news about Kaido's escape from the institute a few years ago."

At this time, Orlan had already guessed what the failed product that Vegapunk was talking about was, which was a replica of Kaido's fish-fish fruit.

In the original timeline, Vegapunk spent a full twenty years to study it and consumed countless funds. However, due to the existence of Orlan, many difficulties in this project were overcome by the two in advance, and even affected the subsequent research progress.

"I won't say much nonsense, Punk, give me that "failed product", I am quite interested in it."

"That's a "failed product", what do you want this kind of garbage for?"

"I know you have severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, you can't fool me with this.

And if the failed product is not destroyed, it will be a bit strange, and I just need it."

".Okay, but I can't send it to you specially. Find a chance to come to my place. I will "destroy the failed product" in those few days, and then you can take it away."

Vegapunk didn't want the World Government to know that he had cracked this secret and could successfully create the Devil Fruit of the Mythical Beast. In the final analysis, he and the World Government were not of the same mind, and they were simply taking what they needed.

Orlan knew Vegapunk's character, and knew that the so-called failed fruit was just a different color. Apart from that, it was exactly the same as Kaido's fruit.


Olan also had his own research on bloodline factors, but his application was different from others. It can only be said that MADS each has its own strengths.

Although Orlan is a generalist, he is not a jack of all trades. He also has his own areas of expertise. In replicating devil fruits, he admitted that he was not as good as Vegapunk.

"By the way, do you want that fruit?"

"Do you still need to ask? Of course it's for Riley. By the way, where's Stussy? Didn't you bring her out this time?"

A suitable mythical beast devil fruit, this is the path Orlan arranged for Leliana. With her physical talent, the enhancement of the mythical beast can maximize her combat power.

Although many mythical beast fruits have appeared in the original timeline, most of them have owners.

Except for the missing ones, the fighting style of the vampire fruit in the ancient town of Shuigu is not very suitable for Leliana.

It's better not to touch Nika for now. A fruit that can escape and choose its master by itself and is stained with a lot of troubles is a bit difficult to deal with.

The replica Azure Dragon is more suitable for Leliana.

"No, I left her in Punk Hazard to handle some trivial matters for me. To be honest, after you left, I only had Caesar by my side, and many things were really troublesome to do."

Thinking of the very unreliable Caesar, Vegapunk sighed helplessly.

"In fact, he is not completely without merit."

"Well? Don't you think his research ability is very poor?"

"No, this is a fact, but he is much more professional than you in defrauding funds."

Oran spent most of the day in the library. While chatting with Vegapunk, he touched all the books along the way.

These collections are not even all of them. At present, there are still scholars from all over the world gathering here, and new books will be sent from time to time. After the books are updated in a few years, Oran will probably have to come again.

After finding the information he needed, Vegapunk started reading, occasionally exclaiming.

After completing his goal, Orlan set out on the return journey and did not stay here for too long. Since Firefly Island is still a non-member country, he finally got a ticket to Alabasta.

As a superpower in the Grand Route, there are relatively more ships heading there.

However, after arriving in Alabasta, they did not return to Firefly Island immediately, but got a new record pointer in the market of Alabasta and purchased a large amount of liquor.

"Dad, this is not the direction of home, right? When we leave, the morning sun should be on the other side."

"Well, we have some other things to do. This time I plan to find you a new teacher."

"Are you going to learn some powerful moves?"

"Yes, it is a very powerful move. If you master it thoroughly, even a monster as big as an island can be penetrated with one blow."

"Okay, it sounds powerful. I will definitely learn it!"

Olan released the ship that had been prepared long ago from the book. This time, there was no fixed route for the place they were going to, so they could only rely on themselves. After all, it was an uninhabited island known to the outside world - the ancient island, the small garden.

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