Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 119 Elbaf's Giant, Fruit Awakening Technique

"Meowth doesn't like the desert. It's too hot there. It's not suitable for the fur tribe to survive."

Kate ran out of Oran's book after the ship left the range of Alabasta. There was no way. The environment there was too hot.

The desert during the day was a natural disaster for the fur tribe, so Oran let her enter the book to temporarily avoid the heat outside until the temperature cooled down.

It has been a while since she left Alabasta, but Kate still can't forget the torture under the high temperature.

"It's okay. There will be no desert country in our subsequent itinerary. You don't have to consider this."


There was a cry in the sky, interrupting Oran's next words. A black shadow passed over the sea not far away, but it was not a bird, but a pterosaur.

Looking forward, the outline of an island has appeared on the horizon.

"Dad, is that a dinosaur? I saw it in the atlas of the Big Tree Library."

"Well, it looks like a Quetzalcoatlus. The cry is quite special."

"But the book says that dinosaurs are extinct."

"Books can be wrong. In most areas, dinosaurs are indeed extinct.

But in the Grand Line, navigation is very difficult. Even the exchanges between the member countries are not much, and there is no communication between most islands.

It is this isolation that has led to each island having its own unique culture. In addition to islands with highly civilized civilizations, there are also islands that have preserved their original appearance."

As Oran said this, his mind moved, and a book copied from O'Hara was taken into his hands.

"This book records things about this island. If you are interested, Riley, you can take a look first."

[For the residents living here, this island is just like a small yard, so let's call it a small garden. 】

This is an exploration log written by an explorer named Rui Arnott. It is also because of this explorer that this place is called a small garden.

"So the natives of this island are all big?"

"Well, pterosaurs are not big among dinosaurs, but there are more than just dinosaurs here. You'll know when you wait."

Olan adjusted the course and moved towards the island. His boat has a complete power system and does not need to rely on hand rowing to move forward.

"Dad, are we just waiting here now? Where are the residents other than dinosaurs you mentioned?"

"Wait a moment, you will see them soon."

Olan threw out a book, which stored a certain amount of dry firewood. According to the characteristics of the books made by the Book-Book Fruit, once the books are burned, the contents will also be exposed.

So after such a book is lit, it can burn for quite a long time. Then Orlan took out a small bottle, dripped a few drops on a wooden stick and put it near the fire.

Just a few seconds later, a fragrance spread around.

"Hex" is very good, barbecue flavor, just a few drops, the roasted soles can be fragrant ten miles away, Orlan intends to use this method to attract the residents of the island.

It might attract some unnecessary creatures, but in theory it can still succeed.

And the facts finally confirmed Orlan's idea.

"Ga Ba Ba Ba, what a nice smell, little guys, do you have wine on your boat? I haven't had wine for a long time."

A giant with a horned helmet and a broom-like golden beard walked out of the forest, squatted next to Orlan's boat, and smiled self-righteously.

"It's so big! No wonder the book says this is a small garden, but not as big as Oz."

"Oh? Little girl, have you seen a giant taller than me? That's really rare, but you are also quite tall as a human, so do you have any wine?"

"If you want wine, I have a lot here, enough for you to drink."

Orlan waved his hand, and after the book in his hand was enlarged, barrels of strong liquor were taken out by him, and they were piled up into a small mountain in front of the giant.

"Gah, that's great. I won't take your wine for nothing. I'll treat you to barbecue. I caught some great prey today.

With wine and meat, it's the perfect time for a banquet.

By the way, my name is Broki, and I'm the strongest warrior in Elbaf! Let's enjoy the delicious dinosaur meat together, guests!"

The logic of the giants is very simple. Since Orlan is willing to give him wine, he is naturally a guest. It can be said that it is their etiquette to entertain guests with fresh food.

Leliana was very excited and was very interested in the barbecue that Broki mentioned. After seeing Orlan nod, she cheered and followed Broki up.

Absalom could clearly feel the fear of the giants, but after seeing Orlan and the others follow him, he still plucked up the courage to chase after them and stood beside Orlan.

Soon Broki led Orlan and the others to the skeleton of a huge sea king, which was his home.

"Ha! I haven't had such a good drink in a long time. It's really rare."

While lighting the fire, Brocki couldn't resist the attraction of alcohol and opened the lid of the barrel to taste it first.

"Dad, is this the new teacher you found for me? He looks like an alcoholic. Is he really good?"

"Of course, don't underestimate him. He is a member of the leader of the Giant Pirates 70 years ago, the Red Devil Broki, a pirate who offered a bounty of 100 million Baileys 70 years ago."

Boom! !

Before Oran finished speaking, a burst of black smoke suddenly came out of the volcano in the middle of the island, and it looked like it was about to erupt. Broki stopped what he was doing.

"It's time, guests, please wait a moment, I will entertain you when I come back."

Broki did not hesitate at all, picked up his axe and shield and walked to the middle of the island, and even half of the wine Oran brought him was taken away directly.

"Dad, what is he going to do?"

"He is going to keep an appointment. This small garden is not only their garden, but also their arena. There are more than one giant living here. Let's go and follow him. This is a very rare duel."

On the other side of the island, a giant with a long black beard also came out, with the same shield as Broki, but his weapon was replaced with a long sword.

"Hahaha! Brocky, you are still on time as always!"

"Of course, Donli!"

Aoki-Donli, another leader of the Giant Pirates, is a person with a bounty of 100 million Baileys, just like Brocky.

In those days, the Giant Pirates were half indulged by the World Government because of their powerful strength. As long as they were not too excessive, the World Government would not care about them.

"It's been so many years, Donli, you are also beginning to miss your hometown!"

"Yes, so I want to defeat you and return to my hometown as soon as possible!"

Donli raised his giant sword and stabbed Brocky's heart, but Brocky blocked it with his shield.

After that, Brocky raised his axe and chopped Donli's head fiercely. Donli used his helmet to resolve Brocky's attack and started a new round of confrontation.

The two did not show any mercy, and each move was aimed at the fatal point.

The clash of weapons caused a huge aftermath. The plants around the two had long been crushed. This open space could be said to be created by them.

"Dad, are they enemies?"

"No, they are even brothers, brothers who have fought side by side for a long time."

"Then why do they both want to kill each other?"

"This is the tradition of the Elbaf Giants. There is a warrior village there, where these two were born. This village believes that the God of Elbaf will always protect the right people and let the right people survive.

So if there is a dispute in the village and they don't give in to each other, they must accept the judgment of the God of Elbaf and decide the right person through a duel."

No one could have imagined that the Giant Pirates, which were once famous in the sea, disappeared because of a little girl's question. She asked who had the bigger prey, Donli or Broki at the time.

Eventually, the two men fought for seventy years. To this day, they have long forgotten why they dueled. They just want to win and fight for the honor of the warriors.

As the leaders of the Giant Pirates, their strength is unquestionable, and even with the update of the version, their gold content is still increasing.

Elbaf has a inherited move-Elbaf's Spear, which is a very powerful move. Oran came here for this move, and also planned to connect with the giants.

Although Charlotte Linlin also knows it, if Leliana wants to learn it, she may agree, but that may require favors. In terms of interests, Charlotte Linlin is very clear.

In addition to the single-person Elbaf Spear, the giants even have a combined attack technique. If you want to learn it completely, you have to find two teachers.

So these two giants eventually became Oran's target.

Although Leliana is alone and has no combined attack partner, maybe she can try to turn into a "two-sword flow" and complete the combined attack alone.



After a hard fight, the two fists holding the shield hit each other's face at the same time, and the two fell down one after another.

"The 51426th battle."

"The 51426th tie."

"Ga Ba Ba Ba!"

"Ga Ha Ha Ha!"

After falling to the ground, the two men recorded the number of their respective decisive battles, and at the same time laughed at the sky, perhaps feeling lucky that the other was still alive and did not die so easily.

At the same time, Oran's hands were already on the ground.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"Some small preparations, just some strong liquor, it's not easy to get them to teach you this move, so you have to use some special methods."

A mysterious force surged out from Oran's body, gradually spreading to the entire island. The people on the island did not notice what happened, but Oran had a new three-dimensional atlas in his hand.

The full view of the small garden was in the opened pages.

Book-Book Fruit·Awakening Skill.

After the superhuman fruit awakens, it will assimilate the surrounding environment. The ability user can manipulate the assimilated environment, expand the scope of influence of their own ability, and control it more powerfully.

The awakening of the Book-Book Fruit is even more special. It does not turn the surrounding environment into a book, but makes everything within the range of influence become the content of the book.

"The moment of performance has arrived, and there should be thunderous applause here."

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