Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 122: Monarch offline system, Zaun angry beast.

Firefly Island, and today's Piltover, everything is developing step by step. Although Olan is not here during this period, he left a complete development policy before leaving. As long as he follows the plan, There won't be any problems.

Ordinary citizens have no feelings about this. After all, they have not seen the king a few times before, and the identity of the king has always been mysterious and distant to them.

The people of Piltover know a man who drove away pirates and gangsters, saved the country, and built all kinds of things on the island.

Even if they can't see Oran, it won't affect their lives.

But Brand's feelings are different. He used to be a member of the Royal Army. Although the royal family of Yinghuo Island was very poor in the past, these people would travel from time to time, and they could always see the king performing in front of the people every now and then.

Olan was good. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he presided over the general direction of development, and then disappeared, spending most of his time in the laboratory doing research.

After treating Qingjiao's injuries, he left here very relieved.

It was the first time Brand had seen such a king who could safely let his daughter serve as regent, and even leave the intelligence and violence agencies in charge of his friends.

In Oran, he couldn't even see the greed for power that ordinary royal families had.

Within a few months, the changes in Piltover were also obvious. The main residential areas have been rebuilt, the roads between various towns have also been renovated, and the abandoned factories on the island have been reactivated and recruited. Many workers.

During the sixteen years of pirate rule, life on the island has been very poor. Many citizens have lived a life of barter. It will take a long time to restore the economy.

Fortunately, there are many places in need of construction on the island, leaving plenty of jobs for them.

But Brand didn't quite understand one thing. After Olan resumed production at the factory on the island, the main products it produced were steel pipes, gas tanks and construction toys.

"Your Royal Highness, this is a summary of today's situation. The Kingdom's security team has completed training and is ready to go on duty at any time.

The dry season is coming soon, and the construction of the dam can also be put on the agenda. Your Majesty Oran? Are you finally back? "

This time the person in the hall is no longer Frankenstein, but Olan who has returned.

Seeing the king in the palace was a very reasonable thing, but Brand actually found it a bit rare.

"Don't look at me with such strange eyes. Isn't there nothing wrong with Piltover's development during this period?"

"That's true, but you are also a king now. If you calculate carefully, the time you left after the founding of the country was much longer than the time you stayed here."

"Systems are always figured out. I think this model can be called an offline monarchy."

As we all know, in a chat group, the group leader may be just a tool. It doesn't matter whether he is online or not. As long as the administrator is responsible enough and does not get sick, the group can be managed well.

In a sense, Oran is replicating a strange system. In layman's terms, the king can go wherever he wants without restraint, leaving behind the general principles and policies, and then handing everything over to his reliable deputy. Do it.

As leaders, they either can't do it, they don't have enough intelligence, or they simply don't want to waste time on such trivial matters. The territory is to better serve them, not to involve their own energy.

This kind of political system sounds magical in the ordinary world, but in this sea, it is the mainstream, because this is an extraordinary world. As the boss, as long as he can control absolute power, he can maintain stability.

With the help of those loyal followers, it is not difficult to do this.

Of course, this management model is mostly used in pirate countries. Traditional royal families still value power. It can only be said that Oran itself is a special case.

"You really know how to create new terms."

"It's not important. You have worked hard during this period."

"It's nothing, it's all what I should do. Mr. Xiong also helped a lot. Everyone in the security force respects him."

Brand was originally a fan of Olan. After a close contact, Olan's idol halo did not break, but became more mysterious in Brand's eyes.

As Oran said, although this kind of management style is unprecedented, it has developed surprisingly well.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Absalom. You can take him to train from now on. He is a user with the ability of the transparent fruit, and he himself lacks training."

"Okay, don't worry, I will train him well."

This was the first person Oran handed over to him, so Brand was very alert. But looking at Brand's kind smile, Absalom didn't know why, but he felt awkward in his heart. Feel.

But Orandu said so, and Absalom chose to accept it for the sake of strength.

"Lord Oran, I will do my best."

Absalom worked hard and trained with the security forces every day, but his congenital conditions were too poor, and his thin body made it impossible for him to keep up with the team.

Even after a period of recovery, he still looked very thin and was the one lagging behind in the team.

Brand would always comfort him gently and guide him on how to strengthen his training, but it still failed to fundamentally change the problem. Especially after hearing the rumors that Brand was gay, Absalom was even a little scared. .

Absalom broke into a cold sweat when he thought about how he and Brand took a shower together after training.

Of course, he couldn't deny that Brand was indeed a good big brother.

The results of training cannot be seen in a day or two. People like Leliana are just an exception after all. After being brought back to Piltover by Oran, Absalom has gone through a year and a half of training, but he is still the same. The tail of the crane in the queue.

Even the newcomers who just joined are better than him in terms of physical fitness.

Counting the battles before the founding of the People's Republic of China and the days of travel after the founding of the People's Republic of China, more than two years have passed. It is now the year 1494 of the Hainan calendar. Leliana has reached the age of seven, one step closer to adulthood.

Firefly Island is also changing with each passing day. Now, in addition to the ordinary security forces, Oran has also begun to further expand Piltover's armed forces.

The original 25 Guards mechas have not changed and are still the Kingdom's Guards. However, Piltover has already planned to prepare a new mecha unit, with a total of 120 places currently available.

Unlike the power armor of the Imperial Guard mechas, the equipment attached to this new batch of troops can only be regarded as exoskeletons, but it is still a great improvement for ordinary people. When the plan was proposed, Absalom was also summoned by Oran.

"Absalom, it must have been more than a year since I brought you back from the West Sea."


"Well, you also know that your talent is not outstanding. According to the original agreement, I will give you stronger power. It's almost time now, but I don't know if you are ready."

"Lord Oran, I have been ready for a long time. I have been ready since the day I decided to follow you."

"Very well, come with me."

Oran motioned for Absalom to follow him. After passing through a deep and long staircase, they came to the underground of the royal city. It was not within the 13th District, but at most on the periphery of the 13th District. You can see a lot here. Precision equipment.

"Absalom, after such a long time, Brand must have pointed out your strengths and weaknesses."

Although Brand is a veritable second-hand in scientific research, his own strength is still good, and he is also very suitable as a leader.

"Physical fitness is your biggest weakness. Although the transparent fruit can give you a powerful ability to infiltrate, it does not change the fact that your physical combat ability is insufficient. And I have a special transformation plan here.

Exercise won't achieve much for you, and you are already a Devil Fruit user, and you can no longer eat animal Devil Fruits, so I decided to use the genes of beasts combined with special alchemical potions to enhance you. .

Do you have any ideas? "

If Absalom refuses, Olan won't say anything. In this regard, he has always followed the principle of voluntariness for his own people. If Absalom resists, he can be assigned a more suitable position with the transparent fruit.

"If you can become stronger, I don't have any objections."

Absalom's eyes were very determined, and his obsession with power still existed in his body at this time.

"Very good, then let me tell you about the transformation plan in detail. This is a special genetic potion that incorporates the genes of the dire wolves captured in the small garden.

I fused it with a special alchemical substance that can enhance your body's self-healing ability, allowing you to withstand most physical trauma, but this will be a test for your spirit.

This transformation process is very painful. Since every cell needs to be transformed, even anesthesia has no effect. Therefore, if your spirit is not strong enough, the transformation is likely to fail. "

Oran first explained the pros and cons to Absalom, and then gave him the choice.

"So do you want to try to challenge yourself, or give up? With the power of your transparent fruit, you can also enhance it through equipment."

"No, that's it, Lord Oran, the most fundamental physical enhancement, this is what I want."

Absalom made his own choice and accepted the transformation of the alchemical potion.

And this transformation method also has a prototype - Zaun's Angry Beast Warwick.

However, compared to Singed's transformation of Fander, the transformation potion and transformation method in Oran's hands are completely different. His transformation will not turn a person into a crazy beast, nor will it make people lose their mind and become bloodthirsty. It's not driven by anger at all.

Perhaps the future Absalom should be called the Piltover Hidden Beast - a werewolf who can become invisible.

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