Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 125 Garp: Why didn’t you ask me to arrest Roger?

Olan's treatment is very simple. He is a "law-abiding citizen". At least before he flips the table, he will abide by the rules.

No matter how much trouble Roger will have in the future, that is a matter of the future.

At this point in time, he is a pirate with a relatively high bounty, just like Whitebeard and others in the New World. Although he is strong, he cannot touch the foundation of the World Government.

From a legal point of view, the Navy has no obligation to protect non-member countries, but there are always exceptions for everything, and the accumulated connections are used at this time.

To be precise, it doesn't matter whether the Navy comes to catch Roger or not. The nearest Navy branch has no one who can deal with Roger. When the Navy sends people from farther away, Roger should leave.

This mainly shows that they have done what they should do. If the World Government wants to investigate in the future, they have nothing to say.

The location information has been given to them, and whether they can catch Roger has nothing to do with Oran.

"Roger? Gol D. Roger? How did that guy end up in your position?"

Zeff's tone changed a little, sounding a little impatient. He knew that Orlan was also quite capable, and with the people around him, the pirates in Paradise couldn't do anything to him.

The pirates that could threaten him were basically in the New World, and apart from that, there were some supernovas that were born occasionally. I didn't expect that a boss would suddenly appear in Firefly Island, which was close to the Grand Line Novice Village.

"I don't know about that. Maybe he came to see a doctor. I'm just an innocent and enthusiastic citizen. I'll report this big pirate to you. You can handle the rest."

"Roger usually doesn't attack civilians, but you should be careful. I'll be there."

[What, news about Roger? Leave it to me. I'll be there! ]

Olan heard a messy voice. It seemed that someone on Zefa's side was very interested in Roger.

"Ahem, it's Garp. You know, he's Roger's nemesis, but it takes a while to get from the Navy Headquarters to your place. During this time, you..."

"Don't worry, I'm just telling you. I'll take care of the rest of the problems."

Olan hung up the call with Zefa and walked outside.

"Brother Oran, what are you going to do?"

"Isn't he here for treatment? Go see what's wrong with him."

"But didn't you just report him to the Navy?"

Seeing that Oran reported to the Navy first and then went to Roger for treatment, Ginny was a little confused.

"These two points are not contradictory. Notifying the Navy is just to reduce future troubles. You still have to see what you should see.

If I really want to help the Navy catch him, I should find a reason to keep him here for a while, but that would be meaningless to us. If this place becomes a battlefield, all the construction in the past few years will be in vain."

According to Zefa, it was Garp who came here, and he was still more than 20 years younger without Coby holding him back.

With the strength of Garp and Roger, if they want to fight to their heart's content, most of the damage to the surface buildings is estimated to be minor. There is no need for Oran to clearly stand on the right side now, or rather, his team has always been clear - his own team.

Whether it is the navy or the pirates, they are all parts that can be used.

Oran remembered very clearly that when Roger set sail again, he was suffering from an incurable serious illness. He wanted to see what kind of disease was so serious that a monster like Roger could not heal himself even under the treatment of top doctors.

"That's right, Garp, Roger, they were both in the Valley of the Gods at the beginning, let them fight among themselves.

By the way, Brother Oran, do you have that kind of medicine?"

"Medicine? What medicine?"

When Oran was about to go to see the situation on Roger's side, Ginny stopped Oran and put forward a special idea.

"That's the kind that makes people take the initiative. Xiongzi is too indecisive in this regard, and some forced external intervention may be needed."

"Yes, but you should take your time. Xiong also has this intention. He just worries about too many things."

"Yeah, then let's treat this as an alternative plan and talk about it later."

Perhaps because she felt that this plan was too radical, Ginny temporarily put it on hold, and Orlan also walked towards the second district.

The Royal City District was designated as the first district. There were the fewest people living here and the most things were hidden. Except for Orlan's initial team and laboratory, there were no outsiders living here at all, but it seemed empty.

The second district he went to is now the economic center of the island. The island's major transactions are basically completed here. The infrastructure is more complete than other areas. Hospitals and schools are also designated within this range.

At the same time, in the Navy Headquarters, Garp, who heard the news from Roger, seemed excited and hurried to the dock.

"Bogart, prepare the troops! We found the trace of Roger. He finally appeared again!"


A navy man wearing a cowboy hat walked towards another. He was Garp's deputy, Bogart. Although he looked young, he was actually not much younger than Garp. When the Valley of the Gods incident happened, he had already been with Garp as a deputy.

Even in the entire navy camp, this was the only pair, a special combination of a vice admiral and a vice admiral. If Bogart had the idea, he could have led the warship alone a long time ago, but he chose to stay with Garp.

"Firefly Island, right? It's really unexpected that Roger would appear in that place. You really came to the right place this time."

"Humph, you just refused the promotion of general and came to me to talk nonsense. You just happened to hear the news."

"Hahaha, the position of general is too restrictive. Let Seng Guo have the headache alone. I don't want that position."

"You'd better say this in front of him."

"I have already said that I was just kicked out by him. This is fate. But I have always been responsible for Roger, right? The news was actually notified to you first."

Zefa and Garp were talking about what happened on Firefly Island while walking. According to the classification of the navy, many pirates have commissioners in charge. For example, Sengoku dealt with the Golden Lion. If the Golden Lion took any action, Sengoku would usually be dispatched. to cope.

"Nonsense, where does Olan have your number?"

"Pfft hahahaha, that's right. Then I'll set off right away. Leave it to me. I'll catch Roger!"

Bogart moved quickly. After finding the corresponding eternal pointer, Garp's dog-headed warship sailed out from the Navy headquarters and headed towards Firefly Island.

On Firefly Island, Roger and his team had not yet arrived at the hospital.

"This island is really big enough. It's been so long and we haven't reached our destination yet."

Shanks took off his straw hat and fanned himself. Now they were in the wilderness, with endless wheat fields on both sides, and a large number of giant windmills scattered intermittently.

A straight brick road leads into the distance. This is the ring road. Based on the principle of building roads first if you want to get rich, although the economic development of each region is different, the traffic conditions are the same.

At the end of the road, you can see the shadow of the town, which is the destination of Roger and others.

"This island used to be a big country, but it declined later. I didn't expect that it has developed so well now. It is much stronger than the original Favre Kingdom."

"Captain Roger, have you been here before?"

"I passed by it once before when I was sailing. It was very different from now. I can't see any similarities at all."

This is not the first time that the Roger Pirates have sailed on the Grand Line. They have completed the voyage before, but they did not find Ralph Drew.

"That's it, but I have a question, what does this brand mean?"

[During underground construction, please watch your step. 】

Bucky looked at the sign in front of him with some confusion. Even though it was construction, there were no workers at all nearby, let alone workers, not even passers-by.

After years of oppression, Yinghuo Island is now considered vast and sparsely populated. In fact, this is a normal phenomenon, and they don't pay much attention to it. On the Grand Line, this kind of thing is not uncommon.

The total population of Alabasta exceeds ten million, but some small countries may have a few thousand people in total. They are more like tribes than countries, and no-man's land is common.

"Underground construction, it must be underground and can't be seen, right? Bucky, what are you thinking about?"

"It's weird that it's underground. What can be in the soil? Wait, is it someone secretly digging for treasure?"

Bucky suddenly thought of something, and then put his ear directly to the ground.

He is obsessed with treasures and is the most money-loving person on the ship.

"Idiot, how could anyone dig for treasure in a place like this?"

"Shh, don't make any noise, I heard it, it's getting closer."


There was an unknown sound coming from the underground. Not only Bucky, but also Shanks and the others heard the noise, and could even feel the ground shaking.

"What's going on? There's an earthquake?"

"No, something is coming!"


The masonry in front suddenly fell down, and a sinkhole suddenly appeared on the ground about ten meters away, and then a huge dragon head poked out from it.

"Tyla, you dug in the wrong place! Why did you dig into the road?"

Behind the dragon, there was a little girl with an oxygen bottle. Well, the older girl looked around and then patted the dragon's head dissatisfied.

Naturally, there is only one dragon here, Terra. After making the advancement fruit into a potion, Terra will take drugs from time to time to turn herself into a young dragon and experience the feeling of having power.

Oran didn't stop it. First of all, Terra could only take that batch of medicine. Taking that medicine for others was no different from committing suicide. If he accidentally took too many pills, he would die of old age. There is no turning back.

Moreover, even if Terra takes those medicines as jelly beans, she can still take them for a long time. Now that she has become a reverse Conan, she may become resistant to the medicine one day.

If you're lucky, you might be able to reverse the drug resistance so that it never changes back.

It is for this reason that the drug developed through the bloodline factors of the Advance Fruit was named APTX-4869.

Today, Terra is also contributing to the construction of Piltover, such as digging underground tunnels.

As a mountain dragon of the earth element, Terra, who has entered her youth, can control the magic of the earth element and use it to dig tunnels without having to consider the issue of landslides.

While digging, Terra can manipulate the surrounding soil to change its structural composition, turning the underground cave into a natural cave. After reinforcement, it can even turn the underground into a civil air defense project.

According to the average firepower level on the sea, even if the Demon Slayer Order is fired once, the tunnel will not collapse. This is also Terra's main job now.

It is also its own feeding time. The soil and rocks underground will not disappear out of thin air. Some of them are reinforced to the surrounding area by Terra's power, but the rest are eaten by it.

This is also one of the ways for elemental dragons to grow. If you want to grow up quickly, you have to take in more energy substances.


"Let's dig here today, remember to repair it."

The one on Terra's back is naturally Leliana. After entering adolescence by taking drugs, even if Leli grows another meter in two years, she can bear it.

[There is a dragon under this dragon! Legend has it that treasures are guarded by evil dragons. There must be a large treasure under this country! 】

At this time, Bucky opened his mouth wide, but his brain was working fast. However, at this time, the tunnel had been refilled by Terra controlling the land and rocks.

But from time to time, Bucky looked at the wrong tunnel exit, as if he had some special ideas.

"Sorry, the blueprint has a little deviation, I hope it didn't scare you."

"I didn't expect that there are creatures like dragons in this country. The sea is really amazing. It seems that I missed a lot of things during the last voyage."

The few people who saw the dragon were more surprised than panicked, after all, Roger was still here.

Bucky was an exception. He was more timid and his current psychological fluctuations were more complicated.

"Little girl, ask how far is it from here to the hospital? We have been walking for a while, but we haven't found it yet."

"Hospital, you took the wrong road, the hospital is on the other side, but I can take you there. Each person only needs 10,000 Baileys to experience the feeling of flying there. How about it, do you want to try it?"

Now there are no locals on Firefly Island who don't know her. Even if she has prosopagnosia, there are no people on the island who are similar to her size. When they see her, they will only call her Princess Leliana.

Based on the principle of self-training, Leliana will also earn some extra pocket money through some means, mainly for outsiders.

She doesn't ask everyone, usually it depends on the eye contact. As she grows older, Leliana also begins to master the observation Haki, but her observation Haki seems to be a little special.

She is very sensitive to whether the other party has malicious intentions. Only those who are harmless will she think about making money.

In fact, she can make more money from people who are full of malicious intentions, after all, there is no need to consider the principle of that.

"Flying? Riding a dragon? I haven't experienced this yet."

"No, Terra doesn't like outsiders riding it, but there can be a special seat. Do you want to consider it? If you walk, I'm afraid it will take a day."

"Then trouble you, take us to the hospital together."

Roger handed over 40,000 Baileys, and Leliana also skillfully took out a few ropes for Terra to hold, and finally formed a few swing-like things.

"Sit tight and hold on, it's time to get ready to go."

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