Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 127 God's Escape! Sell Roger to Garp first, then sell Garp to Roger

"Wait! Captain Roger, why do you refuse? Can't this plan cure you? Mr. Koulokas, what do you think?"

Olan has a good reputation, but this reputation does not equal trust.

For Bucky and Shanks, Kurokas, who has been sailing together for a while, is more trustworthy.

"It might work."

Kurokas didn't know how to answer Bucky's question. At this time, he was also thinking about a question: whether Olan's technology could be considered medicine.

Consciousness transplantation seems to be beyond the scope of medicine.

As a doctor, Koulokas knew a lot about medicine, but he didn't understand scientific inventions. At the same time, he got one thing wrong.

When Olan got a hundred points on the medical answer sheet, he also got full marks on the other scientific answer sheet. However, this answer sheet was hidden under the medical answer sheet. Except for a very few people, no one outside could see this paper. So I instinctively ignored it.

Of course Kurokas can't give an answer to something he doesn't understand.

"Captain Roger, Mr. Kurokas said it's okay, why do you refuse!"

"Yes, if you continue like this, you will really die in the future!"

"Hahaha, death? It's an unknown topic. Maybe this is my destination.

People are always going to die, it's just a matter of sooner or later. Since it is destined to be inevitable, then before death comes, sing the praises of freedom to your heart's content! "

Roger stroked Shanks and Bucky's heads, comforting them that they didn't need to be sad.

[Is this the man who can smile on the execution platform? Yes, this answer is more in line with him. 】

Oran didn't try to persuade Roger anymore. He was only responsible for proposing a treatment plan. Whether it could be cured or not depended on the patient himself. Since Roger chose to refuse, he couldn't force Roger to do this.

"It's different! Captain Roger, isn't there a way to do this!"

"Yes, I can accept it if I change my body."

"Hahaha, the body is the ship of the soul. You are still young and have a more distant future. If the ship breaks down, then naturally you should replace it with a new one.

But I'm different. "This ship" has been with me for most of my life. How could I abandon it halfway? I want to witness the last scenery with it, and then end this magnificent voyage! "

Roger still had a smile on his face, as if the man whose days were short at that time was not him at all.

"After walking the path I should take, everything should come to an end. Don't cry. I still have several years to live. You are making it seem like I am going to die soon."

"Okay, Bucky, Shanks, you know what Captain Roger is like. No one can change what he decides.

Act like a man and don't cry!

The decisions made by men must be fully respected! "

Although they had only sailed together for a few months, Kurokas had already been infected by Roger's temperament and understood Roger better than Shanks and the others.

This is something that can't be helped. For Shanks and Bucky, Roger is more like their father than the captain.

"Excuse me, His Majesty the King. In this case, we are going to leave and will not continue to cause you any trouble."

"I respect your own choice. Although your disease cannot be cured by conventional methods, some suppressive drugs can still be provided."

"Can Captain Roger hold on longer?"

"Unfortunately, we can't. Your ship's doctor has done his best at this point. By the way, after your pirate group is disbanded, are you interested in coming to work for me? The salary is good."

This is Roger's own choice. He is destined to face death, which also means that the Roger Pirates no longer exist. His medical team is stronger, which will not be harmful to Oran.

"No, I have another agreement. I have a troublesome little guy who needs to be taken care of."

Kurokas did not agree. The little guy he was referring to was Labu from Twin Gorges.

Labu is an island whale. Back then, the Lombard Pirates decided to venture into the Grand Line. Because the Grand Line was too dangerous, the Lombard Pirates could only leave Labu in front of the Upside Down Mountain and asked him to wait there for a while. Entrust Kurokas to take care of it.

But after waiting for so long, Rab never saw his friend again.

When Kurokas came out this time, he also had some ideas about looking for traces of the Lumba Pirates.

When the voyage is over, he still has to go back.

"That's it, forget it, I'll give you the prescription directly. You can prepare the medicine according to this method and give it to him along with the medicine you made.

This will make his body more stable, at least he will have no problem fighting or drinking. "

"Can I drink? Don't I have to stop drinking? That's great. This trip is not in vain!"

Hearing this, the corner of Roger's mouth rose even more. As for Olan's poaching of Kurokas just now, he had no objection.

Originally, Kurokas joined temporarily. If Kurokas could really find a good place to go, Roger would also be happy about it.

And Oran didn't give up directly. He knew what Kurokas was looking for now. At worst, he could use the news about the Lumba Pirates to get it to him.

Of course, it depends on the future development. Maybe Kurokas is not worth his energy to go to the foggy sea to find the destroyed Lumba Pirates.

"Then how should we pay for the consultation fee? As for treasure, we still have a lot on board."

"Well, as for the treasure, you can just keep a little of it. The prescription itself is not worth much, but if you are willing to pay for something special, I can give you some gossip. How about it? Do you want to consider it? ?”

"Something special? Interesting? What is it."

The Riddler is not welcome in Gotham, but pirates are sometimes interested in riddles.

"There's no point in telling it in advance. I have a special way of paying the bills, moves. Let me record your fighting moves, and I will give you a piece of information. Whether it is worth it or not, you will only know later."

"Gambling? Then I will follow the bet, but where to try the move? It can't be here, right?"

"Of course not here. If you agree, then come with me."

Oran took Roger and the others out of the hospital and then boarded the tram.

The energy developed by Olan is mainly electric energy, and the application on Firefly Island is naturally similar. In order to strengthen the flow between islands, it took a year to lay such a line across the entire island.

The tram traveled through the wilderness, and after passing through a tunnel, it came to District 11, which is the industrial area on the island and is also a weapons testing site.

Here, they saw a special test robot, the same one used in the Navy Headquarters training camp, but it was an enhanced version of ProMax that could record more things.

"That's it. Just hit it. It doesn't matter if it breaks. But it's best not to break the head, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

"Okay, if that's the case, just use this trick."

Roger's eyes shrank, and then he took out the weapon from his waist, the Twelve Skills of the Supreme Fast Sword - the famous sword Ace.


Roger seemed to be surrounded by a special electric current, and the invisible energy finally surrounded the blade. After locking the target in front of him, Roger swung the sword forward casually.

"God avoids!"

boom! ! !

The test robot was cut in half at the waist. Roger seemed to have deliberately controlled the force, not wanting to destroy the robot too seriously. However, after the blade slashed through the test robot's body, it was like an uncontrolled explosive. Burst open.

In just an instant, most of the test field was razed to the ground, and the targets behind were turned into dust all over the ground.

"Huh, I haven't used this trick for a while. It seems like I'm not used to it yet."

In a sense, Roger is also a single-minded person. Since he has chosen to enter the gambling game, he doesn't care about the amount of the bet. Originally, Olan just let him wave at will, but Roger directly made the overlord. A lusty blow.

Overlord Color Coil, a new skill born with the version update.

Most people's overlord color can only serve as a deterrent, but in the hands of top experts, the overlord color is no longer limited to this.

Overlord-colored Haki is in their hands and can also be wrapped around weapons or attacks.

After entangling, the attack power will be enhanced, and the enemy can be substantively attacked within a certain distance without touching the opponent. Only a very small number of top powerhouses can do this.

Divine avoidance is one of them. Perhaps for Roger, this move is not a big move, but just a part of the normal attack.

Even though Roger controlled the power, after destroying half of the test field, it still affected the area behind.

"He is indeed a legendary pirate. His strength should not be underestimated."

Olan clapped softly on the sidelines

"Hahaha, this is a reward for me being able to drink to my heart's content again. Now can you tell me what your gossip is?"

“Of course, the Navy is already targeting you.

Navy hero Monkey D. Garp is already on his way to find you.

Based on the distance from the Navy Headquarters to here, if Garp goes at full speed, he will probably arrive soon.

How about it? This news is quite timely. "

Roger was obviously stunned when he heard Garp's name.

"Garp? This guy is really haunted. Did he catch up so quickly? Is the news reliable?"

Roger didn't find it too strange. He couldn't remember when it started. No matter what he did, as long as he revealed a little bit of information, Garp would catch up immediately.

"Quite reliable."

It couldn't be more reliable. After all, Olan "sold" the news that Roger was here to Garp. Now, if he repackages this information and sells it to Roger, it's a no-cost deal, and it couldn't be more cost-effective.

"I see, it seems I can't stay too long."

Roger was not particularly worried about Garp. After all, Garp had never succeeded once in so many years. However, in order to prevent being stuck, Roger also began to think about his next move.

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