At this time, Garp was still on the way, but Roger and his group were already thinking about how to escape.

"If the news is true, it will take at least seven days for Garp to arrive, so we can rest for at least six days before setting sail for the next destination."

Roger didn't shy away from discussing the next trip with Shanks and the others in front of Oran, and even told them the general direction of travel.

"I said, there are still outsiders here. Is it really okay for you pirates to openly state your destination?"

"Hahaha, is there any problem with this? Doctor, you are a good person, right? When that guy Garp comes, you can just tell him where we are escaping.

However, that guy’s character was such that he would not cause trouble to the locals. If he were lost, the voyage would become boring. "

Roger still looked nonchalant, not caring at all about revealing his purpose, and in his mind, Garp's pursuit seemed to be a kind of fun.

"Speaking of which, I have a question. Are you really unable to deal with Garp?"

Today's Roger Pirates can be said to be in a top-notch state. Olan doesn't know what the strength of Roger's crew is, but apart from Roger himself, Silbaz Reilly, Skiba Jabba, Douglas All three Barretts were on board.

With such a configuration, it would be a bit bizarre if only Garp could chase them all over the world.

In other words, there is an equally powerful naval admiral on Garp's ship.

"Ah? Well, isn't it natural for pirates to run away when they encounter a navy? If they really get into a fight with the navy, they will probably attract more navy.

My goal is sailing, not fighting the navy every day. "

"Your reasons are really simple and simple."

Olan sometimes doubted that the pursuit battle between Garp and Roger was based on the pattern of fighting spirit turning into a horse.

I am a pirate, and I am being chased by the legendary navy, but I am not panicked at all, because his ship is not as fast as mine.

"This is the life of a pirate. Doctor, you, a king, will not understand this, but I have a suggestion. It is better not to reveal your treatment plan. This technique breaks the taboo."

Swapping consciousness into a new body in exchange for more time to survive may mean a longer life in the short term, but in essence, it seems to be chasing immortality.

Since ancient times, powerful people have been chasing longevity. Ordinary devil fruits sell for 100 million beli, but surgical fruits can reach 5 billion beli.

Although the other abilities of the surgery fruit are also very powerful, the immortality surgery is the fundamental reason for its high value.

Roger could imagine that if Olan really made a successful example, what might happen to the sea.

Then Roger waved his hand and led Bucky and Shanks in the direction they came from. Roger and Oran hadn't gotten to know each other that well yet, so they just said what they wanted to say, that's all, there was no other reason. .

Olan didn't continue to report anything to the Navy. He was only benefiting from both ends, and he was not an intelligence agency of the Navy. He had to work hard for the Navy, which was almost enough.

The sad mood does not seem to last long in the pirate group. Nowadays, the faces of several people are no longer so sad. Just like Roger said, he still has several years to live and is still far away from death.

"Kulokas, how about the new prescription? Can you relax your prohibition on drinking alcohol on me?"

There was a trace of expectation on Roger's face. Kurokas had not completely deprived him of the right to drink, but now he had to ration even the banquet and could not drink as much as he wanted. This was too painful for him.

"It's possible, but the composition of this medicine is too bold. It's not easy to prepare this medicine."

Kurokas' medicine could stabilize Roger's condition. He originally thought that his medicine was strong enough, but compared with Olan's medicine, it was nothing.

Everything on the list is highly toxic when taken out, which means it can only produce this effect after being combined.

"That's fine. As for the medicine, I'll leave it to you. I believe you can do it."

Due to its medicinal properties, this medicine had to be prepared freshly, so Olan only gave a prescription. If there was no capable doctor like Kurokas on the ship, it might not be possible.

Roger and the others caught up with the last tram and returned to the port. Although they had landed on the island, they would still choose to rest on the ship unless they had to go deep inland.

"How about it? Can the captain's disease be cured here?"

"It can be cured, but the captain rejected that treatment plan."

"Huh?! Why, Roger, what are you thinking about!"

Kurokas's answer surprised everyone on the ship. Rayleigh even gave up the title of captain and grabbed Roger by the collar to question him.

"That treatment plan is a bit too special. All in all, this is my choice, so you don't have to worry.

By the way, good news, I got a new medicine here. I no longer have to worry about anything when having a banquet. To celebrate this, let’s have a banquet! "

Roger didn't care about the questioning looks of the crew members, but instead pulled them to hold a banquet. Seeing that Roger had made the final decision, they didn't know what to say and started preparing for the banquet according to Roger's instructions.

"Roger! Did you really give up the chance to heal yourself?"

Everyone else can accept Roger's own ideas, but one person doesn't understand it - Douglas Barrett, the most special person on the ship. The purpose of joining the Roger Pirates is to challenge Roger.

Back then, the entire Roger Pirates, even Rayleigh, could only tie with him. Only Roger could steadily suppress him and challenge powerful enemies. This was Barrett's only goal in joining the Roger Pirates. .

So after hearing that Roger was ill, he was very worried, and now he even heard that Roger had made a choice that was comparable to suicide.

"Barrett, I have made my decision, but you don't have to worry. The doctors here are very good. In the future, I will still be able to fight with high intensity and will meet your challenge at any time."

"Aren't you worried about your crew! If you die, where will they go?"

"Hahaha, Barrett, have you finally felt the camaraderie among your companions?"

"Are you kidding? Your companions are a burden. Roger, it's because of your companions that you can't become stronger!"

The word "companion" touched upon the thing that Barrett was most resistant to. After that, he did not continue to say anything to Roger, nor did he attend the banquet. He returned to the cabin alone.


"Where did the cat come from? Does anyone have a cat on our ship?"

In the middle of the party, Bucky heard a cat meowing. After looking around, he found that there was a black cat on the side of their boat.

"A wild cat, right? Maybe it was attracted by the smell of food. Do you want to eat fish, little kitten?"

The fishman Sambel on the side picked up a small fish and walked over, but the black cat seemed to be frightened and jumped directly from the side of the ship, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.

"Still a shy cat."

The people on the boat didn't pay much attention to the cat, but after running for a while, the cat came to Kate's feet.


"Well, good boy, you did a great job."

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