Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 130: Garp! You bastard! Go pay me back!

"The boat capsized?"

"Yes, you and Garp are also old comrades, right? You know how powerful his fist is. Isn't it normal for the aftermath to overturn the ship?"

These words directly caused Zefa to fall into silence. Everything seemed reasonable when said individually.

As far as the Grand Line is concerned, no matter how experienced the navigator is, he cannot guarantee absolute safety.

In the face of real natural disasters, manpower always seems very slim. Only those real monsters can overcome them.

Garp's nickname of Iron Fist didn't come from nothing. He punched through countless mountains during his boxing practice. Garp's warship bag is still in the scrapyard of the G1 branch.

Those scrapped warships are Garp's daily training tools. It is also reasonable for him to overturn nearby ships with one punch, but when these two things are put together, it becomes a bit abstract.

“What a coincidence”

It took six days for the record pointer on Firefly Island to be filled up. In order to prevent Roger from leaving immediately after filling up the record, Garp used unconventional methods to hurry up and shorten the sailing time by more than half.

Roger predicted that Garp would move in an unconventional way, so he estimated seven days, but in the end he underestimated Garp's level of abstraction.

Today is two days away from the agreed delivery date.

Due to the distance, it is usually sent to the nearby G6 branch first, which only takes two days of sailing, and the rest is the navy's own business.

It is also reasonable for Oran to load the supplies and prepare to depart at this time.

There are too many pirates in this sea area, and it is obviously impossible to stop all activities just because one or two pirates appear.

"How is it going?"

"Fortunately, when I saw your warship "jumping" from a distance, I felt something was wrong. I evacuated the people at the port first. There were no casualties, but some cargo sank to the bottom.

The waterproofness of my products has been tested. You all know this, but it takes time to pick up the goods. In addition, the dock is also somewhat damaged and needs to be repaired. "

"I understand. Should I convey it to you over there, or should you go and talk to Ahe yourself?"

"Speak for me, I'm quite busy here."

"okay, I get it."

It is a good thing that phone bug technology has not evolved into video calls, otherwise Zefa would have seen Oran wearing casual clothes, basking in the sun on the platform at the top of the royal city, while playing chess with Leliana.

Olan is really busy when he is busy, but this does not mean that he does not have time for leisure.

"Castling the king's car, general, Riley, you lose."

In a sense, this chess game is still a family game. It is not easy to move the two-meter giant chess pieces, so Zach and Frankenstein act as the two chess players respectively.

When growing up, companionship is a very important part. Of course, this companionship refers to effective companionship.

If a parent's appearance is always accompanied by scolding and punishment, the child will not want to see him and will develop a serious rebellious mentality.

Just wandering around every day with nothing to do will not have any effective effect. How to do this depends on the family.

"Ah, Dad, you actually used the king as bait."

"This is the chess game. Everything on the chessboard is a chess piece, including the king.

Sometimes, this is the only way to deceive the enemy's defense line and finally lead the general.

Every chess piece has its own value, and everything you do is to win. "

The chess game ended and the chess pieces were moved back to their respective positions, but Leliana understood the meaning of Oran's words. The king in his mouth was clearly referring to herself.

"But Dad, this is very dangerous. If you are a chess player, can you jump out of the chessboard?"

"Of course that is the most perfect result, but in reality there will always be a lot of dissatisfaction. Only by entering the game with your own body can you win.

Well, this word may not be appropriate for this game. Let me teach you a new game tomorrow. "



At this time, a calico cat climbed up along the wall, with a bamboo tube tied with a red rope around its neck.

This is Kate's training method. She is training these police cats to adapt to more tasks. Messaging is just a special way of exercise.

Although airwave communication methods such as telephone bugs are more convenient, paper letters also have their uses.

"Hey, Kate, I received a letter from Mistress Sanhua, what's going on?"

"It's almost over at the port. The Roger Pirates have already run away, and the warship led by Garp is still chasing after them.

Should we start salvage work in the port immediately? "

"Don't worry, wait a little longer to avoid any unstable aftermath."

"Okay, then, Meow, let's go gather some people first. Will the wages be the same as before?"

"Today is a day off, so go look for people at three times the usual rate. It's quite hard to go into the water and fish for things."


Firefly Island has more than one port, and landings can be made at many locations. However, there is only one natural deep-water port, which is currently located in District 7.

This land area is the smallest on the island, and it is also the area with the largest ocean area.

The situation here is most suitable for large ships to dock, and the deep water area also means that the difficulty of salvage increases.

Olan's industry is to accumulate wealth for his own goals, and at the same time to make money, Olan has never denied this.

If you have the ability to make money and still make yourself live a hard life, then it must be something you can't bear to think about.

Since they already make a lot of money, there is no need to exploit their employees. What people resist is not overtime, but the fact that they cannot get the corresponding compensation for overtime.

Under the temptation of interests, there are always people willing to work harder. This is how Oran's company in Piltover is run. Facts have proved that employees welcome him very much, at least there has never been any major problems.

As for some trivial matters, it is also inevitable. People's hearts are always difficult to grasp, and there will always be some ungrateful people who can't be fed.

When that happens, Oran will show "cruelty".

He is also doing business, not doing charity.

At the same time, at the headquarters of the Navy, Zefa belatedly noticed something wrong.

"Yekelik, your uncle Oran just said how did Garp's warship get there?"

"Uncle Oran said that Uncle Garp's warship jumped over. Maybe he used the wrong word. How could a warship jump over?"

"No, you don't know Garp well enough. If that guy said that, maybe the warship really jumped over."

Zeff didn't doubt that all of this was arranged by Oran. Roger himself was a lawless pirate, and Garp was almost the same. Neither of them would listen to other people's orders honestly.

Even if it was empty to order Garp, sometimes Roger had to be used as bait to make him take the initiative.

Zeff didn't believe that Oran could control these two people at the same time to help him act. In fact, this was really a coincidence. After all, if Garp used conventional methods, it would not affect the port.

"Okay, you continue training. I'll go to find Sengoku and come back soon."

Sengoku is very busy now. The admiral configuration of the Navy Headquarters has always been three people.

But now, Zephyr has retreated behind the scenes, and Garp refuses to be promoted, which has led to Sengoku becoming the only active admiral.

Although Garp's combat power has always been able to use him as an admiral, there are some things that only admirals can handle, which leads to Sengoku doing more than one person's work.

The good news is that three monsters have been born in Zefa's training camp. They all have the potential to become admirals, but they still need some training, which means that Sengoku's burden will soon be relieved.

The bad news is that this time is still far away, and Kong also regards Sengoku as his successor.

In other words, Sengoku is now the trainee marshal of the Navy Headquarters, and he is quite busy.

After hearing what Garp did, Sengoku said nothing, but covered his face helplessly.

"In other words, he overturned Sidilier's cargo ship in the port in order to chase Roger, right?"


"And Roger did nothing on the island, but the biggest damage was caused by Garp?"


Sengoku waved his hand, indicating that he had understood the matter. Isn't it the mess caused by Garp? He is used to it.

Zhan Guo casually opened a drawer beside him, which contained some rice cake crisps and senbei. Sometimes Zhan Guo felt that eating could relieve his stress to a certain extent, so the drawer was always full.

But this time he touched nothing, and saw only an empty note with a ghost face drawn on it.


There is no doubt that the only person who can enter and exit the admiral's exclusive office, steal snacks, and even leave a signature is Garp.

Some time later, Garp's warship was anchored about a day's sail away from Firefly Island.

"Damn Roger, we almost caught him!"

Garp finally failed to catch up with Roger. Roger and his gang relied on the flexibility of the Gold Jackson and the undercurrent of this sea area to successfully get rid of Garp.

It was at this time that Garp's Den Den Mushi rang.

"Garp! Look at what you've done!"

"Haha, did you finally find out? That's right, I stole the senbei in your drawer."

"Who told you this! What did you do when you passed by Firefly Island before? Don't you have any idea?"

Zhan Guo was still restrained. He didn't call Garp immediately, but waited for a while.

If Garp hadn't caught up with Roger by this time, he probably wouldn't be able to catch up with him later, so he could scold him without worry. Unexpectedly, Garp started talking about this matter.

"What? I haven't even landed yet, what can I do?"

"According to the intelligence I received, your warship "jumped" over. Don't I know how you made the warship jump?

Or are you going to tell me that you have surpassed Vegapunk and Sidilier and developed a ship jumping device?"

"Haha, how can I have that ability? You are really a joker. Do you want me to transfer to the scientific research team to try?"

"Who is kidding you! I ask you, did you catch Roger?"

Sengoku's blood pressure is gradually rising. It is said that devil fruits will affect the owner's personality to a certain extent, but Sengoku, who has eaten the Human-Human Fruit, Mythical Beast, and Buddha Form, is not Buddhist at all.

Garp also helped a lot in this regard.

"This one was almost there, but unfortunately he still ran away.

Speaking of which, I have a suggestion. We can also use the treasure tree Adam to build a warship, so that we can better chase pirates."

The treasure tree Adam is known as the strongest tree on the sea. Even if a war breaks out on the island and the country is destroyed by the baptism of artillery fire, this tree can still stand.

The survivors can build new homes around the tree. There are not many in the whole sea. Every time they appear on the black market, they can be sold at a sky-high price.

"You have a beautiful idea. If the wood is so easy to find, the navy would have equipped this kind of ship on a large scale long ago."

"I didn't ask you to equip it in batches. Wouldn't it be better to get me a single ship?"

"Then let the navy not catch up with you. You turn off the Den Den Mushi, reasonably choose not to receive orders, and finally drive your own ship around the world?"

"Don't say it so harshly. This is also for catching pirates."

"Oh, okay, if you agree to be promoted to admiral, I will apply for you immediately."

"Then forget it. I don't want to be as busy as you every day."

Sengoku's blood pressure is still rising. If the Den Den Mushi has the function of transmission, Sengoku will definitely teleport to Garp, and then grab his collar and ask him who made him so busy.

But forget it over the phone. Garp will only smile and say that it is all the pirates' fault, or simply not explain.

"In short, you failed again, didn't you?"

"Yeah, Roger was too cunning, and I lost him if I wasn't careful."

"I don't care how Roger ran, since you've lost him now, go back to Firefly Island! You just messed up the next batch of orders!

Since you have nothing to do now, go be a salvage worker! After repairing other people's docks! Bring back new equipment!

You'll find a way to make up for the wasted time!"


The sound from the receiver shows that Zhan Guo hung up the phone with a lot of force, which is enough to show how irritable he is now.

As long as the process of transporting to the G6 branch is skipped and Garp takes the things back to the headquarters directly, the time consumption will naturally go down.

As a military prosthesis, this thing is of course a consumable, after all, its existence is to fight.

Orlan spent a lot of time to make this prosthesis strong but not indestructible, so that it can only withstand a small amount of high-intensity combat.

It is also clearly written in the safety rules that when a certain degree of damage occurs, it must be replaced in time. If the things are not broken, the difficulty of doing business will increase.

There are also high-quality products, but they are mostly supplied to their own people or some private customizations, and the price is more difficult to accept among mass-produced equipment.

"Really, it's all Roger's fault, why do you blame me? Forget it, turn around and go to Firefly Island!"

Garp complained a few words, but still followed the order of the Warring States.

When Garp turned around, Orlan was looking at the specific accounts. Although the appearance of these things was a coincidence, it would be a pity not to take advantage of such a great opportunity to settle the accounts.

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