Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 135: The technology is perfected and the new Tyrant Zero is born

Chapter 135 Technical Perfection-New Tyrant Zero, Birth

"I don't understand. Although I made the Zero, why is it so strong after the battle program is restarted? The M-2 model is a better model that appeared in the later generation, but it can't beat the old 0-SION."

The two codes in Ziggs' mouth are the models of Tyrant Behemoth and Tyrant Zero. Even these huge mechas have a process of renewal. Logically, the new models born later should be more powerful.

"No, you are wrong, Ziggs. When you made the Zero, you only considered how to defeat the monsters, without worrying about other things.

Without restrictions, it can exert violence to the extreme. The rest is

The self-awareness proposed by Sidilier. This thing is really self-learning."

This is the reason given by Heimerdinger for the strength of the Zero. According to his research, he found a different place of the Zero. It seems to have established a connection with the monsters in countless battles with monsters.

That is a higher-dimensional life form, and it is this form that distorted the Zero.

"Self-awareness. It's a terrible thing."

"I've said it before, consciousness and emotions are quite terrible things, it can bring about changes in the level of life, but it should be possible to stop the current Zero."

"Well, of course, this is the revenge team that has gathered all our strength. If we fail again..."

Zigs paused, he and Heimerdinger put aside their differences and asked Rambo to join the team, and even found Orlan who was missing for a period of time. If he still can't beat it, he doesn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, I've studied it. The prototypes of No. 06 Tyrant Beast, No. 13 Tyrant Sword Demon, and No. 10 Tyrant Warhawk are all more powerful than Zero. With the assistance of No. 01 Tyrant Alien, we will definitely be able to stop it before it goes deep into the land.

If this doesn't work, there is still one that can be used."

Also a Tyrant series mecha, No. 01 Tyrant Alien Kha'Zix is ​​not suitable for frontal combat, because its body size is not a giant combat mecha, but a biological mecha specially built to eliminate small monsters invading the city.

Compared with the frontal assault team, the Tyrant Alien is smaller and more deadly.

"By the way, Heimerdinger, I want to review the experimental records of No. 01 and No. 09. Is there any problem?"

"Of course not, it's up to you. I have opened the permissions of the database. You can look at it as long as you want."

No. 09 is the product of the Tyrant Warrior Rengar, who belongs to the same control group as Kha'Zix.

Both of them used biotechnology in their manufacturing. Heimerdinger originally wanted to see who is stronger, insects or beasts.

The final experimental result is that the insects won, and No. 01 defeated No. 09. Therefore, Heimerdinger only reactivated Kha'Zix from the sealed warehouse, but did not restart No. 09.

This biotechnology happened to be related to Orlan's actions on the sea.

Orlan is now using this type of technology to transform Oz's body. Now it's just time to complete the technology to see if there are any omissions.

In this regard, Heimerdinger and Ziggs of this universe are both top scholars. Looking at the formulas calculated by Orlan, they can also see what Orlan is planning.

"Sidilier, do you want to build a new one? It's too late. The day of the decisive battle is coming soon. Rambo is probably already at the designated battlefield with his things."

"No, this is to prevent trouble before it happens. Although their models are different, the Zero is the prototype of all this.

Since the Zero has such a change, how can you be sure that other models will not have such changes?

We need a thorough upgrade to eliminate this crisis, what do you think?"

The Zero is unstable, but in a sense, the other machines are also unstable, and if they really go berserk, it will be even more terrifying.

Oz's transformation took this situation into consideration. Although this situation theoretically does not exist on the sea over there, it is always good to eliminate the possibility of harming oneself.

"You're right. After we deal with the Zero problem, we should start a new topic."

As a parallel universe of the main universe, the time difference in this universe is very similar to that of K/DA, so Orlan's dream lasted a long time here.

A few days later, the earth rumbled, like a thousand horses galloping, and the orange-red chariot charged recklessly on the field, aiming directly at the distant city.

All obstacles on the ground were destroyed by it, and it was at this time that the vibration of the ground suddenly intensified.

In front of the path of the chariot's charge, the ground cracked instantly, and a purple drill mecha broke out of the ground. The huge drill head flashed with cold light, and in an instant it turned into the battle form of the Tyrant Beast, and blocked the chariot in front of it with both fists.


During the charge, the chariot turned back into the appearance of Zero, and a huge war hammer appeared in its hand.

Ion flames were ejected from the back of the warhammer, giving it a stronger power. The collision between the giant beasts set off a huge aftermath, and sparks continued to burst out between the fist and the warhammer.

At this time, two pale blue shadows passed through the sky.

One of them turned into a human form in mid-air, holding a wide energy giant sword and slashing downwards, splitting the handle of the warhammer in Zero's hand directly in half.

The Tyrant Sword Demon specially made by Rambo for Zero officially appeared at this time.

At the same time, countless armor-piercing shells came from the sky, aiming at the gap of the Zero Mech. With the firepower suppression provided by the Tyrant Eagle, the Tyrant Alien also reached its combat position, and two light blades slashed at the back of the Zero.

"Success! The doctor and the others succeeded!"

Under the group fight of four mechs, the body of the Tyrant Zero finally fell in the wilderness outside the city, causing a cheer from the city defense command post nearby.

"Don't be too happy too early, celebrating now is like opening champagne at halftime, now is the real trouble!"

Heimerdinger stopped their celebration. In the puzzled eyes of the crowd, the fallen Zero stood up again, and his body was still filled with strange blue biological energy.

This is the biggest impact of the monster on it, a more violent "mechanical corpse".

Facing the violent form of Tyrant Zero, the rest of the mechas paid a huge price to finally destroy it. The Tyrant Beast, which was the main front-line, was seriously damaged and was dragged back to the repair shop as soon as the battle ended.

The rest of the people started a new scientific research project to prevent other mechas from having similar situations.

In the laboratory, the Tyrant Warrior, which had been abandoned, suddenly started itself and began to look for the location of the Tyrant Alien and continued to execute its order to appear.

Orlan didn't know what happened later. Not long after the Tyrant Zero was destroyed, his body had awakened and launched a new round of transformation and upgrading on Oz's body.

The goal of the upgrade is to use biotechnology to turn the Tyrant Zero's violent mode into a controllable enhanced state, and further prevent the occurrence of uncontrolled rampage.

It's better not to have something like the runaway Unit-01 in this country.

"It's a pity that there is only one body of Oz. The genes of the ancient giants are still a bit weird in cloning. If we want to achieve mass production, we still have to wait for a breakthrough in material technology."

Many mechas in the Tyrant Universe have the ability to transform. There is a special mineral in that world. The memory alloy smelted with this mineral is the root of forging mechas.

Ordinary metals cannot be deformed freely and can also withstand high-intensity combat.

In the huge office, Orlan is planning the next research actions and directions. Oz's transformation has basically reached the last step. It only takes some time for the biological agent to take effect, and its manufacturing will be completed.

In addition to the rebuilt factory area, this royal city has also been renovated in the past two years. What puzzles many people is that the gates in the royal city are all built according to the standard of ten meters.

If only the city gates are built like this, it won't be puzzling. The problem is that even the passages of the bedrooms or stairs are based on this size.

This is the conclusion drawn after making a rough estimate of Leliana's height. If it is not built bigger, it will have to be demolished and rebuilt when Leliana grows up.

This size also makes it convenient for Terra to move freely after entering the youth stage. In a sense, this is a place prepared for big guys.

"Your Majesty Orlan, I'm here to report the situation to you. The preliminary training of the special service team has been completed, and we are about to enter the elimination selection system. Do you have any other opinions?"

"No, just follow the rules set before.

By the way, the number of special service teams will increase in the future, so that those who are eliminated can strengthen their practice and have opportunities in the future."

"Understood, I will put them in the reserve team as supplementary personnel after the selection is over."

If you notify them in advance, some people may lose their enthusiasm, after all, there will be opportunities in the future.

Therefore, Brand chose to eliminate first and then notify. Even if these people are eliminated, they are much better than those who did not even pass the preliminary selection.

It's not that they are not good enough, but that there are people who are much better than them.


Brand was just about to prepare to arrange the selection, but a shrill alarm sounded in his ears.

He is now in the royal city. The alarm here means a national alarm. If there is no big trouble, this situation will never happen.

"What's going on?"

"Brother Oran! Emergency! A strange thing came over the sea. It's San Juan Wolf. That guy ignored our warning and is trying to land!

The direction is the seaside of the fourth district. Xiong Cub and Fran have already gone there to guide the nearby people to take refuge. Kate is also there, but the guy is too big."

Ginny ran out from another room and reported to Oran about the emergency that had just occurred.

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