Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 150 Destruction or Redemption

The scorching dragon's breath carried the threat of death, and the scorching flames instantly made the air extremely hot. The deadly flames surged onto the auction table, and the impact of the dragon's flames destroyed everything in its path.


The moment the flames came into contact with the wall behind the auction table, the power contained in the dragon's breath exploded, opening the way to the outside world.

Although its expression is close to that of flame, this dragon's breath is not just flame. The power contained in it is far more powerful than fire.

There was no name. Leliana, who used this move for the first time, had not yet had time to give it a good name, but this made the anger in her heart dissipate a lot.

The vast majority of animal-type ability users will become larger after transformation, and Leliana is no exception. Her already huge body expanded twice more at this time, and her teeth also became sharper.

He casually grabbed the seat next to him, and with a little force of his hands, Leliana picked up the seats in a row and threw them to the side.

"Guard! Where are the guards! Come and protect me! I have money! All this money is for you!"

"Get out of the way, don't block the way. I'm a member of the royal family. If you block my way, don't you want to live?"

In the face of crisis, the ugliness of human nature is clearly visible. People who were waiting for the auction immediately rushed to the exit, wanting to escape from here first.

But in the chaotic environment, they blocked their own way of survival.

The person in front tripped and fell, while the person behind was still pushing forward regardless. Shoes of different sizes stepped on the person who fell to the ground first.

The noisy venue could not even hear the screams of the fallen man. The blood soaked the clothes. The debris on the ground caused more people to slip down. A stampede occurred in the auction house.

The pirates have become safer people here. With their weapons in hand, the fleeing guests dare not approach them.

"Young people today are really amazing. Is it a rare species of phantom beast? It looks like some kind of dragon."

Roger looked very relaxed at the moment, and was even in the mood to comment on Leliana's performance.

"Well, her strength is also outstanding. I remember the doctor mentioned her age.

Shanks, Bucky, you still have to work hard, girls younger than you are already so strong! "

Bucky and Shanks are currently working together to deal with several guards wearing heavy armor. Not everyone can bring down the giants at the age of five or six.

Some people's starting point is a goal that others will never reach in their lifetime.

Although it is cruel, it is the truth.

Bucky and Shanks are both eleven years old this year, four years older than Leliana, but the gap is even bigger, in the opposite direction.

If nothing else, Leliana can really beat the two of them from childhood to adulthood, and continue to make her record better as they grow.

Roger's steps were slow and unhurried, and he was walking towards the auction table little by little. No guards or enemies could get close to him.

Anyone with such thoughts has been stopped by the other members of the Roger Pirates.

Unless the captain himself wants to take action, it would be an insult to them to let such a miscellaneous character attack the captain directly.

"My dear Captain, I think you should be more pressing now."

Rayleigh kicked away a guard next to him, and then urged Roger.

"Don't be so anxious. Isn't the coating of the ship already completed? The navy won't come so quickly. Just dive in later."

"That's not what I'm talking about. If you wait any longer, I'm afraid that the thing you want will be burned by that girl."

Rayleigh pointed to the auction table, because the fire caused by Leliana's dragon breath was spreading, and its impact also included the ancient sailor's codex he wanted.

It's come to a point where no one cares what the auction items will look like.

"You should have told me earlier!"

It wasn't until this moment that Roger showed some urgency, and swooped over to the auction table, rescuing the sailing notes from the sea of ​​fire.

As for Leliana, except for the initial dragon breath, she did not continue to attack randomly with the purpose of destruction, but came to the backstage where the slaves were kept.

Her logical thinking is very clear. Random destruction has no meaning except to vent her dissatisfaction. The slaves caught here are different from the people who auction them.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Does anyone know where the key to his chain is?"

Ordinary chains and ropes can be easily broken by Leliana, but the explosive collar cannot. External damage will only cause it to detonate prematurely.

Leliana is naturally not afraid of this kind of thing. Even if the bomb explodes in her hand, it will hardly cause any effective damage, but these slaves cannot.

"As for the guard, he ran away to nowhere just now."

"That would be troublesome."

"Riley, leave this to Meow, and you can go on to deal with other things."

In addition to Leliana, Kate also came here, with a lot of blood on her hands.

If Leliana's main purpose of breaking into this place was to save people, then Kate's main purpose was to kill the villains in her heart.

"Sister Kate, have you found the key?"

"No, but Meow can pick locks."

As she spoke, Kate raised her little finger, her sharp claws popped out, and pried open the collar around a person's neck in a few clicks.

"Get in line, don't worry, come one by one."

Usually, slaves in the auction house come from various seas, and it is not surprising for anyone to appear here.

However, judging from the auction information found by Kate, there are no pirate slaves in the auction house today, which is a good thing. At least there is no need to identify the specific situation of each person and then think about the consequences of releasing them.

The explosive collars were opened one by one, and some people ran outside after thanking them, wanting to escape from this dangerous place.

But some people who regained their freedom were still stunned in the same place, they didn't know where they could go.

The Grand Line is extremely dangerous. They were brought from their hometown to the Sabaody Archipelago by human traffickers, but they didn't know how to go back or what to do.

"Um. Are you pirates? Can I join you? I have strength, I can steer the rudder, and I can cook."

"Me too, I can shoot arrows, take care of the garden, and clean up the cabin."

They want to find someone to rely on, otherwise if they escape from here, they will probably be caught back soon.

"We are not pirates, but Dad, can we take these people away with us? It's not good to leave them here."

Leliana looked at Orlan who also came to the backstage. The outside was almost turned upside down by Roger and his gang. It was time to prepare to leave.

Orlan did not refuse Leliana's suggestion.

What Firefly Island lacks now is population. These people who were sold as slaves and had nowhere to go are a good source of population.

"Of course, Piltover is a place of tolerance. Everyone who yearns for peace and is willing to work hard for it is welcome here."

"Okay, then let's go back quickly. As we agreed before, I will take everyone back."

The scales on Leliana's body began to increase, gradually covering up her human characteristics. Soon, a pink dragon filled the space in the backstage.

The agent of CP8 in the previous article was renamed from Alpha to Alifa, with no other impact.

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