Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 151 Fran's new friend, Lonely Red

Compared with the human-animal form, the beast form of animal-type ability users is generally larger, depending on the type of animal.

The size of the person with the ability, and the size of the animal in nature or in people's perception, both of which will affect the size of the person with the ability after the change.

Leliana's dragon form is nearly twenty meters long, with pink scales all over her body, shining with her own luster.

The yellow dragon horn on the forehead is still a little immature, but its limbs have become very strong, and it can easily cut several holes in the ground.

Even in its infancy, this is a majestic dragon.

As for why some people turn into dragons more like loaches after eating this fruit, I can only say that it is a human problem and has nothing to do with the fruit.

"Dad, sister Kate, come up, I'll take you home."

Leliana adjusted to her new body for a while, then leaned down and put her head close to the ground, signaling Oran and the others to get on her back.

"Dad, you are so light, you don't feel anything at all."

At this time, Oran was standing on Leliana's neck, and the pair of dragon horns seemed to have become ready-made handrails. For Leliana in dragon form, everyone present was no exception.

Even though Olan's height of more than two meters is ahead of most ordinary people, he is no exception at this moment.

"After all, you have grown up, and you were not this big back then."

Leliana had a normal body shape when she was first born, and there were not many abnormalities before she was three years old. It was only after that that her crazy development began.

She also sat on Oran's shoulder before, but this incident can no longer be repeated. It would be almost the same if the two of them changed positions.

"Well, please tell me what we should do."

Leliana just let Oran and Kate come to her body. Even if she turns into a dragon, her consciousness will not change. Naturally, she does not want to let these new people, who don't even know their names, sit on her body.

"Don't move."

As Leliana thought, several clouds appeared around her, and then dragged these people up.

Yun Conglong, Feng Conghu, Dragon Breath and Yanyun are the most basic abilities of this fruit. Like the three stages of transformation, you can master them soon after eating them.

"Dad, hold on, let's go!"

The stronger dragon's breath blew off the roof. The huge body of the beast form was more powerful than the human form when releasing this large-scale AOE skill.

Then a giant pink dragon flew into the sky with a group of people. Although there were some fluctuations in the flight from time to time, it was overall smooth.

"Captain Roger, they're gone."

"I saw it, that's right. It's time for us to continue sailing, aiming for a new world, and let's set off!"

The people at the auction house were unable to stop the Roger Pirates, so they could only let them return to their pirate ships, and looted all the funds and treasures in the auction house.

They are also pirates, and they can also steal things, but they are not robbing civilians or ordinary people.

It wasn't until the Roger Pirates left here that the Navy belatedly started to deal with the aftermath.

This is a lawless area, and it is not an area directly managed by the navy. There are no Tianlong people involved, and it is pirates like Roger who do it. Naturally, the local navy will not rush to deliver it.

And the final result of this is that some people will be scolded again.

"Garp! You bastard! Aren't you chasing Roger?! Is this the result of chasing him for several months?"

The people who came to buy slaves were all powerful people from all over the world, and a stampede caused many casualties among them.

The mailboxes of the World Government were almost filled with letters of complaint from the boss behind the auction house and these people.

Of course, there are no Celestial Dragons here, so the World Government will not take it seriously and just transfer it to the Navy in accordance with the procedure.

"Huh? Is there any news about Roger again? Tell me where he is, and I'll catch him right away!"

Perhaps because of his increasing thickness of skin, Garp has selectively ignored Sengoku's rebuke and automatically captured the corresponding keywords.

"He dismantled the human auction houses in the Shampoo Islands."

"Pfft hahaha, this guy did a good job this time."

"What did you say?!"

"Ahem, I said he must be going to the New World. I will go to the New World to stop him, and I will definitely capture him for you!"

Garp felt that Roger had done nothing wrong, but this did not affect his choice to capture Roger. Without any delay, he quickly led people to the new world.

As for whether he can be caught, that is unknown.

While Garp was still chasing Roger all over the world, Leliana had already flown into the clouds with Oran and the others.

This was not her first time flying in the air, but it was her first time relying on her own power to fly.

Everything around is surrounded by soft and white clouds, and the sun shines through the gaps in the clouds, like carefully arranged stage lights, shining brightly on this boundless sea of ​​clouds.

Perhaps for humans, flying has always been a dream.

"Dad, is this the right direction?"

"Yes, it's in this direction. If we can maintain this speed, we will be able to go home soon.

But don't be impatient, take a rest if you feel tired, and don't fall mid-flight. "

"Don't worry, Dad, it doesn't take any effort at all. It feels the same as walking normally."

The animal system is good for physical strength. Leliana is already excellent in physical fitness. With the increase of fruit ability, her endurance has become even better.

After the initial shock, the slaves taken away by Leliana were replaced by a vision of the future.

Although they don’t know where the road ahead is and what kind of country Piltover is, it is much better than the dark slave life.

“Bear cub! It’s time to eat!”

On the way back to Orlan, everything on Firefly Island was running as usual.

After the selection of the Mecha Special Forces was over, Ginny also selected several people who were suitable for working in the intelligence department from the unsuccessful candidates.

Their physical fitness is not excellent, but their brains are more flexible.

Being selected into the guard team and participating in the selection of the Mecha Special Forces means that they have passed the first round of assessment and there is no problem with their identity.

In addition to the personnel selected from those who have been following them in the Kingdom of Solby, Ginny’s field team has also taken shape and started their own work.

And they in the royal city have reached lunch time today.

Although it is the royal city, all the people who live here are Orlan's relatives and friends. It is better to say that it is a special villa than a royal city.

"Brother Orlan is really free as a king. I calculated that since the founding of the country, Brother Orlan seems to have spent more time outside than here."

At the table, Ginny's face was full of happiness. For her, having a full stomach is the greatest happiness.

Here are her friends and the people she likes. There is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

"Brother Orlan must have something to do. We just need to guard this place for him when he is not at home."

The bear pushed the food on the side in front of Ginny, and the gentle smile was still on his face.


Terra on the side looked at the expressions of the bear and Ginny and roared with dissatisfaction. It seemed that he had eaten dog food. He shook his head and flew out of the royal city, not knowing what to do.

"Of course, since Brother Orlan trusts us so much, we have to repay his trust. By the way, where is Fran? Why hasn't she come back these days?"

"It seems that she has made a new friend. The police officers of the security team told me that she seems to have been at the wind power station in recent days."

Bear and Ginny can't control what Frankenstein does. Even if he is a robot, Frankenstein has his own thoughts and his own social circle.

Although she has the identity of the eldest princess of Piltover, there has been no task that requires her to sign an order to execute during this period.

At the same time, on the plains of the third district, Frankenstein was in a dozing state under the power windmill as usual.

Not long after, a man in a dark suit also came to the vicinity.

"Ms. Frankenstein, I'm here again. Are you interested in listening to my story today?"


Frankenstein just nodded slightly and didn't say much.

"Then I'll continue. Let me think about where we were yesterday. Oh, and the reason why I went to sea.

At that time, I met a very interesting pirate group, named the Rumba Pirates. There was a musician named Brook on the ship, and his words are still fresh in my memory.

To make crying children laugh is the philosophy of their pirate group, and it is also the reason why I went to sea."

The man was talking to himself, as if he regarded Frankenstein as a listener.

It is not difficult to hear from his words that he is a pirate, and not an ordinary pirate.

The full name of this man is Barrorick Redfield, known as the Red Earl, the lonely red.

Even in this sea full of strong people, he is an extremely rare strong man.

Among the pirates, he is an alternative. He has no partners, and he is the only member of the pirate group. He is a lone ranger.

But even so, Redfield can still be on par with Whitebeard, Golden Lion and other monsters.

The reason why there is no partner is because of Redfield's special observation color.

Redfield was born with a special ability to see through others, which is his innate ability that allows him to see through other people's hearts and explore those souls hidden deep inside.

As he grows older, this power becomes stronger and stronger, and he can even easily read other people's memories.

This power allows Redfield to always seize the initiative and be invincible in battles and adventures.

Because of this ability, others have no secrets in front of him.

But this also made him fall into a quagmire. He could not trust everything around him. He saw too many dirty and ugly people's hearts, which eventually led to his lonely personality.

He was lonely and could not integrate into this world and could not find the meaning of survival. If there were no accidents, Redfield might have spent his life alone in a corner.

But he met the Rumba Pirates, which became his opportunity to go to sea.

If it is said that Red Hair led Luffy to the road of pirates, then Redfield's road of pirates is inseparable from Brook.

Redfield's voyage was aimless. No one knew what he wanted or what he wanted to do. Most of the time, Redfield just wandered around the sea as he pleased.

The reason he went to sea was just to follow in the footsteps of others.

Without territory and subordinates, Redfield's impact is much smaller than that of others.

It was just a coincidence that he came here. Redfield was replenishing some supplies needed for sailing.

After all, for a lone ranger, the chef, navigator, and even the helmsman are all by himself.

The entry inspection of Firefly Island is aimed at large ships. For someone like Redfield who sails aimlessly in a small boat and can land anywhere at will, it is meaningless.

Unless a cover is made to cover the island, others will always find a way to get to the island.

After purchasing enough supplies, Redfield quickly left the crowded market. Even with just an inadvertent glance, he could read other people's inner thoughts. He had seen enough of those dirty things.

In the end, he met Frankenstein, who was slacking off here to recharge. For the first time, he met a "person" whose inner thoughts he could not read.

This is a difference in the biological level. Frankenstein is not a conventional carbon-based organism. Although he has his own thoughts and emotions, his heart is different from that of humans.

Observation Haki can predict what Frankenstein will do next, but Redfield's special ability cannot work on Frankenstein.

At that moment, Redfield became interested in Frankenstein.

Although he is withdrawn, deep in his withdrawn heart, he hides his desire for friends and partners.

However, the ability to read minds makes no one have any secrets in front of him, so he can't communicate with others at all.

There are innocent people, but they are very rare. Compared with gambling on the slim probability, Redfield directly chose to close himself. After all, temporary innocence does not represent eternity.

If there are no secrets, it will be difficult to be friends.

But Frankenstein is different. Even if there is a problem, he can't read the other person's heart. As long as he can't read it, it won't have any impact.

Frankenstein is always too lazy to talk to strangers. If he doesn't know her, he will even treat her as a mute.


"It's okay."

"It's good."

This was the first time the two met. Redfield said a lot of words and got a small reply, which made Redfield feel that the other party didn't like to communicate with people either.

At that moment, Redfield first had the idea of ​​making friends, because he felt that he and Frankenstein were of the same kind.

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