Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 166 Pirate Express, Rising Ocean Current, Above the Sea of ​​Clouds

Either you have enough strength to block the bear's movements, or you have enough domineering power to resist the influence of the meat ball fruit. At the very least, you have to be able to break free when being slapped away.

Otherwise, once you are hit by the bear's slap, the rest of the journey will be decided by the bear.

The Navy G6 branch is the naval base that the people around Orlan are most familiar with. After all, most of the transactions take place there.

"How long will that Bilson fly?"

"For this distance, it will land in about two days."

"Two days, then there's no rush."

The shorter the distance that the bear uses the fruit to move, the shorter the time it takes. In close combat, this way of moving is infinitely close to teleportation, and it is difficult for others to react.

But when flying over long distances, it takes a lot of time.

"Brother Xiong, you are too... indecisive, yes, that's the word.

This pirate is about to attack Sister Ginny, but you can still wait until he is about to attack.

If someone talks to Dad like this, I would have beaten him up long ago."

In terms of fighting, Leliana can really teach Xiong a lesson.

As a partner and a family member, Xiong's character is undoubtedly very good. He is extremely gentle and tolerant of everyone. Even if someone makes trouble with him unreasonably, Xiong will not get angry.

Although Xiong is also decisive enough after the battle begins, he still has some hesitation in judging whether a person is an enemy.

Under the influence of Orlan, Leliana's thinking tends to be strict governance. If you can fight or not, just fight directly. This method is extremely useful on the sea.

"That's right, Xiongzi, don't be so gentle all the time. I was scared to death just now."

"Well, I actually think he can't beat you."


Xiong's words destroyed the atmosphere that Ginny tried to create. Xiong was telling the truth. Ginny also had fighting talent. According to the normal development of the original timeline, she could also become the army commander of the Revolutionary Army.

And the army commander of the Revolutionary Army was not bad. At least he had the ability to make a big fuss in the Holy Land.

Although the admiral stationed there was afraid to use his full strength due to the environment, it was not something that ordinary people could deal with.

But Ginny's fighting talent and intelligence ability were not worth mentioning.

But in the final analysis, a 35 million animal-type ability user still couldn't stump her.

"Really, Xiongzi, you really know how to destroy the atmosphere. I'm very weak. Who can I beat with so many people here?"

Ginny's words were also no problem. She really couldn't beat anyone in the four-person group, but if the control group was replaced with ordinary people, it would be different.

A group of pirates who have no courage to move forward and choose to stay here without making progress are destined to never become strong.

In the face of Ginny's words, Xiong still chose to smile, just scratched his head and said nothing.

"Dad, can Brother Xiong and Sister Ginny really be a couple? I always feel that Brother Xiong is avoiding something."

"Don't worry, it's just a matter of time. There are also some little secrets between us adults. When you are older, I will slowly tell you."

In Piltover, as long as you are familiar with both Xiong and Ginny, you will know what the situation is between the two of them.

In fact, they themselves know their feelings, but Xiong has been avoiding these things because of his race.

When he thinks of getting married, he will think of the way his father begged the people of the World Government to let his family go. That is a lingering shadow for him.

"Hello, Vice Admiral Bruglas? I'm Oran. This isn't a deal. I'm sending you a pirate courier.

Yes, it's a pirate, the Violent Bear Bilson, with a bounty of 35 million Baileys. He will be at your square in about two days. Please settle the bounty for me."

While Ginny was playing with the bear, Oran also greeted Bruglas.

It's needless to say what the result will be for a pirate who appears out of nowhere at the naval base. The navy will arrest him as an intruder and send him to the Impel Downs after his identity is verified.

The bounty of 35 million is enough for him to have a seat in the second level of the Beast Hell.

Olan greeted him mainly because he didn't want to waste the 35 million. After all, no one can claim the bounty for a pirate who fell from the sky.

"What is a pirate courier?"

At the same time, Bruglas, who received the call, was thinking about a phrase.

There is a courier business on the sea, but the price is very expensive. It is not cheap to transport things on this sea, but I have never heard of anyone delivering pirates.

But this problem did not bother her for too long. Two days later, at the square of the Navy G6 Branch, the facts explained everything.

In the sky, a black shadow slid down like a meteor, and finally landed accurately in the center of the square.

"Lieutenant General Bruglas, after verification, the other party is indeed the violent bear Bilson, but how do you know he will appear here?"

Bruglas's adjutant looked at the pirate who fell from the sky and was still in a coma, with countless questions on his face.

"It's the one from Firefly Island. It looks like the ability of a devil fruit. Apply for a bounty from the headquarters and send it to them together with the payment."

At this time, Bruglas was riding on the back of a gorilla that looked like King Kong, manipulating it to temporarily put Bilson in prison.

Bruglas is undoubtedly a dwarf in the average height of this sea. Although she is not yet an old lady, she has left many traces of time on her body.

In close combat, her body size disadvantage will make her suffer a lot. A longer arm span means a larger attack range, which is a huge advantage in combat.

An inch longer is an inch stronger, an inch shorter is an inch more dangerous, and this danger is for oneself.

But Bruglas is the ability user of the Riding Fruit. She can control anything that can be ridden, whether it is a horse or a warship, a pacifist or a sea beast weapon. Her riding skills are MAX.

"Lieutenant General Bruglas, does the pit on the ground need to be filled?"

If there is any disadvantage of the bear's meat ball fruit, it is that the integrity of the land cannot be guaranteed when landing. Wherever the person sent away by the bear falls, there will be a big pit in the shape of a bear's paw.

"No need for now. Maybe there will be pirates coming later. You have to tell him. If there are pirates, try to throw them in one place."

As for the pirate Bilson, he was in a state of wanting to cry but not being able to cry after waking up. He didn't understand why he was in Magic Valley Town before, but was now imprisoned by the navy.

He only remembered that he was drunk, and then quarreled with someone for a few words, and then he didn't remember anything.

At this time, Orlan had brought Ginny and others to the nearby sea. While Bilson was experiencing the journey given to him by the bear, Orlan and others were not idle.

First, Orlan took Leliana and others to catch a bird nearby, a compass bird called Nannanjian Bird.

As the name suggests, no matter where this bird is, its beak always points to the south.

This is the result of the magnetic field of the Grand Route. After leaving the island and entering the open sea, all instruments except the recording pointer will fail, making it impossible to distinguish between east, south, west and north.

In order to accurately find the area where the rushing sea current appears, such a bird has become a necessary prop.

This kind of bird will feel uncomfortable if it does not face south. It can be said to be a biological compass.

And the South-South Bird is just a branch. Similar to the North-North Bird, West-West Bird, and East-East Bird all exist.

But the weather at this time is not very good. It can even be said that it is a strange phenomenon from the sky. The originally clear sky suddenly became extremely dark, as if it had entered the night, as if something blocked the sunlight above.

"Dad, are those monsters in the sky? Will they be very strong?"

Looking up, several huge figures are standing in the clouds. Even giants like Dongli and Broki seem insignificant compared to them.

"It's just the shadow of the Emperor Cloud. As for those monsters, they are actually just the shadows left by people living on the sky island. Generally, this kind of thing is called the Prokai phenomenon."

"Brother Oran, what is the Emperor Cloud? I have only heard of cumulonimbus clouds."

When you go out, you always need a navigator. Although Oran and his party do not have such high requirements for navigators because most of them have special flying abilities, the existence of navigators cannot be ignored on this sea.

Among the four of them, except Leliana, all of them have some knowledge of navigation, but Xiong and Ginny have never heard of this term.

"In simple terms, it is a cloud formed in the high altitude. No matter how thick it is, it will not produce airflow and will not turn into rain.

These clouds block the sunlight nearby, so it makes it like night here. Some people even think that it is a fossil formed by clouds."

"How can there be fossils in clouds?"

"It's just a misunderstanding of people. In fact, it is the clouds of Sky Island. These cumulus clouds are a special kind of sea cloud.

For more details, we will know when we go up. Hold on tight, it's time to set off!"

Through some calculations and a little luck, Orlan successfully calculated the location of the rushing sea current.

At this time, in the deep sea below them, a terrifying force began to condense. As this force continued to accumulate, strange fluctuations began to appear on the sea surface. The originally calm sea water became restless, as if the whole sea was shaking.

Then, a huge vortex quietly formed in the center of the sea surface.

The boat of several people seemed very small in the face of the great power of nature, and was gradually drawn into the whirlpool.

"Zach, I'll leave the steering to you. Just keep moving forward along this current."

"Don't worry, master, I can do this."

Driving a boat requires cooperation, but Zack doesn't need it. Even if he splits into several individuals, he still has only one mind.

The split body is like an extension of his hands and feet to him. He only needs himself to control the direction of the entire ship.

As the ship approaches the central area, the whirlpool in the sea seems to have calmed down, but this is not the end, but the last condensation before the storm.

The long-accumulated power surged from the deep sea, and the surface of the sea gradually swelled, dragging Orlan's boat up continuously.

When the tension of the sea surface reached its limit, the current below also broke through the obstruction of the sea water, and a column of water rushed straight to the sky, and even the dark clouds above were cut open.

The appearance of the surging ocean current is accompanied by a deafening roar of the sea, like the most majestic music between heaven and earth, which makes people feel awe.

The surrounding seas are stirred by this force, and the waves are rolling, as if the whole sea is cheering for this surging feat.

The airflow accumulated below was ejected along with the ocean currents, and eventually the boat flew into the sky.

"Yoho! This feels really good! Don't you think so, Bear Boy?"

"Hold on tight Ginny, don't fall!"

At this time, the ship and the sea were already 90 degrees perpendicular to each other. No facilities in any amusement park in the world could compare with this.

"Please rest assured, I am Zach, the captain of this trip, and I will ensure your safety."

A captain's hat appeared on top of Zach's head, and his extra body even formed a safety belt to secure the people on the ship to the ship.

Accompanied by screams of joy, the group of people disappeared into the clouds.

"Haha, these clouds are really special. They feel like sea water. Bear boy, are you okay?"

Surrounded by an endless sea of ​​clouds, ships and flights generally float on these white clouds. This is the White Sea at an altitude of 7,000 meters. The endless sea of ​​clouds is the unique ocean here.

With the impact of the soaring sea currents, they passed directly through the clouds. For those with abilities, this was no different from diving.

Things like sea clouds have the same characteristics as sea water.

Oran has completed the demon slaying, Leliana has a shield, and their father and daughter are fine, but Xiong and Zach are in a bad state.

At this time Zach was lying flat on the deck like Liquid, and the bear was lying next to him panting heavily.

"I'm fine, I'll be fine if I rest for a while."

In addition to the influence of sea clouds, there is also the problem of the air here. The air here is much thinner than down below, but the bear adapted quickly, even faster than Ginny.

Although muscles and fat consume large amounts of oxygen, which makes some muscular or obese people more susceptible to altitude sickness, this sea is not a normal world.

Robust also means powerful. The bodies of such people can absorb oxygen with higher efficiency and greater amounts.

"Is this an empty island? I haven't seen anything. And Dad, why is the record pointer still pointing up?"

Except for clouds, nothing appeared around Leliana as she expected. There is an old saying on this sea, no matter how big a crisis a navigator is in, or how unbelievable things he encounters, he must trust his own record pointer.

Since the record pointer is still pointing upward, it means that the destination is still above.

"Our current location is the White Sea, and three thousand meters further up is the White Sea. That is our final destination."

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