Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 170 Gold Roger, Project Origin and Gene-Powered Resistance

Chapter 170 Gold Roger, Project Origin and Gene Power Resistance

"But it's strange, Meow remembers his name. It was Gold D. Roger. I don't know since when, the newspapers and bounties all changed to Gold Roger. Did Meow remember it wrong before?"

While handing the newspaper to Orlan, Kate also expressed her doubts.

Ordinary bounty hunters only collect bounties on the sea and regularly replace old ones with new ones to prevent themselves from missing the rising bounties.

They are not for justice, but simply for money.

But Kate is different. She wants to become the biggest villain. In order to achieve this goal, she must eliminate other villains.

So her life-seeking notebook records the information of various pirates and underground world leaders.

She has planned how to kill Morgans and Feld, including them.

In addition to the name, bounty, and appearance of the other party, the bounty will also indicate some specific circumstances below.

For example, which pirate group the other party belongs to, what are their specific abilities, and what are their characteristics.

The World Government and the Navy occasionally get the information wrong, such as Charlotte Cracker of the BIG MOM Pirates. This biscuit fruit ability user is particularly afraid of pain, so she usually hides herself in the biscuit armor and never shows up.

Over time, the appearance of the biscuit armor was mistaken by the Navy as the real appearance, and it was also put on the bounty.

If the Navy discovers this problem, then the updated bounty will be corrected. This is not particularly rare.

But it was the first time Kate saw that even the name was wrong at the beginning.

"You remember correctly, Gol D. Roger is his real name. When did the name change?"

"About a few months ago, at that time, this group of people should have been close to the final island."

"That's about it. The World Government is just afraid of the so-called Will of D and doesn't want the name of D to spread across the sea with him."

The one who can complete the voyage around the Grand Line is the Pirate King. This is the default custom in the pirate world. Although the Pirate King does not have the power to command other pirates, it is a symbol of status.

Others may not obey him, or they may think they are stronger, but as long as someone completes this voyage, he is the Pirate King.

No one knows when this custom was born. Perhaps this statement was made shortly after the birth of the first pirate Joy Boy.

Seeing that Roger becoming the Pirate King has become a foregone conclusion, the World Government's move has become to use its own channels to influence the world and make everyone misunderstand Roger's name.


"I don't know what it is. Anyway, the scope of this thing is very loose and there are no fixed requirements.

Anyone can add D to their name if they want, for example, you can call yourself Kai D. Te or D. Kate."

"It sounds weird. But a name can make them so scared. What did that D do to them?"

Kate's perception of the World Government is that they are lawless. Because they are strong enough, everything they do is right.

But such a group of people actually have something to fear and hide. Kate is still very interested in what that power is.

"I don't know this either. It's probably what the blank hundred years describe, but it doesn't matter.

No matter whether they are enemies of the World Government or how powerful they are, in the battle between the World Government and them, the World Government will win.

What we have to do is to learn from the failure and then defeat the other side with stronger power.

If you are really curious, Xiong may know something. What do you say, Xiong?"

At this time, Xiong also walked into the basement from the stairs, looking like he had something to say to Oran.

Because the World Government spared no effort to seal off the blank 100 years, what happened during that time is a big blank in the world.

Only some races with a long history or the rulers of long-closed countries have a little understanding of that history.

The one who knows it the most is the giants.

This tribe has a long life span, a longer historical heritage, and more importantly, they are strong enough.

Elbaf, known as the world's most powerful country, is treated with courtesy even by the World Government.

Kuma was born in the Bakhaniya tribe. Although he does not know as much about history as the giants, he is not completely ignorant.

"What's wrong, Brother Oran, Kate, is there any problem?"

"It's this news, the name of this pirate has changed, it seems to be related to the blank 100 years or something like that."

"Well, I don't know about that blank period of time, but I heard from my father that there was a hero named Nika in the past.

He would dance the dance of liberation to bring laughter to people, and he was a hero who brought liberation."

The legend about Nika is circulated among the Bakhaniya people, and this is also the most taboo thing for the World Government. Even if it is an agent loyal to the World Government, if he is related to Nika, then there is a high probability that he will be destroyed.

"That's all I know, I don't know more, but it's best not to mention this in front of outsiders, otherwise it will cause countless troubles."

The people here are trustworthy, so Xiong will tell this matter, otherwise he will never take the risk to mention it.

"Meow knows, it's not the right time yet. By the way, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I'll wait for you to finish talking to Brother Orlan. It's a private matter."

The bear seemed a little unnatural. He insisted on waiting for Kate to report the details and leave before coming to Orlan. He sat cross-legged on the ground and said softly:

"That, Brother Orlan, you didn't really give Ginny that kind of medicine?"

"What medicine?"

"That kind, you know."

It can only be said that the bear and Ginny are really a good match sometimes, even the adjectives are the same. The bear knows very well that that kind of medicine cannot be bought in Piltover.

The rules of Piltover were made by Orlan, and the management of medicines here is very strict.

In the hospital, even an anesthetic must have a clear destination.

It can be said that you must see the medicine when you are alive and the bottle when you die.

Even if it is broken, a detailed report must be written to indicate the time and place. If there is any anesthetic that does not match the number, the relevant personnel will be punished.

Apart from this one, the management of other aspects is very relaxed. Even interns have enough salary, so they will not be reduced to paid work.

If Ginny has any access to this kind of drug, it must be here in Orlan.

"You mean that, not yet, but if you delay it any longer, maybe it will be possible."

"Brother Orlan, you are wrong."

"Why, don't you like her?"

"It's not this problem, you know my race, this race."

"Don't worry, Bear, this is my territory.

In my territory, no one will leak your information and blood type, so just face your heart directly, and don't leave too many regrets in life."

After signaling Bear not to be so nervous, Orlan left here and got busy with his own things again.

As for Bear, although there have been some changes in his heart, he is still a little hesitant. It will take a lot of time for him to take that step.

At the same time, all over the world, the news that Roger became the Pirate King is constantly fermenting.

In the New World, the Navy Headquarters, the office of Sengoku is very depressing, and only the chewing sound is constantly heard.

"Garp! This is Roger, the man you have been chasing for three years. Now he has reached the final island and has become the Pirate King. Do you have anything to say?!"

Sengoku slammed the table angrily. Seeing that Garp still ignored him, he snatched the senbei from Garp's hand and poured them all into his mouth.

But then Garp took out a new pack of senbei and continued to eat them silently.

At this point, he really didn't know what to say.

On an unknown island in the New World, Barrett wiped his bloody fist. He had just finished a battle that was not challenging for him.

Sitting on the enemy's corpse, Barrett looked at the newspaper in his hand with a complicated heart. He had withdrawn from Roger's pirate group a few years ago.

The news that Roger's life was coming to an end always made Barrett feel uneasy, and Barrett felt that this emotion was wrong and he didn't need any companions.

In order not to let this emotion affect him, Barrett became a lone ranger again after challenging Roger for the last time, and traveled on the Grand Line by himself.

Now that Roger has become the pinnacle of pirates, Barrett's heart has become complicated.

As Roger's old rival, Golden Lion's heart is as complicated as Barrett's.

In the floating island above the sky, this is Golden Lion's base.

Using the Floating Fruit, he established his own unique pirate base in the sky.

Even though he suffered heavy casualties in the Battle of Edwall, his position was not shaken.

Looking at the report in the newspaper, Golden Lion did not speak, but just smoked his cigar one after another.

The ash even piled up into a small mountain at his feet.

"It's you, Roger, who defeated me. You are really amazing."

These opponents may have a feeling of disappointment, but some people are simply angry, such as Charlotte Linlin.

In the Totland Sea, on Cake Island, Charlotte Linlin crushed the armrest of her throne.

Although it was made of biscuits, the hardness was beyond stone, which shows how unwilling she was in her heart.

After all, Charlotte Linlin contributed at least a quarter of Roger's power to become the Pirate King.

"Well, well, Pirate King, you are really brave to say that. The things you stole from me really helped him a lot."

If you want to become the Pirate King, the four road signs and historical texts are indispensable.

Only by finding these four historical texts can you find the location of the final island through the information above.

And these four road signs, one is in the Sea Forest of Fishman Island, and later disappeared.

One is in the underground dark room of Wano Country, one is in the Whale Forest of Zou, and the last one is in the hands of Charlotte Linlin.

If Roger had not used unconventional means to snatch the rubbing of the historical text from her, he would never have become the Pirate King.

Even the food could not make Charlotte Linlin forget this matter.

As for Roger himself, he didn't know anything about this matter, and he was even drinking happily with others.

On an island full of cherry blossoms, Gol D. Roger looked drunk, and in front of him was Edward Newgate, the white-bearded pirate known as the strongest man in the world.

"Hey, Newgate, have you read the latest newspaper?"

"See, Gold Roger, what's wrong, is that your real name?"

"D, my name is D, but Newgate, don't you really want to know how to get there? I can tell you the route."

"Gulala, no interest, I've got what I want, Roger, what are your plans next?"

"I don't know, probably to spend my last days."

Both the pirates and the navy have their own ideas about this matter, oh, and the five old men in Mary Geoise's office.

They also saw the news, but they felt that they handled it well. After all, the name D didn't spread, so there was no impact.

And Orlan himself was on a floating car in a very punk world. At this time, he was wearing a white coat and surrounded by guards with elite equipment.

"Doctor, we will leave the wilderness in five minutes and enter the company's management area, and we will be safe."

"Well, I see. Is there anything else?"

"No, I just hope you will not forget the brothers in the future, and please promote us more."

The bodyguard in the car took out a card and put it into Oran's pocket calmly, completing his bribery.

All this is because of the other party's level in the company.

The world here is highly developed, and the technology has long surpassed modern society. Oran named this world the Source Project.

The concepts of mechanical transformation and artificial intelligence are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people here and have long entered every household.

The Source Project is a high-tech controlled by a giant enterprise, and it is also the name of the company.

They launched the human upgrade project and wanted to create super humans.

The detailed classification is not only that. The original purpose of this plan was to "revive" the heroic spirits of ancient warriors, and make them new warriors by injecting the memories of those warriors into mechanical bodies.

But in this process, the Source Project's projects gradually expanded to human transformation.

In addition to simple mechanical life, they began to transform the human body, which inevitably resulted in failures.

Failed experimental subjects who are not loyal enough and cannot perfectly execute orders will be destroyed.

This extremely inhumane behavior also gave birth to the rebels - they call themselves Gene Power, fighting against the behemoth of the company.

And Orlan's identity here is the company's highest-level researcher, responsible for the company's special project - Source Plan·Annihilation.

Although there are only five minutes left to enter the city, these five minutes are often the most dangerous moment. During the driving of the vehicle, a giant blue arrow flew here from the ruins.

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