Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 192 A unique sales event, the eyes of the Five Elders

Golden Lion was fighting with Barrett. After hearing this, Zhan Guo's first reaction was that someone was having a seizure.

That troublesome guy had just been sent to the Impel Downs a few months ago. That was a deep-sea prison with an iron wall. No one had escaped from there so far.

"Well, Mr. Zhan Guo, this matter may not be explained in a few words. Perhaps Dr. Sidilier should answer this question for you."

In the smoke and lightning, Barrett was fighting with Shiki fiercely, and it seemed that the winner could not be determined for a while.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that Barrett is very angry now.

"Forget it, you go and tell Dr. Sidilier that they can evacuate now, and the next thing will be handled by the navy.

The Demon Slayer Order will start immediately, and let them withdraw from the bombardment range as soon as possible."

Zhan Guo knew very well that bombardment would not have any effect on people like Barrett, even the heavy firepower of the Demon Slayer Order would be the same. In the end, other high-end combat forces would still be needed to take him down.

He was in charge of leading the team, and Garp was involved. The specifications of this Demon Slayer Order were already high enough, and the purpose of all this was to seek stability.

In the first Demon Slayer Order after the opening of the Great Pirate Era, it was necessary to ensure that the enemy was eliminated or captured.

Roger's execution had gone wrong. If it went wrong again, the face of the Navy would be rubbed on the ground.

Indiscriminate destructive attacks on the area that sent the signal were also a necessary element of the Demon Slayer Order. From the time the Demon Slayer Order was decided to be carried out on Lime Island, the island was destined to be razed to the ground by artillery fire. This was considered a correct procedure.

"Yes, I understand."

Borsalino hung up the phone and came to Oran in an instant through the refraction of light.

"Dr. Sidilier, I am Vice Admiral Borsalino of the Navy Headquarters. General Sengoku ordered you to leave the bombardment area as soon as possible, because the Demon Slayer Order is about to begin."

Looking at the "wounded" in front of him, Borsalino conveyed Sengoku's words truthfully, and then looked at Shiki who was still fighting with Barrett.

"Excuse me, is that thing your new achievement? Dr. Vegapunk is very impressed with your technology. I haven't seen this kind of thing in his place."

Borsalino often appears near Punk Hazard. He is responsible for the security issues in the vicinity and cooperates with Vegapunk's research. He is currently the general who has the closest relationship with Vegapunk in the navy.

As an old friend of Oran, Vegapunk occasionally mentions Oran during research.

【If Oran is still here, this matter would not be so troublesome at all. 】

【If the two of us work together, this project will be much faster. 】

This is some information Borsalino got from Vegapunk.

Although Borsalino doesn't like Zefa very much and is the one who doesn't get along with Zefa the most among the graduates, and Zefa is the navy that Oran is most familiar with, this will not affect Borsalino's attitude towards Oran. The two things are not related at all.

"It's just a little breakthrough in research. Punk mentioned you to me. What do you think of this thing?"

"I don't understand things at the technical level. Let Admiral Sengoku and others make such comments."

"Navy? It's really infuriating."

Barrett saw the situation on the Oran side with his peripheral vision. Borsalino's navy coat was too conspicuous. Since a navy appeared here, the navy's large force should have arrived.


There was a sound of electricity in his ears, and Barrett evaded it sideways, but the attack still left a blood mark on his face. Unlike the previous electric laser, this time Shiki's shooting had projectiles.

The electromagnetic gun on his head was originally a modified version. It can not only fire high-speed projectiles like the real world, but also directly fire electric lasers.

Since Shiki entered the field for the second time, he was like a different person, with a much stronger reaction speed and strength.

And at this time, Shiki completely showed his characteristic of not caring about injuries. Even if Barrett hit him in the chest with a heavy punch, Shiki's action did not hesitate at all.

In ordinary battles, injury replacement is a problem that needs to be carefully considered, but the combat body of the Source Plan does not need to consider this issue.

Even if the neck is broken, it is just a matter of returning to the factory for repair.

If there is no problem with logistics, Shiki can be resurrected infinitely, unless it is smashed into pieces directly without any chance of repair.

Barrett was just tricked by Shiki. Barrett did not expect that Shiki's hilt was actually inlaid with seastone.

Although powerful ability users have a certain resistance to seastone and will not become weak and powerless when touched, it will also affect the smoothness of the battle.

In the battle of Egghead in the original timeline, Rob Lucci's strength was much higher than Stussy, but he did not react after being attacked by seastone.

Barrett's domineering defense was flawed at this moment, and a scar was cut on his chest by Shiki.

"Barrett, I'm sorry to tell you that your performance has come to an end."

At this time, Shiki, who had been mute throughout the battle, suddenly started to speak, but the voice that came was Oran's.

"You despicable coward, can you only hide behind!"

Barrett had seen Oran bandaging Leliana before, and he was sure that Leliana's condition was definitely not reduced to the point where she needed to be bandaged.

If Oran had bandaged her a little later, the wound would have begun to heal.

"Despicable? How can fighting on the battlefield be despicable? It's just part of the tactics. I will thank you for your dedication and wish you a good position in Impel Down City."

boom! boom! boom!

A series of explosions sounded, and the figures of several warships gradually became apparent around Lime Island.

The triple naval gun on the bow kept roaring, covering everything on the island in gunpowder smoke.

Barrett and Shiji were both targets of artillery bombardment at this time, which was also what Oran, who had already evacuated, meant.

But the bombardment of this kind of shells had no impact on Shiji at all. Under the self-recovery of the biological memory alloy, even if a shell fell on Shiji, he would recover in a few breaths.

Barrett is different. Although he has a huge reserve of armed domineering energy, a certain amount of domineering energy will be consumed by each bombardment of the main gun.

The ants killed the elephant. With Shiji maintaining a high-intensity battle with him, Barrett couldn't carry on forever. What's more, Shiji was not the only one participating in the battle.

"Fist bone·impact!"

As soon as the naval bombardment stopped, a figure jumped up from the warship and hit Barrett with a heavy punch.

"Okay, little brother, it's enough to hold on until now. The next thing is about our navy."

Barrett, who has not yet reached his peak, meets Garp who is in his prime. Even if his strength is not worn out, it will not be easy to receive this punch, let alone in this situation.

Leliana's Elbaf Flame Dragon Spear blasted a deep ravine on Lime Island before, and now Barrett was also punched into it by Garp, further deepening the crack.

At this time, Garp wanted to pat Shiji on the shoulder and say something. Some of the biological alloys exposed in the gaps in the armor looked no different from humans. They even bleed, but the color was a bit special.

It's just that Shiji ignored him at all. The emotionless terminal machine would only execute orders. For this kind of machine, orders were above all else.

So after receiving the order to end the battle, Shi Ji directly fixed the two swords on his body, turned around and flew in the direction of the warship.

"Still a cold guy."

"Stop talking nonsense, Garp, hurry up and deal with Barrett and complete this mission! As for whether that guy is a human being or not, we are not sure yet."

Warring States does not have the big heart of Garp, and pays much more attention to details than Garp.

Judging from the feedback between Porusalino, it is clear that Sidiril Oran has produced something special, rather than recruiting talents.

But this ability seems to be more troublesome than the latter.

Although new strong men will always be born on the sea. This vast ocean and huge population base create infinite possibilities, but these strong men also have various weird personalities.

And Shi Ji means that powerful combat power has become a weapon that is simply controlled.

The battle between Shiji and Barrett was about four to six. One such machine is fine, but what if there are ten or a hundred?

What if there is something stronger?

The only thing that made Warring States feel at ease was that Olan did not conduct any special research in private, but used this method to put the weapons on the bright side.

Warring States has always been known as a wise general in the navy, and he could more or less guess what Oran's purpose was.

At the same time, on the navy warships, several World Government agents were also reporting something to the World Government.

Although the demon-slaying order is executed by the navy, the world government will not let the navy act at will for such a large-scale operation. These agents are special inspectors responsible for reporting the execution results to the world government.

Marie Joa, an image phone bug, is playing a video repeatedly, which is the scene of Skye and Barrett fighting.

"Reporting to Master Wulaoxing, this is the actual situation at the scene. According to Sidilil's dictation, it is a combat aircraft called "Source Project"."

After reporting the specific situation, the agents on the ship cut off the phone, leaving only Wulaoxing to continue the meeting.

"Douglas Barrett, I remember that he is pretty good."

Nasushiro wiped his knife and commented casually on Barrett. This descendant of the devil in the outside world seemed to be nothing in his eyes.

"It's not bad, he's also a troublesome guy. Sidilir's technology really made a big breakthrough.

In this regard, he seems to have surpassed Vegapunk. This kind of power cannot be allowed to wander freely.

This power should not be an extra-legal force, the world government also needs this power, what do you think, Satan. "

Vauchuli, who was in charge of legal affairs, expressed his opinion while clenching his chin, and set his sights on Sartan, who was in charge of scientific defense.

"He is a smart man. He took the initiative to bring this weapon to the stage, isn't it just for us to see? I'm afraid that privately, he is already ready to make an offer.

But you're right, it's not good news to have this kind of power out there. "

"Then what are we going to give him? A seat as a member nation?"

"That's not enough. He's a greedy little guy, and he's only a member country. It's not easy for us to control this power.

We need more direct authority than letting the Navy take over. "

Sartan placed a form on the table in front of him. It was the system that the World Government had just proposed - the King's Shichibukai.

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