Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 229 Nico Robin and the Fishmen

Chapter 22 Robin and the Fishmen

The Navy's speculation was wrong. The jailbroken Golden Lion not only did not return with his old subordinates, but disappeared.

Although many people in the Navy thought that Golden Lion was planning something big, they finally chose to ignore Golden Lion for the time being.

For the World Government and the Navy, this is also a good thing.

Golden Lion's jailbreak brought a new wave of pirates, which is irreversible. At least this attitude of disappearing can reduce the damage.

Since Golden Lion made this choice, the Navy and the World Government did not continue to hunt him down in a big way.

Under the baptism of time, Golden Lion was gradually forgotten, and even Golden Lion's old acquaintances did not pay too much attention to this matter.

Compared with this person who planned for the future, they paid more attention to the current changes.

In the Sabaody Archipelago, Xia Qi's extortion bar, an octopus fishman climbed out of the water.

At this time, a woman with short black hair was smoking on the shore. She was Xia Qi, the current bar owner, the former emperor of Amazon Lily, and the previous captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

"New, Xia Qi, I'm here to play with Rayleigh! Is Rayleigh here?"

"It's Xiaoba, come in, Rayleigh is inside, do you want some juice?"


At this time, Xiaoba looked like a child, but he was actually sixteen years old. This is also a special gene expression in this sea. Some people will show a fault-like development during their growth and development.

Obviously, he was still a child a year ago, but in one or two years, he will undergo a qualitative change and become an adult.

"Rayleigh, here I come!"

"Xiaoba, long time no see, how are you doing recently?"

"Not bad, Fishman Island borrowed the flag of Whitebeard, and it has been much more stable since then."

Xiaoba rescued Rayleigh who was in a shipwreck some time ago, and since then he has become friends with Rayleigh. He is also one of the few fishmen in Fishman Island who has set foot in the Sabaody Archipelago many times and is fine.

With Rayleigh here, no one in the Sabaody Archipelago can hurt him.

"Whitebeard? His flag is indeed useful. Has Neptune finally changed his mind?"

"I heard from Brother Shak that it was a suggestion from a human king. Lady Otohime went to that country some time ago. Brother Shak and Brother Along have also gone there now. It's called Pi. Pi or something. I forgot the word."


"Yes, that's it."

The six hands make it much easier for Xiao Ba in some situations. For example, now he can open the newspaper while taking the juice, and clap his hands to show his approval.

"Rayleigh, have you heard of that place?"

"I went there when I was sailing before. It's a very special country."

Rayleigh has only been there once, because he went to see a doctor with Roger, but he was impressed after all.

"By the way, did you say that other fishmen went to that island? What did they do?"

"It seems to be mining and salvaging sunken ships, but I'm not sure about the details."

Developing deep-sea mineral deposits is part of the job. In addition, fishmen also have the job of salvage workers.

On the Grand Line, countless ships sink every year, and many ships have treasures and other things.

According to the unspoken rules of the sea, whoever fishes this kind of thing belongs to him. After all, given the danger of the Grand Line, people without some skills can't do offshore salvage at all.

At the same time, in a sea area somewhere in Paradise, a ship sailing from Fishman Island is anchored here.

"Big Brother Shak! Found it. There is indeed an ancient relic below! There seems to be a lot of good things in it!"

Aaron jumped up from the sea, returned to the deck and reported his discovery to Shak.

This location is the place that Oran found based on literature. It is said that nearly 800 years ago, the country here had huge wealth, but after so many years, it has already sunk.

"There is a strange stone below, with some strange words on it. Big Brother Shaq, do you want to see it?"

Aaron took out a piece of paper with words printed on it. This is a special waterproof paper. The production method is similar to that of the life card. The biggest feature is that it is not afraid of water. With special ink, the words will not fade even in water.

"Nicole Robin, the wanted poster says that you are the son of the devil left by O'Hara. You should be able to understand this."


"Hey, human kid, if it weren't for Big Brother Shaq's order, do you think we would let you on the boat? If you know, tell me quickly, otherwise I will put you"


"Tsk, I know, I'll go back to work."

Faced with Shaq's scolding, Aaron didn't say anything and dived back into the sea.

Aaron was like this in the original timeline. Even if he didn't accept humans, he would choose to obey Tiger's scolding. If Tiger didn't die in the end, he might make a completely different choice.

This voyage was actually different from what Aaron had imagined. He thought he would have a chance to see amusement parks in other countries and see how different other places for human beings to play were from the Soap Bubble Park in the Sabaody Archipelago.

In the end, Shaq really took them out to work. Apart from receiving a batch of tools, they didn't stay much.

As for why Nico Robin was on this ship, it was just an accident.

Ordinary people believe the words of the World Government and think that the destruction of Ohara is a serious crime, but Shaq doesn't believe it at all.

It's the same West Sea, and it was also destroyed. He just thinks that the World Government is covering up something.

Nicole Robin has been wandering since the destruction of Ohara a few months ago. Sauro sent her far away, but she is still on this planet.

A little girl is offered a reward of 79 million Baileys, which is much easier than catching those pirates.

The kind-faced old woman and the seemingly kind uncle are secretly planning to use her for the bounty.

You can't trust anyone. This is the essence of survival that Robin learned during her wandering.

Later, she found that the stable waters of the West Sea were too dangerous for her. She needed to survive better in a place where the navy's control was weak.

Finally, she came to the Grand Line. In order to survive, she learned very quickly. Joining and betraying were commonplace for her.

According to Robin's understanding, the fishmen race has a bad relationship with the World Government and the Navy, so Robin chose to sneak onto the fishmen's ship after her whereabouts were exposed again.

Although Shaq found her quickly, he did not drive her away, but promised to put her down the next time he docked.

However, Robin did not trust Shaq very much, and was always wary of him, and even couldn't sleep well.

"These are just some insignificant historical records, not important things."

Looking at the square font on the paper, Robin saw what it was at a glance. Although she was only eight years old, she had a doctorate in history certified by O'Hara.

She is also the only doctor of history in the outside world who knows ancient characters. As for other people, even if they know these characters, they don't have this degree.

"Ignore the words, isn't it good to say it out loud?"

"It's not good for you to know the content of those words. It basically says that an alliance suddenly launched a war and they are fighting hard."

In that blank hundred years, the people of the Kozuki clan in Wano Country created these special historical texts.

Under the operation of Alabasta's queen, Nefertari D. Lily, these historical texts were scattered all over the world, resulting in the World Government's failure to complete the recovery work.

Among the approximately thirty historical texts, there are four special red historical texts, which record the location of Raftel. Roger also found all the red historical texts before completing the final voyage.

The remaining twenty-six historical texts record related history, nine of which are relatively important intelligence historical texts, recording the location of things including ancient weapons, and the rest are relatively ordinary.

Whether Robin's translation is true or false, only she knows it at present.

"The world is dangerous, it is right to be wary, I wish you can find a trustworthy companion one day."

Shaq did not continue to ask, anyway, it was not an important matter, but at this time, a warship appeared in the distant sea.

"Brother Shaq! The navy is coming!"

"I saw it. We are not pirates. What are we afraid of? Just do what we should do. Don't do anything without my order."

Then many fishmen jumped into the sea. Judging from their appearance, if the warship made any dangerous moves, they would pierce the bottom of the other party's ship.

The rest of the people looked at the warship nervously, and after Shaq signaled Robin to hide in the cabin, he also took out a flag.

"Major General Flying Squirrel! Unknown ships were found, and the ships were full of fishmen!"

"Fishmen pirates?"

Due to the special national conditions of Fishman Island, there are no signs of fishmen on land, and the few famous fishmen are all pirates, which leads to a vicious cycle.

"Not sure, they didn't run away, nor did they attack. They look like they are waiting for us to pass by"

"Wait. Major General Flying Squirrel, it's the gear flag of Piltover, and those fishmen are flying the flag of Dr. Sidilier!"

On the watchtower, a soldier discovered a new situation.

"Mr. Orlan's flag?"

"Yes, it's confirmed. Do we need to approach it?"

"Approach it first and check with the headquarters immediately to confirm whether it is a fake flag or something else."


The warship did not stop moving and came to the side of Shak and others.

"Routine inspection of the navy. What are you doing?"

"Salvaging a sunken ship."

"What does that flag mean?"

"Of course it's our boss's flag. We work for him now."

Shak responded very calmly, and the soldier who verified the news also brought back new information.

"Report to Major General Flying Squirrel. The headquarters has verified with Firefly Island. It is indeed Dr. Sidilier's new employee."

"How is it? Do you need to check it again?"

"No need. There are many pirates in this sea area. You should pay attention to your own safety."

Navy patrols and inspections are not uncommon in this sea area. Otherwise, those O'Hara expedition ships would not have been found to have problems.

But it's different with the flag of Oran. Even without the identity of Oran, the position of Shichibukai is equivalent to an exemption mark. According to the rules, the navy cannot interfere with their private behavior.

The search navy left directly because of a flag, which also gave Robin in the cabin a new idea.

Today is gone, just fish at the end of the month

The goal for July is 30,000 per day, the actual 20,000 per day, and I will challenge again in August

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