Gilde Tezoro was born in a poor family. He didn't know why his parents got married, but since Tezoro could remember, his father was addicted to gambling.

It was nonsense to say that gambling could bring pleasure. Once you get addicted to it, your family would be ruined in the future.

While his father was addicted to gambling, Tezoro's mother was also addicted to alcohol.

It was normal for such a family to be poor. If they were not poor, that would be abnormal. Gambling is a thing that can't be controlled even if you have a fortune.

Tezoro, who lives in this family, also has dreams. He likes to sing.

In his poor childhood with little fun, Tezoro was fortunate to meet a mobile opera house. Although he had no money to buy tickets, he listened to the whole show outside in the cold wind at night.

Being able to buy tickets to watch performances in a dignified manner became Tezoro's goal. He not only wanted to listen, but also wanted to perform.

He wanted to live the lives of those stars more than a life that was excluded because of poverty.

Standing on the stage and enjoying the cheers of the audience.

Fate did not favor Tezoro. When he was twelve years old, his father died.

This made his family even more difficult. Although his father was a gambler, he could bring back some things every now and then to prevent the family from breaking up directly.

The death of Tezoro's father did not make his mother sad, and she remained the same as before.

But after that, his mother began to hate Tezoro's singing and did not allow Tezoro to sing. Finally, Tezoro chose to escape and left his home.

But at the age of twelve, he had no ability to support himself, could not do technical work, and could not do physical work as well as others.

Finally, he embarked on the road of stealing. He met many people through the stolen money, and then he thought he had made friends.

He naturally could not learn well from a group of cheating friends, and like his father, he was also infected with the bad habit of gambling.

All people who go to gamble think that they can stop after they can make a fortune, but the fact is that the casino is a swamp of greed. When you realize that you are trapped, you can no longer get out.

Four years later, Tezoro lost everything in the casino.

There is no law in this place. If there is no money, then the body is money. The people in the casino arrested Tezoro and planned to sell him to slave traders.

In Tezoro's eyes, good brothers and good friends did not even look at him, let alone save him. They all abandoned him.

Many card drawers believe that luck is conserved. A person cannot be unlucky all the time. When the unlucky person reaches the extreme, there is a possibility of reincarnation as an emperor of Europe.

Tezoro may have been unlucky to the end, and his good luck has finally come.

After the resistance, he not only escaped successfully, but also met the white moonlight of his life-Stella.

Stella's experience is worse than Tezoro's. Their first meeting was at the human trafficking house. At that time, Stella had been locked in a cage as a commodity, but she still had hope for the future.

The penniless Tezoro sang a song to Stella to comfort her, and also got the first affirmation in his life. From then on, Tezoro began his own struggle.

He wanted to give Stella freedom and buy her out of here.

He and Stella agreed not to do bad things again, so he got busy and worked non-stop from morning to night.

For the first time, Tezuolo felt that sweating was a happy thing.

Stella was a very expensive "commodity" in the human trafficking store. This was both a good thing and a bad thing for Tezuolo.

The high price made him not worry about Stella being bought easily, but relatively speaking, it was very difficult to save enough money.

Finally, after three years, he saved enough money to buy Stella.

But fate seemed to have dealt a fatal blow to Tezuolo again, and his good luck seemed to have come to an end.

"What did you say?! Reserved?!"

"Yes, the world nobles have reserved her. Why don't you look at other ones? We have many excellent slaves here. This money is enough for you to buy a few better ones."

"What a joke! I want her! I've already given you the money. I'm going to take her away today!"

"Boy, you'd better not be shameless."

Seeing that Tesoro was about to make trouble, the person in charge waved his hand, and several armored guards immediately surrounded him.

"Wait, this kid tried to snatch people from the world nobles. This is a crime of disrespect. Arrest him together."

At this time, a man in a suit walked in and signaled the people behind him to arrest Tesoro directly.

He is the butler of the Celestial Dragons. Although he is an ordinary human, he has long defined himself as a loyal dog of the Celestial Dragons.

Originally, the Celestial Dragons should have come here by themselves, but the vicinity of the Sabaody Archipelago has been uneasy during this period. The riots of pirates made these Celestial Dragons plan to postpone their journey and only sent their own men.

Bang! Bang!

As soon as the voice fell, several gunshots were heard from outside, and a shout of killing was gradually approaching.

"What's going on?"

"It's not good! Pirates are coming in!!"

This population job referral center had been destroyed once before, and Leliana did this not long after eating the fruit.

However, this is only a temporary solution, not a fundamental solution. The place with the greatest demand for slaves is in Marijoa, and there is the stubborn problem of the World Government. No matter how many slave traders are cleared out, this problem cannot be completely solved, and new ones will eventually be born.

Not long after that, this place was rebuilt and even the defense was strengthened. Unexpectedly, someone broke in again.

"Who is it?"

"It's the Iron Mask-Bavi with a bounty of 270 million Baileys!"

Iron Mask-Bavi, this year's supernova, has a high bounty that leads the second place of 150 million Baileys, making other pirates far behind him.

This is not because of how outstanding his strength is, but because the style of this group of pirates is different.

They specifically target the ships of human trafficking organizations, which makes some people in the World Government very unhappy, which leads to their high bounties.

After all, in addition to the strength factor, the bounty is also linked to the harm.

In the eyes of the people of the World Government, the damage caused by this kind of people is even more serious than those pirates who slaughtered the islands.

The characteristics of this group of pirates are very obvious. Everyone wears a devil mask of different styles to cover their faces.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong, it's just that different pirates have different styles, but why they do this, only this group of pirates knows it.

The birthplace of these people is the Valley of God.

There were more than just Orlan and his group of people who survived. Most people chose to continue living incognito. They did not think they had the ability to resist. It was great luck to be alive.

But there were always people who felt unwilling. They exercised their bodies and wanted to do something with revenge as their goal.

After Roger opened the Great Pirate Era, this group of people saw something else and finally decided to go out to sea and do their best.

Those evil ghost masks were their tribute to the people who saved their lives. Although they did not know the other party's name, they also wanted to imitate the other party's behavior and help some other people.

Except for the captain and a few cadres, even their crew members did not know what these evil ghost masks meant, let alone their opponents, but just regarded them as their characteristics.

But because of what happened that year, Pavi and others hated the World Government very much, and they did not attack the World Government's ships and slave ships.

The reason why the Celestial Dragons postponed their plans to go out was related to this group of people. They felt that these pirates were too troublesome and there was no need to add unpleasantness to their trip to the underworld.

"Old rules! Rescue all the slaves! If ordinary employees don't resist, let them go, but all the managers, the people from the World Government, and the slave traders must die!"

"You guys go grab the keys! You guys go guard the retreat channel. The ship coating is over. After the operation, we will immediately go to the new world!

You guys follow me!"

It was not a mindless looting, but an organized action. With an orderly division of labor, they quickly occupied the entire auction house.

"I am the right-hand man of the Celestial Dragons! If you hurt me, the Celestial Dragons will not let you go!"

The person who ordered the arrest of Tezoro before wanted to threaten Bavi and his gang in the name of the Celestial Dragons, but this was a provocation to them.

"You said. You are the assistant of the Celestial Dragons?"

"That's right, you are scared, if you beg for mercy now"


Bavi raised his hand and hit him on the head with the butt of the knife, knocking him unconscious. Then he said, "Don't kill him yet. It's too easy for him to be killed like this. When we burn this place later, burn him to death together!"

In the raging fire, the human auction house was destroyed again. Bavi took some pirate slaves under his command to strengthen his power. He also gave some travel expenses to his slaves and let them find a way to go home.

In order to get rid of the pursuit of the navy, going to the New World is their best choice at present. In order to prevent these people from being caught back soon, Bavi even brought some slaves who didn't know where to go on the ship and then put them on Fishman Island.

This also includes Tezoro and Stella.

"Okay, we are pirates, not nannies. The road ahead depends on you. This is 10,000 meters deep in the sea. Slave traders will not chase here. You can find a way to go by yourself."

After leaving such a sentence, Bavi embarked on a journey to the New World.

Many people didn't know what to do, and at this time, Shak, who had finished the first round of mining and had returned to Fishman Island, heard about the situation here.

After confirming that these people were all freed slaves, Shak came over.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. If you don't know where to go, I have a good place to recommend to you."

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