Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 241 The Iron Fist of the East China Sea, the Developing World

One lost to Kaido, and the other lost to Whitebeard. In a sense, they are evenly matched.

Whitebeard and Kaido were even pirates on the same ship back then. At this point in time, Whitebeard's gold content is much higher than Kaido's.

But no matter how strong Whitebeard is, he can't cover up the fact that Crocodile lost completely.

According to regulations, when there is a call for action, Shichibukai should appear at the venue.

However, everyone who accepted the seats in the Shichibukai had their own agendas. It was normal for no one to come to the venue.

Just like the original meeting after Crocodile's failure, Sengoku was surprised that three of the remaining six people came.

And among those three people, Doflamingo did it just to watch the fun, Bear did it because he had an agreement with the World Government, and Hawkeye was interested in Luffy. In short, none of them responded proactively.

Now Crocodile will come here simply to establish a character and make the world government and navy feel that they are relatively stable, so that they can plan their own major events.

Facing the crowds from the Warring States Period, Crocodile was unhappy, but it didn't matter. He just found a seat opposite and sat down.

This is Marigio. If you stir up trouble here, you might have to go to the Dragon Field to enlighten yourself in advance. The last person who dared to stir up trouble in such an important institution was the Golden Lion.

But even if it was the Golden Lion, it was the Navy Headquarters that attacked, not Marigio.

I don't know if it's good luck or bad luck. If something goes wrong again, there happens to be a prosthetic limb seller across the street.

"Okay, in short, this is the situation. Moria is the new candidate for the Shichibukai. Do you have any opinions? If there is a better candidate, we can't consider it."

Under the premise of procedural fairness, this meeting was very boring, and the ultimate goal was to nominate Moria, who had long been confirmed as the Shichibukai.

After the meeting process was passed, the World Government's messenger bat also found Moria with a letter.

Unlike the news birds under Morgans, the World Government has specially raised such a group of bats to send messages, which can be regarded as a unique animal.

And Moria didn't refuse the invitation to become the Pirate King? Revenge against Kaido? Without knowing what emotions he carried, Moria finally accepted this position and became the new Shichibukai.

In September, Koina, the daughter of Shigetsuki Koushiro, was born in Shuoyue Village in the East China Sea.

These people were supposed to be in Wano Country, but thirty years ago, they violated Wano Country's order to seal the country, and a total of 25 people left Wano Country together.

After fighting a group of bandits who attacked the village in the East China Sea, 10 of them settled here, which is now Shuangyue Village.

Similar things happened from time to time during the feudal state of Wano. Not only the Shigetsu family, but also other families occasionally made similar moves. For example, the sword in Fujitora's hand was made by the famous sharp knife craftsman of the Fugetsu family in the past. A famous sword - Jidao Fire Wire.

As a sword within a staff, it even ranks among the greatest sharp swords.

"I originally wanted this child to inherit the dojo, if it wasn't a girl."

"Ah, it's okay, you will become stronger, right, Kuina."

Koushiro is slightly dissatisfied with the child's gender, but Kuina's mother is full of expectations for the child's future.

Also in the East China Sea, young Melly began to build his own ships, and in a nearby naval branch, many navy officers were looking at a pair of gloves.

"Is this the new equipment from the headquarters? It looks pretty good."

"I heard that the cost is not low. The branches of the Grand Line are given priority. Bellemere, do you want to try it?"

There is no doubt that the source of the equipment is from Olan. According to Olan's superficial statement, this thing is a derivative product born while studying pacifists.

In fact, the prototype of this thing is the Atlas Gloves, which are the iron fists of Piltover Law Enforcement Officer Vi.

But without the Hex Crystal function, this is just a weakened version.

Harvesting funds belong to harvesting funds. Olan and Caesar are different from people who can't produce finished products. They still have to make nests when fishing. Giving them a little sweetness from time to time is the right way.

"It is said that this thing can reach ten times the strength of ordinary people, that is."

"Why are you whining? Isn't this thing just for people to use? Won't you know if you try it?"

The female marines, all with short heads and only a small number of long hair, came forward and directly touched the pair of iron fists on the table.

"It's really heavy. Even if it doesn't have ten times the strength, this weight is enough for someone to eat a pot."

With the help of other marines, Bellemere put the iron fists on his arms.

Different from the prosthetic body for the disabled, this is a special enhanced body. In addition to being installed on the prosthetic body as a plug-in, ordinary able-bodied people can also use it.

There is also an instruction manual under the box, which is basically a fool-proof operation. Bellmeier quickly figured out what the buttons inside the gloves did.


There was a loud explosion, and most of the walls of the canteen were collapsed, and Bellemere also felt a pain in his shoulder.

"It's powerful enough. I can knock away as many pirates as there are with this thing, but the side effects are a bit unpleasant."

[It enables the wearer to emit stronger force. Continuous use may cause bone damage to the wearer, please be careful.]

There are also danger instructions next to the manual, which is also a feature of the Atlas gloves. Wei's original set has a support device on the back, but this pair of degraded versions are two lonely gloves, and the force when using them must be borne by the human body.

In other words, many people in this sea have different physiques from ordinary people, so this side effect can be basically ignored.

"Hahaha, of course, this thing is not for you to use, it's mainly for you to see."

The base chief of the branch walked in, with a bit of arrogance on his face. This pair of gloves was allocated to him by the headquarters.

However, this branch is a small branch of Sihai, with a total of only a hundred people. The base chief has a good relationship with ordinary soldiers, so he took this thing out in advance to show off.

"Don't lose heart. It's still in the testing phase. Maybe it will become the basic equipment for ordinary soldiers like guns and swords.

Now this pair of gloves is not used by the top warriors, and the fixed output power is far less than their own bodies.

Too grassroots soldiers can't use it either. Their bodies can't bear the reaction force of the gloves. Forcibly using it will hurt themselves. It's just right for grassroots officers to use it, which can supplement the combat effectiveness of the grassroots.

If the research and development of the pacifist is still a secret project, only the top navy knows about it, and the promotion of the gloves may have to add Garp's name.

The title of hero Garp is still very useful in the navy today. It comes from Garp's "iron fist", which can even improve the morale of the navy to a certain extent.

Near Firefly Island, on Drum Island, the king of the Drum Kingdom is still worried.

"Your Majesty, you are too doting on Lord Wapol. This won't work. "

In the palace, Dalton expressed his own views. Under his father's doting, Wapol's behavior was more outrageous than a few years ago, and the impact was gradually increasing.

"Yes, it's really a headache."

The king knew that his doting was problematic, but whenever Wapol made a fuss, he couldn't help but soften his heart.

He listened to the ministers' advice every time, but he couldn't change it.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing. Those who were exiled because of His Highness Wapol seemed to have gone to Piltover in the end, and they moved with their families. There were many excellent doctors among them.

Some of their relatives and friends even took the initiative to move because of this. This tendency of population outflow is not good news for the Drum Kingdom. "

"Wapol hates those people. It's good that they can find a good place to go. But you are right. It's time to take care of Wapol. This kid really doesn't look like a prince."

The king sat in the chair and rubbed his head, but Dalton didn't interrupt.

It's okay for the king to say that the prince is not good, but it's inappropriate for him to interrupt.

However, Dalton didn't believe the king's words. It was like this so many times before, and it didn't come to fruition in the end.

There was one thing Dalton didn't say. A while ago, an old friend of his actually called him and said that the Piltover Guard was still recruiting people. Those with excellent grades would be assigned mechas. He asked Dalton if he wanted to change jobs.

The poaching even happened to him, the captain of the guard team, which shows how bad the atmosphere has become.

"My child is foaming at the mouth!"

"That bastard ran away! Catch him quickly! ”

The village at the foot of the mountain was another scene. The famous quack doctor Hiluruk began to treat others on his own initiative. Medicine and poison are inseparable. As a quack doctor, Hiluruk is now more like a Breaking Bad doctor. It is a blessing that he can't kill people.

Others don't want him to treat diseases, but sometimes Hiluruk will take the initiative. Now he can still move around, thanks to Kuleha.

Seeing Hiluruk making trouble, Kuleha shook his head, walked into the patient's home and settled the matter for Hiluruk, so that no tragic consequences were caused.

This year, Red-footed Zeff was still sailing in the East China Sea, and luckily avoided Garp who occasionally returned home, and did not encounter the boss wandering around the Novice Village.

Rolando Kulik, the descendant of the fisherman, also sailed on the sea as a pirate. At this time, he had not yet reached the location of Gaya Island, nor had he begun to look for traces of the Golden Country.

The fishman deep-sea exploration team began to get on track, providing Piltover with a lot of scarce minerals, further reducing the cost of some equipment, but there was no price reduction of goods.

The excess profits were used in the construction of the island and the development of the fishman island. Time passed in the development, and soon it came to November 1501.

At the port of Piltover, Lab had a huge mobile platform on his head, and a giant birthday cake was placed on it.

Today, Leliana celebrated her fourteenth birthday, one step closer to adulthood.

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