Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 278 The Future Diva's Dad, Zefa's Needs

"Your Majesty Oran, the man who pretended to be your son has been caught."

"So fast?"

"It was done by Mr. Brooke's fans. Their power of action is somewhat exaggerated. By the way, there are also some reasons for Mr. Brooke in the immigration applications during this period."

"I really underestimated Brooke's influence. This rice circle thing is really outrageous."

The original purpose of getting Brooke out was to attract the strong combat power of Redfield and the famous doctor Kurokas. Olan had thought about Brooke's ability to generate income, but he never thought that it would reach this level.

As for the rice circle thing.

In a regular world with laws, things like this can cause trouble, let alone this semi-chaotic sea.

Brooke's fans are not just ordinary people, they also include bounty hunters and pirates. Being able to catch that liar in the West Sea has already proved their ability to act.

"Assign a few people to take the lead in setting up a fan club for Brooke as the only official organization. Don't let anyone take the opportunity to mess around."

"I understand, I will arrange it."

Most people's ideas are not that complicated, they are just chasing stars. In order to survive better in this sea, you must have some spiritual sustenance.

What I'm afraid of is that someone with good intentions will take advantage of this kind of person and cause some trouble, and then the consequences will have to be dealt with.

"Also, Kate during this time"

"She told me that the pirates have been running away recently, and there are very few who dare to take the initiative to provoke. They have already begun to return home."

Ironclad ships like the Power Gear are extremely rare on the sea, and when many pirates see this ship, their first reaction is not to run, but to seize the ship for their own use.

Countless people paid a bloody price for this, but it was of no use. The new pirates who went to sea would still repeat what their predecessors had done.

The shock brought by Leliana can last for a while, and it will probably return to its original state after a while, but this period of time can be considered leisurely.

The first time a pirate encounters you, you want to run away, but it usually turns into a moving target exercise in the end.

Absalom's activities in the New World have also gone much smoother, and his reputation is easy to use. However, Whitebeard is not in a good mood now because Gamenio has defected.

After finding out the truth, Whitebeard sent Marco to punish him. Gamenio didn't say anything at the time, but he felt very dissatisfied in his heart.

Whitebeard did not protect him unlimitedly, which was wrong in Gamenio's eyes, so he injured several other partners while being imprisoned and left the Whitebeard Pirates.

It is not surprising that he would do such a thing as he is extremely selfish and self-centered. In the original timeline, he even killed his companions and then defected from the pirate group, knowing that Whitebeard was taboo. Such a level of defection is possible. Still light.

But this does not mean that Whitebeard can accept what he did and no longer pursue it.

[Take care of your son, otherwise he will cause trouble sooner or later. 】

A powerful opponent is even more impressive, especially Leliana who ended the battle not long after.

"Marco, get that guy back."

"I understand, Dad, leave this matter to me."

Pirates is not a play house, and you cannot quit if you want to after joining.

Even Whitebeard, whose style is most like playing house, cannot tolerate anyone under his command quitting in this way.

Whitebeard himself has a relatively gentle personality among these monsters. If he tells Whitebeard properly that he doesn't want to do anything anymore, Whitebeard will not embarrass him, and may even take the initiative to send the other person to a safe island to disembark.

But Gameno even injured other companions, which was already a violation of the rules.

Whitebeard would not take the initiative to publicize this kind of embarrassing thing in the newspapers. He would just send people to recover the money privately, so the progress was much slower and not everyone knew about it.

"Dad Oran, isn't sister Riley coming back yet?"

"She has some things to do. She will come back when she is done. Let's try this and see how it feels."

Olan took something that looked like a flying saucer from the laboratory, with a loudspeaker-like device on it.

"What's this?"

"Your new gift, don't you envy Perona's Kumaai? This is prepared for you, and it will also be your exclusive stage in the future."

The imitation Hex crystal technology has become more and more mature with Blitzcrank trying day after day, and now some crystal substitutes have appeared.

Although it cannot afford core items such as the large Hex flying door, Iron Oz core, Kate's heart, etc., it is still no problem to make some small items.

"Is this Kate's mother's flying skateboard?"

In Piltover's ancestral history, everyone has their own way of naming seniority. The biggest difference between Uta and others is that Kate brought it back herself and spent more time taking care of her, so this title was derived and has no other meaning.

"It's almost the same, but it's not for you to fly. You can use it to fly when you are older, but flying at high altitudes is not suitable for you now, so this function is locked.

Now it is a mobile performance stage that can float close to the ground. A quite famous singer used it to perform. "

"A famous singer?"

"Yes, my former company ambassador, Xinglai Diva Serafani."

Strictly speaking, Oran knows several Seraphines. The K/DA universe has been recruiting such a new person to join the group recently, but the one he knows best is Seraphine from Valoran.

Seraphine is very similar to Uta in some aspects. In addition to her love for music, her favorite is also lullaby.

Unlike Orlan, who can't distinguish friend from foe when he speaks, Seraphine's father is a good singer, and his beautiful and melodious voice reveals a little sadness.

He and Seraphine's mother are both native Zaun people. In order to give their daughter a better development, they gave up everything and came to Piltover to seek a better life.

Relying on their own skills, their family opened an audio workshop, the main business of which is to repair some sound-generating machinery and sell some records.

In order to live a better life in Piltover, Seraphine's parents are very busy, but Seraphine does not feel lonely. Music is her companion.

The sound of whistles, the sound of gears turning, and even the sound of people chatting have special melodies in Seraphine's ears.

After a while, Seraphine realized that she could perceive many secret and private songs.

Songs that ordinary people cannot hear.

As she grew up day by day, the effect of this talent became more and more significant. She can hear the voice of the soul. The outside world is full of overwhelming discordant sounds to her, turning into a chaotic symphony of desire and conflict.

It is the same as Redfield's original situation, except that Redfield awakened his exaggerated observation color, while Seraphine's is magic at the soul level.

Like Superman who has just awakened super hearing and cannot control it, Seraphine is extremely headache by these noises without any melody, and curls up in a corner with her ears covered every day.

Seraphine's parents moved to the upper city just to give their daughter a better living environment. Naturally, they couldn't bear to see her suffer, so they began to look for solutions, and the variables were born from this moment.

Part of the design concept of Redfield's shielding helmet is the shielding device that Orlan made for Seraphine to suppress auditory magic.

At first, Demacia's magic-blocking stone was used, but because of the characteristics of the magic-blocking stone itself, it was not comfortable to wear for a long time.

Hex crystal products can also solve this problem, but the cost is higher. Although her parents are willing to spend this money, it means giving up everything and starting from scratch again.

At that time, Orlan, whose company was rising, signed the first agreement with their family as a person who knew Seraphine's talent. Orlan funded Seraphine to solve this problem, and Seraphine was to become an image spokesperson and accept Orlan's teachings.

In terms of magic, the two of them have similarities, uncontrollable dreams and uncontrollable "hearing", and the same pink hair.

There are few senior mages in Piltover, but Orlan happens to know a few of them with his own abilities.

They couldn't solve the mystery of Orlan, but that method worked for Seraphine, so Seraphine began to learn how to control her abilities and play a greater role.

With the talent of being able to resonate with others, she can find the frequency in the hearts of others. She travels back and forth between Zaun and Piltover, and gradually creates a new song, a song that sings about union and solidarity, but it is never perfect.

Seraphine's voice has a new meaning. Seraphine herself also realized that her ability can help others find "their own singing voice".

Seraphine's flying stage was also born after this. With her talent, she quickly became a dazzling new star in the Twin Cities, and Orlan's advance investment also saved her a huge amount of endorsement fees.

She is still an exclusive spokesperson that others can't poach.

"So, Uta, having a nice voice is only one aspect. Nice pop songs will only be popular for a while, and only songs that resonate with the heart will be sung forever.

This may be the reason for Brook's success. In terms of soul, he has a unique talent.

But Uta, your talent is not inferior to his, and you will definitely surpass Brook in the future."

Bulu Bulu~

Orlan helped Uta stand on this floating stage. When he was about to let her try, his Den Den Mushi rang.

He put his finger on his mouth, signaling Uta to keep quiet. Uta also cooperated and covered her mouth with both hands, indicating that she would never make a sound.


"Dad, it's me, Riley. Uncle Zefa wants to ask me something. I think it's a bit difficult. I want to ask your opinion."

"Zefar? What does he want you to do?"

"Well, he wants me to strengthen those navy officers and let them understand what kind of opponents the navy will face in the future."

Scorpion's background story has been changed, but Seraphine's has not been changed. It seems that they will have to change it sooner or later, so don't worry about the possible problems.

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