Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 288 Coming of Age Ceremony, Expanding Territory

"What a failure, I just found out about this"

Brand seemed very disappointed because of the coming-of-age ceremony.

It's not that he doesn't like this, but he just found out today that it's not just Leliana who's going to have the coming-of-age ceremony, but also Frankenstein.

"I go in and out of the palace every day, but I just found out today that the eldest princess and the second princess are the same age."

Although the system of Piltover is relatively complete, the power interweaving of the top leaders is very complicated. In addition to Ginny's intelligence, the affairs of the royal city and the guards are under Kate's charge. These two points are the most clear.

Bear and Brand are the chief and deputy in charge of the guards in other areas. In addition, whoever is free and whoever can do it will be in charge, such as Brand's part-time diplomacy.

Blitz often appears in the logistics department, and Zach will randomly appear in various places.

"Brand, are you attacked by the negative ghost? Why don't you have any energy at all?"

Brand has always given people a sunny feeling, but sometimes the sunshine is scary. It's the first time Absalom has seen Brand so disappointed.

"No, I just suddenly felt that I was derelict in my duty. You said that I also have some work as the Minister of Internal Affairs, but I actually got something as basic as age wrong."

"What's the matter, Brother Brand, you don't know how old Lord Orlan is, right?"


If some things are not mentioned, no one will remember them. If they are suddenly mentioned, it is a bit irritating.

Under Absalom's comfort, Brand seemed to have his built-in armor penetrated, and he muttered something else in the corner.

"Brother Brand, don't worry about it. Even Lord Kate can't explain this problem clearly. It is more mysterious than the kingdom's secrets.

The problem is that you know it. The envoys sent by other countries have arrived. You should go to receive them."

They are all birthdays, and the coming-of-age ceremony symbolizes more things.

In fact, the coming-of-age ceremony in Piltover is later than that of other countries on the sea. According to the tradition here, 17 years old has reached the standard, but Orlan, the king and father, obviously has a higher say in such matters.

If it was just a small country, no one would care about this kind of thing, but Piltover's national strength is increasing almost every day.

Especially before, Leliana's own prestige reminded the surrounding countries what Piltover could do, and made more people start to wait and see this princess.

As for marrying this princess.

Most kings don't have this idea, not because they don't want to, but because they know it's unrealistic.

It's not uncommon for a queen to succeed to the throne on the sea. Except for the closed-door countries like Wano Country, there are many queens on the sea, and even transvestites can become queens.

If their own daughter is so strong, then the right to inherit the throne will definitely be hers. If nothing else, at least she can keep the prosperity of this country for generations. Even if she gets married, she will only recruit others to marry into the family.

Unlike those who don't even know whether Orlan has a son, those who have seen Orlan at the World Conference can still figure out some things, such as Leliana and other sisters.

Even if they can become brothers-in-law, it is fine. Some older kings have noticed Orlan himself. Although they don't know why the queen position of Piltover has been vacant, it is an opportunity for those who have daughters.

Therefore, this coming-of-age ceremony has gathered a lot of people. Under the name of celebrating the princess' birthday, they want to complete some political activities.

Whether it will succeed or not is not the point, anyway, it has made Piltover a lot more lively.

And Leliana's edge is so strong that others can't compare with her at all. Even if Frankenstein is often regent, Brand didn't realize that she is the same age as Leliana.

After all, in terms of appearance, Frankenstein has been more mature than Leliana a long time ago.

It just so happens that this kind of thing is not uncommon on the sea. In addition to many people with abnormal body shapes, the growth rhythm of this sea is also very chaotic.

"There are quite a lot of uninvited people, Brand, treat them well in terms of etiquette, and just perfunctory some things."

Some people were invited by Orlan, and even the king came in person. Such a country needs Orlan to receive them himself.

The remaining people also had corresponding treatment methods. After all, they came to congratulate, and they could not fight back directly without falling out.

"As you command, Your Majesty, please leave it to me. I have had sufficient experience over the years."

In the past, birthday parties were held in Whale Harbor. This time, in order to be more formal, they were moved to the palace. In a corner of the banquet hall, you can still see Redfield holding a red wine glass.

Of course he would be here at this time, but there were too many people on the scene, and they were not Brooke's fans.

Even without the ability to read minds, Redfield could see from their eyes and expressions that they each had impure thoughts and were unwilling to talk to these people.

"You have been in this world for some years. I wish you can find your truest self in the days to come."

They basically get along with each other every day, and they didn't say much else at this time, and Oran also found something that he didn't know whether to say good or bad.

"I didn't expect you to come here in person. Can the Drum Kingdom leave you?"

The old king of the Drum Kingdom came here in person, which surprised Oran.

"Fortunately, Wapol is not young anymore, so it's okay. I really envy you for having such an obedient child."

Halfway through his words, the king swallowed his words back. It was obvious that he himself did not trust his son very much.

For Orlan, the thing that was difficult to define was the old king's health. Even without an examination, Orlan could see that his health was declining.

"You have to pay more attention to your health."

Doctors are not omnipotent. Medicine cannot cure fatal diseases. If the body reaches its limit, then there is no medicine.

The Drum Kingdom has only one heir. If the old king dies, then Wapol will be the only one to succeed him. From a national level, this is a good thing.

The neighboring country has a mediocre ruler who succeeds to the throne, and the future of the country is promising.

But from a doctor's point of view, Orlan can't always hope that the other party will die early.

"I know what's going on. The doctors in the kingdom have made a diagnosis. Don't worry. We can still hold on for a few more years."

While talking about development and trade with neighboring countries, Brand dealt with other envoys. Those who tried to recommend a princess to Oran were rejected for various reasons.

At the end of the ceremony, when the guests were leaving, Tezuolo found an opportunity to come up.

"Your Majesty Oran, the three years we agreed on have passed. This is the development of the East China Sea in the past three years. Please take a look."

Tezuolo brought back a detailed record and a plan for future development. It can be said that he bet his future on it.

The numbers in it have been carefully calculated. After all, the annual financial statements have to be sent back. If there are any differences, they will be discovered soon. Excessive boasting will not be worth the loss.

"Not bad, you did much better than I expected. Later."

"Olan, there is a new situation. There are changes in the North Sea."

Just when Oran was about to give Tezuolo a new multiple-choice question, Kate in a dress came over and interrupted their conversation.

"I'll step aside first."

"No, you should come and listen too."

Tezoro realized that something big seemed to have happened and wanted to leave, but was taken to a higher-level conference room by Orlan.

"The latest news is that platinum-lead disease has broken out in Frevans in the North Sea. The surrounding countries have blocked Frevans and prohibited anyone from leaving. A ship belonging to the World Government has also gone there, apparently intending to evacuate the royal family there."

At the end of 1505, after hundreds of years of accumulation, platinum-lead disease still broke out on a large scale. If no one intervenes, this incident will continue until next year. In a few months, Frevans will be completely destroyed.

"Tezoro, have you heard of platinum-lead?"

"I've heard that platinum-lead is an important mineral in Frevans and a very rare mineral.

This platinum-lead can not only be used to produce tableware, paint, sweet seasoning, and cosmetics, but also an important raw material for some weapons. The lead bullets made from it are very popular in the outside world, and our shotguns also have this kind of ammunition."

Tezoro has been cramming all kinds of knowledge over the years, and naturally has a certain understanding of this mineral.

"What about platinum lead disease?"

"It is said to be an infectious disease. Once infected, it cannot be cured."

"That's nonsense. That thing is not an infectious disease at all, but poisoning. As for the treatment method, I have made progress. It is very simple to cure it.

So, Tezoro, what do you think I plan to do next?"

The question came to Tezoro again. To be precise, this is no longer a problem, but an exam.

[The information brought by Lord Kate shows that King Oran has been monitoring the situation there for a long time.]

[Platinum lead disease has been conquered, but it has not been announced. Is it the Iber Medical Award? Winning the award twice in a row can indeed enhance reputation, but if it is just reputation, His Majesty Oran should not pay so much attention to it.

Is it just for platinum lead? ]

Faced with Oran's question, Tezoro hesitated. He realized that this question might be related to his future, but he was a little unsure about Oran's thoughts.

[The royal family evacuated. Could it be that the royal family said! ]

Thinking of Oran's identity and how Piltover was established, Tezoro had his own guesses in his mind.

"You want the whole Frevans?"

As a king, how could he not be interested in expanding his territory?

Frevans has precious mineral deposits. If the ore is poisonous, it is indeed a big problem, but as long as it can be treated, it is a brand new resource.

After the royal family of Frevans voluntarily gave up the land and evacuated, Frevans became a new no-man's land.

Citizens with "terminal illnesses" can only fight desperately to survive, but platinum lead disease is a highly contagious disease in the eyes of the world, and neighboring countries will not accept them.

At this time, as long as a "hero" appears, he will naturally win the hearts of all the people.

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