Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 71 Pink-haired people are always considered as the future of the navy

After leaving aside the issue of recruitment, the rest of the conversation went smoothly overall. One wanted to sell, and the other wanted to buy. They soon reached a consensus on the price.

"If all the materials are provided by us, the price can be lower, right?"

"Of course, it will be good for us if you deal with all these troublesome links, but there is one thing, some parts must be processed in the place I specify."

When doing business on this sea, transportation costs have always been a problem, especially in the Grand Route.

The changeable sea currents and the rampant pirates make the movement of merchant ships very dangerous, and the high prices of goods in cross-island trade are also inseparable from this.

In the underground world, Umit still controls the most transportation channels. Usually, Feld also transports goods through Umit. Although the cost is slightly higher, it is safer.

This is a basic problem. Even if Feld obtains a special ship that can pass through the doldrums through Orlan, he still doesn't know enough about shipping. This is because he has some cooperation with Umit through this thing.

If the navy is allowed to transport it by itself, these problems will not be a problem. Even if it is robbed halfway, it has nothing to do with Orlan.

Anyway, even if the navy doesn't go through the doldrums, it can still go around the red soil continent.

The technical cost of the seastone ship is very low and the method is very simple, but before it is announced to the world, it is still a secret, and even Vegapunk has not thought about it for the time being.

Orlan did not remind Vegapunk or the navy about this matter, and let them figure it out slowly.

"Why is it the South China Sea? I heard that Feld has prepared a lot of research facilities for you in the Grand Line. Can't it be produced there?"

"There is a difference between laboratory products and factory products. I have guided the construction of a factory there. The workers there are more familiar with how to build this kind of thing. If you want, you can build a new one nearby.

The guidance fee is about. This number is enough."

Orlan wrote down a number on the paper again. The word "worker" was just a perfunctory one. The most important thing is the bear. The existing equipment is difficult to compare with the bear's meat ball fruit in terms of material synthesis.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the upgraded prosthetic material cannot be separated from the help of the meat ball fruit.

The Navy has no objection to this matter. The Kingdom of Solbe is also a member state, and there is also a Navy branch nearby. There is no problem with placing the foundry there.

"We have no disagreement about the lecture, but Dr. Sidilier, we need you to conduct another live broadcast at the Navy Headquarters. This time the content is facing all the disabled soldiers. There should be no problem with this, right?"

The Navy Headquarters also wants to take this opportunity to show all the Navy that there is no need to be afraid even if they are disabled due to combat.

The Navy will not give up any soldier, and will use new technology to bring them changes, so as to win over the army and enhance the cohesion of the soldiers. .

"Okay, just treat it as a gift for the transaction. I have a set of samples with me. If you have a suitable target, I can perform prosthetic surgery at any time.

Fran, bring the things over."

Frankenstein brought in a box that was much taller than her from outside the door. After the box was opened, the mechanical products of various shapes inside also refreshed the Navy's cognition.

"The most basic limbs, dense bones for strengthening, spinal reinforcement plug-ins, brain implant rangefinder.

Here are special weapon modules, knives, swords, guns and cannons.

In short, as long as he is not dead, I can make him stand up again. It depends on how far you want to go."

There are more sophisticated equipment, but those are no longer in the scope of transactions, so Oran did not mention these things.

"By the way, Mitt, this is for you. You have advertised for me a lot in the past few years. Although there is no special weapon module, it is stronger than your civilian version."

"Thank you, Dr. Oran, I will not let this arm down, and I will definitely maximize its value!"

"You're welcome. Anyway, the Navy Headquarters has paid for it."


He suddenly didn't know what to say. They had reached a deal, and it was no problem to say that they had paid. Oran's things were indeed given to the Navy, but there was something inexplicably weird about it.

"Thank you soldiers for your outstanding contributions in the war against pirates and maintaining world peace.

The Navy Headquarters has reached a cooperation intention with Dr. Sidilir Oran. The Navy will not give up any soldier, and all disabled soldiers will be given the necessary protection.

Iron Arm Mite's situation is not unrepeatable. I wish you all a better future."

In the Navy G3 branch, the video Den Den Mushi in the hospital is playing the screen broadcast from the Navy Headquarters.

On the bed next to him, a wounded soldier with empty trouser legs was staring at and listening to Sengoku's speech in amazement.

[For justice, we will never compromise]

"Lawrence, Lawrence! Stop being in a daze, the doctor is asking you a question."

"Oh, sorry, I was distracted just now, what did you say, doctor?"

Lawrence is an ordinary navy soldier. In the battle a few days ago, he lost his legs due to artillery fire. In fact, he could have saved his legs, but at that time there were too many wounded soldiers and limited medical resources, so the doctor had no time to perform a detailed operation on him.

In order to save as many lives as possible as quickly as possible, the doctor chose to perform an amputation on him.

"It's nothing. Let's see what's wrong with your mental state. Have you heard the news from the headquarters? Don't worry. If you can stand up in the future, the most you can do is wait."

"To be honest, was it true that I was only in a coma for a week? Why do I feel like several years have passed? How come I haven't heard of this technology before?"

"To be precise, you were only in a coma for six days. Don't worry, it's all true. This technology has always been around, but this doctor made it available to the public."

The military doctor couldn't tell Lawrence, don't underestimate the department's technology. It's just that you, an ordinary sergeant, are not worth the department's investment. Instead of custom-making a prosthetic body for you, it would be better to retire you.

At the same time, in the Marshal's Office at the Navy Headquarters, the same image also appeared on the projection screen, but the topic here was completely different.

"Zefa, you are the youngest general in these years. You have only been in this position for four years. You"

"Marshal Kong, needless to say, I have made my decision. Now I no longer have the ability to continue to hold this position. I can't do it."


"I have no plans to quit the Navy, look at these young men, Marshal Kong.

They are full of passion and want to be heroes, but I can no longer be that so-called hero. In fact, I realized a long time ago that the navy is not a simple hero. But at that time, I was a little tired, so I didn’t want to think too much.

Now I just want to protect my family better.

But these young people are the future of the navy. Let me use my remaining energy to train them to become new heroes. "

In the year 1490 of the Maritime Calendar, General Zefa of the Navy Headquarters resigned from the position of general and became the chief instructor of the Navy Headquarters.

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