The doctors and cheerleaders behind Whitebeard were even more shocked.

"When did Dad become so strong? Beating the three of them is like playing"

"Dad seems to have become stronger. Even stronger than when he was young. But this doesn't make sense!"

Hasn't their captain's body already reached the point of exhaustion?

How come it seems to have exceeded the limit now?

"Dad, it was that elephant! He was the one who killed Uncle Kexi! Beat him to death, beat him to death!"

The young lady who just fell down was shouting at Whitebeard with anger on her face.

Kexi just died beside her.

The blood was splattered all over her.

"There's no time! You pervert!"

Quinn was still urging Jin.

But looking at Jin's eyes that looked like he was looking at a mentally retarded person, Quinn knew that this plan would not work.

They delayed for a while, and Whitebeard had already come to kill them with a knife.

The two had no choice but to meet him again.

If they didn't go up, Jack would be dead.

After all, they were brothers.

If Jack hadn't taken so much damage just now, they wouldn't have been only slightly injured.

""Diao Zizun Huang!"

Jin pulled his head back like a slingshot, then released it to create a powerful shock wave.

It shot towards Whitebeard like a laser beam, with great power.

"Brachiosaurus bomb!"

Quinn jumped up, fell from a high place, and hit Whitebeard with his head.

But just when their fierce attack was about to hit Whitebeard, a strong vibration came again.

Whitebeard hit the air in front of him with his right hand. It easily created a huge crack that spread for dozens of meters.

The strange and life-like vibration force easily shattered their attack.

The two were hit hard, and flew backwards again at a very fast speed, and fell heavily on the ground in the distance.

"It's that vibration again! You're cheating!"

Quinn's forehead was bleeding. He slammed the ground hard, leaving a large crack on the ground.

"The vibration was simply unstoppable and unbreakable!

Is the Tremor-Tremor Fruit really that abnormal? Is it so unsolvable just because it is about to awaken?

How can we fight it?"

Quinn shouted in a panic.

But Whitebeard would not pay attention to their collapse.

At this time, he had come to the unconscious Jack, and his fist flashing with dazzling white light had already hit Jack's head from top to bottom.

He did not hold back at all.

This time, he would definitely show everyone what an explosion is.

Jin and Quinn had no choice but to watch this one hit Jack.

But at this critical moment, their big brother finally arrived. As soon as he came, he used a big move to protect people!

"Thunderous gossip!!!"

Instantly flashing to Jack's side, the huge mace was already shining with dazzling red light and collided with Whitebeard's vibrating fist! A huge wind pressure was formed instantly, blowing the long hair of the two Four Emperors constantly.

The surrounding trees all rose from the ground, and the gravel on the ground shot out like bullets.

The earth immediately cracked and spread to the surroundings. A huge crack spread over more than ten kilometers.

The entire island began to shake violently.

It seemed that it might sink to the bottom of the sea at any time because of the collision between the two.

The horrible aftermath immediately shook Jack, who was lying on the ground, away at supersonic speed. He flew directly out of the island and came to the sea. Just as he was about to fall into the sea, a dragon claw grabbed his arm.

The person who came was naturally Jin. Now we can't let this guy fall into the sea, although he is a fishman and will not die if he falls into the sea.

But if no one rescues him, he can only lie in the water for the rest of his life.

And now, they can't find anyone who can go to the sea to rescue.

They all ate devil fruits.

Jin grabbed Jack and prepared to fly away. The battle behind was no longer something he could participate in.

""Jin! You bastard!"

Just then, Quinn's fat figure appeared on the shore of the island below. He kept cursing at this side.

"Come and take me quickly!"

Hearing this, Jin, who had already started to fly down, paused.

He turned around and left without even looking at Quinn.

Seeing this, Quinn also became anxious.

""Brother! Brother, I was wrong! Don't leave me alone! I will never call you a pervert again! Come and take me with you!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, using all his strength.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin turned around with satisfaction and took him with him.

""From now on, you have to call me big brother, do you hear me?"

Jin, who was flying in the air, said to Quinn below him.

Quinn was stunned at first, and then he began to angrily scold Jin.

"You really think you're a big shot! I call you big brother! Why don't you go?……"

Before he could finish his words, he had already started to free fall, falling straight towards the sea below.

"Brother! Brother! My good big brother! Save me! I was wrong, I called you big brother!"

Quinn, who was rescued again, was also honest. He didn't say a word.

Well. This time, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. But you wait!

Quinn thought with a vicious expression on his face.

At the same time, the collision between Kaido and Whitebeard ended with Kaido being beaten back ten meters.

Looking at his slightly trembling right hand, Kaido's eyes also showed a touch of shock.

"What kind of magic medicine did you take, old man! You are almost dead, but your strength has increased instead of decreased!"It's not that Kaido has never fought with Whitebeard before, but at that time, Whitebeard's strength was almost unable to keep his title of the Four Emperors.

But what is the situation now!

This situation is really beyond Kaido's control.

What on earth did Su Chen feed him! The effect is so abnormal!

"Humph! You dare to come to my territory and act wild while I'm away, Kaido, you've really grown up! You've become so bold!"

Whitebeard looked at Kaido's surprised look and felt secretly happy.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Whitebeard felt that he had endless strength.

Of course, he didn't forget that all this was thanks to Su Chen. He really owed that kid too much.

"What do you mean by your territory? Whoever gets it owns it. It doesn't have your name on it."

"You guy, you actually beat my Jack into that state. If I had come a step later, I can’t imagine what would have happened!"

"You are simply unforgivable!"

Kaido thought about the dangerous situation just now and was also afraid. He almost lost a capable general.

"Gulala, stop talking so much nonsense! Let's have a fight first!"

"Humph, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

In a flash, the two men rushed towards each other like arrows from a bow, and a thrilling duel was about to take place!

However, at that moment, Kaido's heart suddenly beat violently, and an unprecedented fear and uneasiness surged into his heart like a tide.

The two men stopped charging forward almost at the same time.

Kaido widened his eyes in panic, trying to lock onto the source of the strange feeling.

But that heart-pounding feeling disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if it had never existed.

""What's going on?" Kaido frowned, his face full of confusion, and even a layer of fine sweat oozing out of his forehead.

The feeling just now was really terrible, as if his life and death were completely controlled by others.

At the same time, a handsome man appeared beside Whitebeard without any warning.

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