At this time, Brulee waved to Su Chen and said,"You can go in."

Although Su Chen thought this ability was extremely magical, he did not study it carefully.

Holding the delicious-looking cream cake, he stepped in.

The inside can only be said to be suddenly bright and the space is super large. Countless mirrors of various sizes are densely placed on the walls around.

"Where are you going?"

Bree's voice came from behind him.

"Go to Nine Snake Island, is there a mirror like that over there?"

After Su Chen finished speaking, Bu Lei closed her eyes and began to look for it.

"Wait a minute, I'll look for it. It may take a few minutes. After all, there are too many."

Su Chen also expressed his understanding. There are so many mirrors here, it must not be easy to find the mirror you need accurately.

Taking advantage of this time, he also observed around. He looked here and touched there.

After waiting for about three minutes, Bure finally opened her eyes.

"Found it! But it's a little far from here, so it might take a while to get there."

Su Chen looked at the endless mirror space and said indifferently,"It's okay."

"Distance is not a problem. Just point the way, I'll take you there."

Su Chen said as he activated the Great Destruction.

Brulee felt a chill coming from behind her and looked back unconsciously.

But the scene she saw made her scream.

Su Chen was standing behind her.

Su Chen's demonic face was staring at her intently.

Before she could react, the demon had already put his hand on her shoulder.

"Which direction?"

She came back to her senses from the shock at this time. She pointed in a direction tremblingly.

Although she had seen Su Chen in this demon form, it was really unbearable to face him face to face!

Whether it was the visual impact or the cold demon aura. It made people feel cold all over.

After all, even Wang Luffy could scare her, let alone Su Chen's appearance.

She was very brave not to piss herself on the spot.

As soon as she pointed in a direction, she felt a strong wind blowing on her face.

Her nose was already crooked.

The mirror in her mind was approaching at a very fast speed.

No, that's not right.

It's already exceeded!

"Super! Super~woooooo~!"

He was full as soon as he opened his mouth.

It was extremely difficult to remind Su Chen.

Fortunately, Su Chen heard it.

After some twists and turns, the two finally arrived in front of the mirror.

Bu Lei looked at the intact cake in Su Chen's hand. And the blood-colored protective film in front of the cake.

She felt unbalanced.

Can't you block the wind for me too! Are you crazy!


Hancock was listening to Granny New reporting on the major events that had happened on the island during her absence.

Granny New was talking nonstop, but Hancock's eyes showed that she was daydreaming.


A very familiar voice came.

Hancock sat up straight with a start. He kept looking around.

But after looking around, he found nothing.

Huh? What's going on? Am I hallucinating?

""This way, idiot!"

This time she accurately located the direction of the sound.

It was her mirror!

She hurriedly stood up and trotted to the mirror on the dressing table.

There was indeed a figure in the mirror that she had been thinking about.

But what was going on?

Just as she was staring at the mirror and thinking, Su Chen in the mirror actually crawled out!

No, only half of it crawled out!

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen me before?"

Su Chen said jokingly.

"You, you...what's wrong with you?"

Hancock looked a little flustered. She thought Su Chen was stuck inside.

She grabbed Su Chen's ear and pulled it twice. Then she let go of her hand after Su Chen scolded her.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing! It hurts, it hurts! Let go, let go!"

"This is the power of the Mirror Fruit, idiot! You don't even know this!"

Rubbing his ears that were reddened by Hancock, Su Chen said speechlessly.

As he spoke, Su Chen took out the exquisite cake and placed it on the table in front of him.

"Your takeaway has arrived! Remember to give it a five-star rating!"

Looking at Hancock's confused expression, he also found it a little funny.

"Nothing else, just came to give you a cake! I'm leaving! Bye!"

Su Chen was about to go back.

Takeaway? What? Is it this cake?

Hancock didn't know what Su Chen was talking about. But Su Chen really brought her what she wanted to eat so quickly.

She was very happy in her heart.

So this is the surprise Su Chen said. That's great.

But seeing that he was really ready to go back into the mirror, Hancock was a little anxious.

"Don't leave yet! I haven't thanked you yet! You takeaway!"

He gave her a cake and a hairband, so she had to give him something.

But now she didn't know what to give Su Chen.

In a hurry, she suddenly thought of something.

Her cheeks were as red as the sunset, and she approached Su Chen shyly.

She stretched out her arms lightly, like a butterfly dancing, and hugged Su Chen's neck tightly.

Then, under Su Chen's dumbfounded gaze, she pecked his cheek gently like a dragonfly touching the water.

In an instant, Su Chen's face quickly flushed like a ripe apple.

It seemed that the redness could be seen gradually spreading from the cheeks to the back of his eyes.

Before he could savor the wonderful taste of this moment, he felt a force pushing on his face.

Unprepared, he fell back into the mirror space like a wooden man. Su Chen fell heavily to the ground, subconsciously reaching out to touch the place where he had just been kissed, and a silly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, Hancock on the other side was in the same situation.

She was rubbing her hot cheeks with both hands.

She felt as if she had committed a heinous crime, as if she had done something that was unforgivable and extremely evil.

"Snake Queen, Snake Queen, I really don’t mean to criticize you! I am still here, and you two are kissing each other right now!"

After saying this, Grandma New shook her head and walked out.

Hancock was left alone here, feeling distracted. After a long time of embarrassment, she started to eat the cake Su Chen gave her.

"Mm~ Really delicious! Su Chen's gifts are delicious!"

Su Chen quietly lay aside and observed Hancock's cute face with a blushing face for a while, and then he left this place with Brulee contentedly.

Brulee was also amazed at this time.

She didn't expect that the legendary Pirate Queen would be so proactive and enthusiastic towards this guy.

Su Chen was in a good mood at this time. He didn't expect that he could get such a harvest just by trying out new abilities.

This wave is really profitable, okay!

Su Chen silently gave Brulee a credit in his heart.

Soon the two of them returned to the mirror at the beginning.

After experiencing it once, Brulee was not so afraid of Su Chen's devilish appearance.

He stepped onto the boat again. As soon as he came over, Su Chen felt the boat under his feet shake violently.

What's the situation? This is obviously not the kind of shaking caused by the sea water.

Someone attacked?

You know, it's not that easy to shake this ship.

The tonnage of this ship is still very large.

What's more, this is Big Mom's ship!

Who is this person?

What a big dog guts!

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