A year in prison taught the young girl that the world is cruel.

Her first reaction was that it was beautiful, but she soon became afraid.

They were just slaves, and no one liked dirty slaves.

The world of pirates is not that beautiful. Pirates are not as kind as she saw on TV.

Hancock's personality is very strong.

A man may lose his life if he looks at her.

How dare her stupid brother stand with her?

Her face, which was still a little unclear after waking up, was full of anxiety.

But she didn't dare to show it too obviously.

She was afraid that the empress in front of her would be angry and kill them both.

Just when she was scared, Hancock stretched out his hand to her.

I'm going to be turned into stone!

Why doesn't my stupid brother run away!

The little girl was still thinking in her heart.

Hancock took her from Su Chen and held her in his arms.

Looking at Hancock who was so close, Su Rou closed her eyes tightly.

She didn't dare to look at her any more.

Her body was also very stiff.

After all, many people in the world of pirates are moody.

Any movement of hers could result in the loss of their lives.

Hancock felt the stiffness of the little man in her arms, and her eyes turned red.

Thinking of the two siblings and her own experiences, she could deeply understand Su Rou's uneasiness.

She had just escaped from that hell and was in the same situation. She was afraid of everything.

Hancock turned her gaze to Su Chen again.

If his sister is like this, then how much suffering has he, as a brother, endured to get to this point today?

Hancock couldn't help but think, her eyes turned redder, and she looked like she was about to cry.

The slightly moist eyes and the adorable expression made Su Chen's heart soften. Seeing that his sister was afraid of Hancock, Su Chen called his sister softly.

""Little sister."

Su Rou, who was frightened, felt that she had not been turned into stone for a long time. When she was confused, she heard her brother calling her. Confused, she opened her eyes carefully.

After Su Chen called her, he stepped forward and hugged Hancock's slender waist. He gently kissed her cherry lips that were slightly pouting because she wanted to cry.

Hancock's cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. Her eyes also widened suddenly.

Although she had kissed Su Chen before, that was when they were alone.

Now... now there are people watching!!

Su Rou opened her eyes slightly, and saw such a scene.

Hancock, with a blushing face, was being kissed on the mouth by her brother.

And Hancock didn't hit her brother away directly.

Her little brain, which had only been used for eight years, froze for a moment.

She couldn't figure out what was going on in front of her.

Her eyes widened.

Hancock caught a glimpse of the little girl's burning gaze, and her cheeks became even redder.

Damn Su Chen!

In front of the child!

Too much!

Although she thought so in her heart, her body was very honest.

She didn't She did not push Su Chen away or kick him away.

She just stood there and accepted the love from her lover. She closed her eyes slightly. A tear slowly fell from her eye socket.

A big hand appeared at the right time.

He gently wiped away the tear that fell.

The sky was cloudless and the sun was shining.

The temperature was just right, and it was warm on the three of them.

A breeze blew by, and the flowers, plants and trees beside them rustled.

They swayed as if they were whispering because of the scene in front of them.

At the same time, Hancock's soft black long hair and the girl's beautiful little hair were also blown up. The hem of the skirt, the white dress made by Hancock himself on Su Chen's body... At this moment, this scene, it was so warm that people couldn't bear to break it.

Just like that, it seemed like only a moment, and it seemed like a long time had passed.

After a long time, their lips parted.

They both slowly opened their eyes. They looked at each other affectionately. The love in their eyes seemed to be about to overflow from their eye sockets.

The little girl was staring at the two of them in a daze. She looked at this one for a while, and then stared at that one. Her little head was trying hard to turn on the phone.

Su Chen looked at her at this time, chuckled, rubbed her head, and asked her:"Do you know who she is?"

Hearing this, Su Rou was stunned, thought for a while, and nodded.

But as if she realized that something was wrong, she shook her head violently.

This silly look made Su Chen laugh.

"This is your sister-in-law."

Su Chen said with a slightly proud tone


The little girl looked at Hancock fiercely. It was not until she saw Hancock nodded slightly that she believed that her brother did not lie to her.

"Sister-in-law... then brother, will we not be bullied anymore in the future? Sister-in-law will protect us, right?"

The little girl looked at Su Chen weakly, and then looked at Hancock with some expectation.

She was still immersed in her and Su Chen's identity as slaves.

She felt that with such a powerful sister-in-law, they would not be captured as slaves again.

Brother would not be beaten again...

Her memory was still a little incomplete.

It should be caused by the damage to her soul.

But she still clearly remembered the scene when her brother was beaten and bloody in order to protect her.

Hearing this, Su Chen's face suddenly became a little gloomy.

But he adjusted himself quickly. And did not let the little girl notice. He gently picked up his sister from Hancock's hands, and rested her little head on his shoulder.

Patting her bony back gently, Su Chen said softly:"With your brother here, no one can bully you. Brother will protect you"

"Then who will protect my brother?"

Su Chen's heart was slightly shocked.

His silly sister's words always touched him.

He didn't explain any more. If he explained, this silly girl might not believe it. So he just showed her his skills.

"Look! Brother doesn't need anyone's protection!"

Su Rou raised her head with some confusion and looked at her brother's face.

Then she saw something condensing out of thin air in her brother's hand.

When that thing appeared completely, she recognized that it was a sword.

The place where they are now is just at the edge of Nine Snake Island, and next to it is the endless sea.

Her brother took the sword and held her and walked a few steps towards the sea.

Then Su Chen pointed to the sea and asked,"Do you see that sea?"

She was a little confused, but nodded.

Then she saw her brother holding the big sword in his right hand and gently waving it in the direction of the sea.

Just when she was wondering what he was doing, the sea in front of her began to change.

The originally calm sea suddenly had an extremely wide and huge gap!

It was a real gap!

The sea was missing a large piece in the middle!

It was bottomless, and there was endless black below.

The width was a full kilometer wide!

One kilometer wide!

The length was difficult to estimate. From the current to the farthest point that the line of sight could reach, there was such a gap!

This was just Su Chen's casual wave.

The little girl slowly widened her eyes!

Moria, who was squatting at home, looked at the sword energy that cut his entire island in half, and swallowed hard.

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