Marijoa, the defenses are being deployed intensively.

The whole of Marijoa is shrouded in a depressing atmosphere.

At this time, the Five Elders are roaring at the Den Den Mushi.

""Zhan Guo! Do you want to die? How dare you disobey the order of the World Government! I tell you! You, the Marshal, have reached the limit!"


The call was hung up by the other party.

Looking at the Den Den Mushi that had been cut off, the Five Elders all had an expression of disbelief on their faces. Zhan Guo

, who usually obeyed them in everything, actually dared to hang up their phone today!

It was really outrageous!

"When this incident is over, there will be no need for the Warring States to exist."

"Yes, it's time to change the marshal. He's already so old. He doesn't even have any backbone anymore."

"It is ridiculous for the Admiral of the Navy to flee without a fight.

The Five Elders were filled with righteous indignation and vowed to kick Zhan Guo off the position of Admiral after dealing with Su Chen in two days.


On the turbulent sea, a large number of warships were sailing together on the sea.

On the leading largest warship, in a small cabin, three people were sitting around.

Crack, crack!

""Wahahaha! It's so refreshing, Sengoku! Good job!"

Kap ate the senbei in big mouthfuls while patting Sengoku on the shoulder and laughing wildly.

After all these years, this was the first time he was so happy.

Even the senbei in his hand tasted more fragrant.

Sengoku stopped putting on airs after hearing this and laughed along with Kap

"Hahahaha! Cool! I've been fed up with these old guys for a long time! I never thought I'd end up like this!"

Zhan Guo also let go, looking like he was going to give up.

After moving to the new headquarters, he was also going to give up his position. It

's so nice to hang out with Garp, and be happy every day.

Whoever wants to be the marshal can be the marshal.

I've had enough of it anyway.

"Oh! You finally got it, Sengoku! Come and eat! Eat, eat, eat!"

Garp said as he stuffed the senbei in his hand into Sengoku's mouth like crazy.

He looked like he was going to stuff him to death.

Crane couldn't bear to watch it and held his forehead with one hand, feeling a headache.

These two guys……

"What are you laughing at! Don't you think about what you will do if that guy loses? The Five Elders will not let it go!"

The two who were playing around stopped after hearing this.

But they didn't worry too much.

"What are you afraid of? You won't die. Besides, I've always thought that guy is good. This is definitely a good match."

Karp said with a heartless smile.

He was heartless, but the other two were still a little worried.

"It's none of your business, so you don't have to be afraid!"

He shouted at Garp.

Garp also put away his smile in dismay.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion on the deck.

The noisy sound immediately attracted the attention of the three people.

"What's going on? I'll go check it out."

He stood up and prepared to go out to check the situation.

But before she reached the door, the door was kicked open.

Seeing this, the two people behind immediately moved and protected He behind them.

The two of them looked at the person coming from the left and right.

What they saw was a tall figure.

There was a scream on his head.

The three of them recognized who he was at a glance

"Isn't this Kaido? What's going on? Are you here to send him off again?"

Seeing that it was Kaido, Garp was relieved and teased Kaido.

But Kaido didn't say anything. He just looked at them quietly.

At this time, they also realized that something was wrong.

Kaido was at the door of their marshal, why was there no sound outside? Where are the vice admirals? Where are the generals?

And outside at this time, Aokiji Kizaru led most of the vice admirals and stood on one side of the door.

But they didn't dare to act rashly.

Just because there was a figure behind Kaido

"Sit down, why are you standing?"

As soon as the voice fell, a bloody chair appeared behind everyone.

Kizaru and Aokiji, who were standing in the front, felt that this scene was so familiar.

It couldn't be more familiar.

Similarly, there was no bloody chair behind Kizaru.

After doing all this, Su Chen patted Kaido's shoulder in front of him.

Seeing this, Kaido also stepped aside, and Su Chen appeared in front of Sengoku and the others.

Looking at Su Chen, the relaxed expressions on the faces of the three people were swept away.

Instead, they were replaced by solemn expressions.

"I won't beat around the bush. I came to you to ask you to do a live broadcast for me so that the whole world can see it."

"This is not a discussion, this is an order. You just need to tell me when the job can be done. If you are dissatisfied, stand up now and don't waste everyone's time."

Su Chen's face was calm and his tone was extremely calm.

But what he said was not calm at all.

It can be said that he was arrogant to the extreme. As soon as he finished speaking, Kizaru couldn't help it. He was slacking off, and he was very unhappy when he saw Su Chen.

After all, Akainu died in his hands.

Now in front of all the combat power of their navy, he dared to be so arrogant.

We must not indulge him!

A flash of light, and a figure moved at the same time.

That figure was the vice admiral who had just questioned Sengoku's order: Ghost Spider.

But as soon as they moved, they stopped.

The blood had been firmly controlled by Su Chen.

Without any nonsense, Ghost Spider was pulled into the air by Su Chen on the spot. With a light squeeze of his right hand, he exploded into a blood mist.

And Kizaru stopped in front of Su Chen, only a few feet away.

Looking at Kizaru's wretched appearance, Su Chen also smiled and shook his head

"This is not like you, Kizaru."

He reached out and took off his yellow glasses, and put them on himself.

Looking at the yellow world in front of him, Su Chen felt a little strange.

Those who were ready to take action stopped when they saw this.

Can't fight, can't fight...

Zhan Guo was even more shocked.

Didn't the vice admiral even have the qualifications to approach him?

In fact, Zhan Guo was wrong. If Su Chen wanted to, Kizaru would have exploded on the spot.

But he didn't do that.

After all, he still needed their help.

He couldn't do it too much.

Killing a vice admiral was okay, but killing a general was a bit too much.

Seeing that the three people in front of him didn't express their opinions, Su Chen didn't want to wait any longer.

The domineering color was activated immediately.

Not targeting the environment, but only the people around.

Otherwise, the ship would be broken.

In an instant, everyone felt a sense of oppression, followed by a pressure. The vice admiral knelt on the spot.

The general struggled to support.

Su Chen didn't use his full strength. As I said, just shock them.

Still give them some face.

"How about it, Sengoku? Tell me, how long will it take to solve it?"

Feeling the warning of invincibility coming from his observation Haki

, Sengoku sighed in his heart and said to Su Chen,"Once we get to the new headquarters, it will be done in half an hour."

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