"Thank you for your contribution to peace. This is absolutely invaluable. Su Chen"

"Don't forget the content of our cooperation"

"Of course, please contact me if you need any help."



Su Chen was lying on the recliner, putting away the Den Den Mushi in his hand.

Calculating the time, it is very close to the Sabaody Archipelago incident, and it is almost time for him to set off.

One thing to note is that he must not let anyone know his whereabouts, and must not let anyone know that he is in Sabaody.

At this time, the blood magic disguise is very important, changing the appearance and waiting for an opportunity. Another point is that you can't use the big extinction to fly over. To be honest, Su Chen didn't expect to be seen by others. Now I don't know how they found him. For safety reasons, it's better not to use the big extinction.

Just disguise yourself and find a boat to drift over.

As for how Su Chen knew his whereabouts were discovered. Of course, it was because of the woman sitting next to Su Chen.

Violet was looking straight at him. Looking at Su Chen, after seeing that Dover had been led by Su Chen, her eyes were filled with admiration, disbelief, and a hint of obsession!

She was just taking a gamble at first, even if Su Chen couldn't solve Dover, he could still make him suffer. But she didn't expect Su Chen to destroy everything of Dover so lightly. There were many things that she didn't even know, but Su Chen knew them all.

For example, Caesar, she didn't even know that there was a person named Caesar, but Su Chen knew about the close relationship between him and Dover.

This also made her involuntarily feel a sense of admiration for Su Chen. Such people are born to give people a sense of security.

At this time, Su Chen also noticed her gaze, and then he remembered her.

Seeing that she had been looking at him, he was also a little confused. So he asked,"What are you looking at?"

Violet was startled when she heard this, and quickly lowered her head, as if she had done something bad and was discovered.

His appearance also made Su Chen secretly confused.

"No... nothing. No, no, I didn't see it."

This made Su Chen even more confused. Why did he suddenly become like this? Could he be possessed by evil spirits?

Forget it, it's none of his business anyway.

He picked up the luggage Hancock gave him, which contained some food and Bailey, but the Bailey was almost spent. He spent five million to register for the competition last time.

He carried other important things with him.

Oh! Now there is another devil fruit in it, and I don't know what ability it has. He first used the disguise technique to change his face and looked in the mirror. Well, not bad, he can't tell what he looked like before.

He took out the CP0 blood he had just collected and changed his breath. Now, except for his height and clothes, there is no place to recognize him.

Well! Very good!

It will be perfect if I buy another piece of clothes.

Thinking of this, he got up and walked out the door. He was ready to go to the store to pick out some clothes.

"You, where are you going?"Seeing Su Chen preparing to leave, Violet stood up immediately after Su Chen and spoke in a panic.

Su Chen looked back at her in confusion.

"What? Do I have to report to you where I went now?" The voice was a little cold.

Violet heard Su Chen's words and hurriedly explained:"No, no, it's just, it's just……"

After hesitating for a long time, Su Chen was getting impatient.

"What's the matter?"

Violet suddenly seemed to have made up her mind and blushed as she spoke out her thoughts.

"Can I join you!"

"Well, I can cook, wash clothes, dance, and have knowledge of sailing. My abilities are also very useful! I can do many things."

"Can I go with you? I want to follow you."

To be honest, Su Chen really didn't expect that what she wanted to say was this kind of thing, that she wanted to be his companion.

This was completely beyond his expectations.

The conditions she mentioned were really useful. They were all things she didn't know. She could dance, be a scout, an interrogator, or a memory reader.

These were relatively practical and very useful abilities.

Even Violet herself felt that no one would refuse her. Even a guy like Doflamingo could spare King Riku's life for her.

The usefulness of these abilities can be seen.


"What?!" She didn't expect to be rejected, or rather, she never thought she would be rejected.

"I said, no."Su Chen repeated it again, this time with a hint of coldness in his voice.

Although it is indeed a good choice to take her with him, and she can also provide some help to himself.


Su Chen is a pure and loyal person!

Her eyes, movements, and expressions.

All of them express something!

Su Chen naturally saw it, and since he saw it, he would never let her follow him. No matter how useful she is!

This is responsible for Hancock. Responsible for a woman who has eyes only for him.

Maybe no one will know what happens, and even if they know, no one can say anything!

But his heart does not allow him to do this!

After speaking, Su Chen pushed the door and left.

Violet was left standing there alone. She didn't understand why Su Chen disliked her so much.

The hint of coldness in his tone completely froze her heart.

Could it be that he has someone he likes?

But in this world, isn't it normal to have three wives and four concubines? Or is it that his heart has been filled with a lucky woman?

What kind of excellent woman is it to enjoy such a man alone.

Su Chen came downstairs of the hotel and walked into a clothing store.

""Hello, customer! What do you need?" A woman in her thirties came up to him. She was the owner of the store.

Su Chen didn't know what to buy, so he thought for a while and said

"A coat and a hat"

"OK, please follow me over here."

Under her guidance, Su Chen quickly chose a white coat and a white hat.

He prefers white.

���It looks a bit like Kaito Kid from Conan, and its hat is somewhat similar to Ace's. He is quite satisfied with it!

"It's really beautiful. Your original dress was made by your wife, right? The material is something I've never seen before. Although the craftsmanship is not exquisite, it is very good. It's well made."

The proprietress said with a smile

"Yes, that's right, thank you."

After saying that, Su Chen paid the money and left.

Su Chen didn't know what material the clothes were made of. He had never even seen the owner of the clothes before. It was really strange.

His original clothes were still given to him by Hancock.

After he went back last time, he always felt that the clothes he had robbed that time were not very comfortable to wear, so he asked Hancock to make another set for him.

I still remember that she asked me a question at that time: Do you want the same material?

After saying that, I don't know what happened, her face was red, and smoke was coming out of her head.

Su Chen also felt that the material was good to wear and very comfortable. So he didn't ask Hancock to change it.

I must ask Hancock when I go back someday. Well, that's it.

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