"As the queen of the Nine Snakes, this little sacrifice is nothing for the people of the Nine Snake Island!"

"Get ready to go!!"

Hancock waved her hand lightly, and all the members of the pirate group who were preparing for battle went to the big ship! The efficiency was extremely high. Soon all the preparations were completed and they could set sail at any time!

Hancock took a light step, walked out of the palace, and walked towards the pirate ship.

Only Granny New fell to the ground with a look of surprise. She widened her eyes, with an expression of disbelief on her face, as if she had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

She couldn't believe a word of what Hancock said about the people of the Nine Snakes, and all this was because of Su Chen!

Hancock, who was originally still aggressive, suddenly became a different person after hearing the man's name, and directly agreed to the call!

Granny New felt that her worldview was impacted. I kindly advised you for a long time, and even involved the people of the entire island, but in the end it was not as useful as the two words in his name, right!


The big ship sets sail! The two big snakes pulled it towards the warship that was docked three miles away from Nine Snake Island.

At this time, someone on the warship discovered the pirate ship heading this way!

"Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel! They are coming!!"

Flying Squirrel grabbed the telescope and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was indeed the Nine Snakes' ship. This job was really difficult.

Soon, the two ships came together, and one of the big snakes pulling the boat stretched its head towards a door.

The door slowly opened, and Hancock walked out, stood on the head of the big snake, and came to the air between the two ships.

"Where is my room?"

Hancock said without any nonsense, and went straight to the point.


"Here, this is the biggest one over here."The flying squirrel was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the largest room on the warship, which was specially used to receive the Shichibukai.

They were afraid that the Shichibukai would find trouble. So the best things on the warship were reserved for them. You know, none of the Shichibukai are easy to get along with.

The snake stretched out its neck and sent Hancock to the door of the room pointed by the flying squirrel on the warship. Hancock moved slightly, jumped down, opened the door and was about to go in.

Suddenly, she stopped again.

The flying squirrel's heart skipped a beat! Is there another problem? He was really afraid that this moody empress would change her mind again!

"Let's go quickly and don't waste time."

Hancock opened the door and walked in, leaving a beautiful back view for everyone.

The flying squirrel was stunned when he heard this. Wasn't the empress like this at the beginning? Why does she seem more anxious than them now? When they first came, they only talked through Den Den Mushi and asked them to wait here without even meeting each other.

That attitude couldn't help but make people feel perfunctory, but what is the situation now?

But as a lieutenant general, he quickly adjusted himself. It was better for this woman to be fine, and his mission could be completed perfectly. The flying squirrel waved his hand quickly:"Return home!!"


After Hancock came in, she found that the room was quite good, with all the facilities, but it was a bit stuffy. After opening the window, she came to the sofa and sat down. While preparing Xiaotian for a while, she saw a newspaper prepared by the navy on the table.

The newspaper was folded and placed flat on the table.

Newspapers are not easy to get on Nine Snake Island, and the news bird will not come to the windless belt to deliver newspapers.

There was a photo of Ace printed on it, but Hancock did not recognize it. A few lines of big words were marked at the top: Fire Fist Ace Public Execution.

After just one glance, she didn't want to continue reading and prepared to close her eyes to rest.

At this time, a sea breeze blew in from the window, and the light breeze gently blew up her hair, and also blew up a corner of the newspaper slightly, but it quickly fell down.

The content behind the newspaper flashed by, but at this moment, Hancock sat up suddenly and grabbed the newspaper!

"Su Chen slaughtered three Celestial Dragons in the Sabaody Archipelago!"

"Fighting the three generals and escaping unscathed!"

Below was a photo of Su Chen, a photo of him holding up a Celestial Dragon ready to kill. In the photo, his eyes were bloodshot and his face was full of cruelty!

Hancock just glanced at a hand in the photo, a familiar hand that had touched her back before!

It was that hand that prompted her to hurriedly pick up the newspaper to check.

Hancock gently covered her mouth, eyes full of disbelief.

"Su Chen...actually killed three Celestial Dragons!"

This was simply unbelievable. They were the three admirals of the navy! Any one of them was stronger than himself.

But they couldn't do anything to Su Chen? And they let Su Chen kill the Celestial Dragons in front of them?

However, after reading the newspaper carefully, an irresistible worry surged in her heart, and she couldn't help but start to worry about Su Chen.

After all, the other party was the three admirals of the navy! Their strength was really incomparable!

Although the newspaper mentioned that Su Chen had successfully escaped, Hancock still found it difficult to calm her inner anxiety.

She was extremely worried about Su Chen's safety now, and was eager to know where he was at the moment, whether he was injured, and whether he had eaten... meal, or if she encountered any other danger.

Finally, unable to suppress her worry, she took out her Den Den Mushi and dialed the number that was too familiar.

What followed was a long and agonizing wait, and every minute and every second seemed so long.

Time passed quietly, but there was no response from the other end of the phone.

She called three times in succession, but each time the result was no one answered.

This situation made Hancock's already anxious heart become more nervous. But she had no choice but to pray that Su Chen would be safe.

Just like that, a few days passed quickly, and they would arrive at the Navy Headquarters tomorrow, but Su Chen's phone was still ringing.���The call couldn't go through.

Although she had the life card to prove that he was not in danger, Hancock couldn't feel at ease because she couldn't contact him. Hancock

's inner anxiety became more and more serious. She kept speculating about his situation and couldn't calm down at all. She even wondered if he had been arrested and that the news in the newspaper was fake.

In the past few days, Hancock had hardly had a proper meal. Every time it was time to eat, she would just take a few bites and put down her chopsticks.

And when it was time to go to bed at night, she would always toss and turn and find it difficult to fall asleep. She would stare at the Den Den Mushi placed in front of the bed in a daze, without any sleepiness at all. As soon as she closed her eyes, all kinds of bad images and thoughts would involuntarily emerge in her mind, making her upset.

"Su Chen, what happened to you? Please don't be in trouble.……"

This was the only thought in her mind


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