Dauberman, who was hit so hard, fell down. His eyes rolled back and he was unconscious.

"Hancock! Do you know what you are doing? Do you want to give up your title of Shichibukai? Give up those rights?"

Zhan Guo was shocked when he saw this. He didn't expect that the empress really rebelled! The reason is also very simple, it is because of Su Chen.

Zhan Guo is still hoping to stabilize Hancock, and stabilize her through the safety of her country and civilians.

"Boa Hancock! If you lose the title of Shichibukai, your country will definitely be wiped out by the navy! I hope you can think it over before you do anything!"

Zhan Guo's voice continued to echo, but Hancock's eyes did not change at all, and she started to walk towards this side again.

At this time, a ray of light flashed.

A figure appeared in front of Hancock again, looking at her with a wretched face.

"Wow! What kind of strength is this?~"

"Otherwise, let me test your strength~"

Kizaru said in a playful tone.

Such an easy job is really to his liking. He doesn't need to defeat her, just drag her along. He can slack off openly! It feels so good to think about it~

Zhan Guo didn't say anything when he saw this, which was considered as tacit agreement. After all, Hancock is really not something that a vice admiral can deal with now. There are not many people on the field who can be mobilized.

It is the best way to let Kizaru deal with it.

When Kizaru saw that Zhan Guo didn't say anything, he knew that the job was already secured. The wretched expression also appeared on his face. A petty smile. He immediately turned into a beam of light and came in front of Hancock, fighting with her.

The two of them started fighting back and forth, and Kizaru's attacks were mainly interference, constantly hitting Hancock.

Facing Hancock's powerful kicking skills, he never took it head-on, and the two of them were deadlocked. Facing such a Kizaru, it was impossible for Hancock to get rid of him. Hancock had no way to deal with the smooth Kizaru. Even though she was extremely angry, she still couldn't get over the high wall in front of her.

At this time, she could only hope that the Whitebeard Pirates could successfully rescue the two of them.

"She actually helped us stop a general. This little girl really helped a lot."

Whitebeard's deep voice sounded. His experienced eyes could see that Hancock's current strength was not up to the level of a general. She could only be considered to have a relatively high burst.

But whether in terms of physical strength or speed, she could not reach the level of a general. If Kizaru got serious, she would not be able to hold on for too long.

Just when Whitebeard was about to join the battlefield and speed up the war.

A huge black shadow enveloped a large area of the square!

"Ace! I'm here to save you!"

The deafening voice spread throughout the venue, and everyone looked at the owner of the voice!


Ace's voice trembled. He didn't expect that bulky guy to come as well. But his body was a perfect target! What he saw was a tall body with no"head" in sight! It was approaching the square quickly!

"What is this thing? It's so much bigger than the giants!"

"How can we stop him? He can blow up the whole square with one punch! Is he also from the Whitebeard Pirates?"

The man who came was naturally Oz. His huge body allowed him to ignore most of the navy's gunfire attacks.

Because everyone had their own opponents, they had no time to pay attention to this guy.

As a result, he approached this side quickly. With two long steps, he stepped to the front of the square.


He punched the marines on the ground!

""You bad guys! How dare you capture my Ace! Go to hell!"

A fist as big as a hill hit the densely populated area of the navy!

The navy below all closed their eyes in despair. There was no way to dodge, let alone fight! That was a huge mountain!

"Too arrogant, right? Big guy!"

A voice sounded beside their ears, and the fist did not fall. Curious, they opened their eyes again.

What they saw was a sea of red, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt meat.

A huge magma fist was colliding with the mountain!

Then the magma continued to erupt! The powerful impact directly overturned Oz and fell heavily on the ice!

A large number of people were smashed into meat patties by the fallen Oz.

Before they had time to feel the pain from the burns on their hands. There was another large red light in front of them.

Akainu was merciless, and a big fire-breathing move hit Oz's face without reservation.


Amid Ace's painful roar, Oz's huge head was shattered in half!

One of his eyes disappeared, and his mouth was also affected, with a huge gap.

Because Oz's head was so big, even Akainu's move could only cover such a large area.

Oz, who was hit by this blow, could no longer stand up on the spot.

This is the strength of the veteran general. Two punches solved the big problem of Oz.

"It's Admiral Akainu! Such a powerful force! We will definitely win!"

"Surrender! You pirates!"

This scene boosted the morale of the navy, which had just been low due to Hancock's defection and the death of a vice admiral.

On the pirate side, Whitebeard's face was terribly gloomy. Oz was beaten to death in front of him by Akainu. This undoubtedly really angered him.

"Exposed a flaw! Whitebeard!"

A giant lieutenant general came to attack Whitebeard with a huge axe!

But Whitebeard didn't even look at him, blocked it with a vibrating fist, and directly shattered the weapon!

The weapon suddenly disappeared.���The giant stumbled and fell down.

At this time, Whitebeard suddenly opened his gloomy eyes, and with a face full of anger, he grabbed the head of the guy in front of him!

The anger made his shock this time extremely powerful, and the giant's head exploded directly in front of him.

Instead of being seriously injured!

After Whitebeard kicked the guy in front of him away, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest.

Looking down, a sharp knife mercilessly pierced his front when he was completely unprepared!

Someone sneak attacked Whitebeard!

Marco rushed over here at the fastest speed! He pressed the guy to the ground!

""Squard! You are fucking crazy!"

Marco screamed in despair! He was already filled with anger at this moment. At this critical moment, someone actually attacked his father!

Marco knew the condition of his father's body best! This knife could be said to have made Whitebeard's broken body even worse.

This was indeed the case.

Dense cold sweat began to appear on Whitebeard's face at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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