Su Chen, in the form of Great Destruction, flew for about ten minutes before he saw an island. He immediately landed and returned to human form as soon as he landed.

After using it once, he had mastered the ability to turn Great Destruction on and off at will. He can now control his ability freely, whether it is on or off.

However, although he can switch at will, the time for each use of the ability is still thirty minutes.

But as soon as he turns it on, Great Destruction will enter cooling.

Just like now, he still has twenty minutes of Great Destruction to use, but the new round of Great Destruction has begun to enter cooling.

The reason why he chose to land here is because.

He doesn't know the way. Just now he forgot to ask Hancock for a map or a pointer. As a result, he doesn't know where he is now.

Let's go to the island first. Just now, it has been confirmed in the sky that this is an inhabited island. Carry the Blade of God Killer on his back.

Su Chen thought as he walked. Now he has obtained 0.05% of the physical fitness of the Sword Demon, and he doesn't know how far he can reach in the world of pirates.

If possible, it would be best to experiment and hone this surging power. After the physical fitness is improved, even the flying speed will increase dramatically. It was already extremely fast before, and now after another improvement, it has been able to reach a level close to the speed of light.

It is definitely a top-notch skill that combines escape, pursuit, and travel.

It's a pity that the time is short, and it is not enough to fight. Of course, this is talking about strong enemies of the same level.

I hope to meet some interesting guys on the island, and it would be even better if I can go all out.

Su Chen came all the way to the town and found a tavern to inquire about the news first.

However, as soon as he walked in, someone recognized him. Although he didn't activate the Great Destruction, his face was still easy to recognize!

The tavern was instantly silent, and then someone was walking out while making a phone call.

Su Chen found a seat and sat down, ordered a glass of wine, and asked for a meal.

"Isn’t this the guy whose billion-dollar bounty was announced yesterday?"

"There's something interesting to watch!"

"Hurry up, there's going to be a bloody storm here soon. If you don't want to be affected, leave quickly"

"I don't know how strong this kid is, whether he can survive."

"That’s ten billion!"

"Give the order and prepare to act."

Everyone in the tavern was talking about it. Some wanted to get away from the center of the storm as soon as possible, while others were afraid that the bounty would be snatched away by others first, so they were ready to act at any time.

"Come on!"

The pirate captain just now could no longer hold back, and with a shout, he led his brothers to attack Su Chen. The newspapers said that Su Chen was not domineering, and he was a slave who had just escaped, so naturally no one thought he would be particularly strong.

Before entering the new world, there were not many people who were domineering.

Several people surrounded Su Chen and killed him, but Su Chen didn't even look at him. He just drew out his heavy sword, swung it around, and then put the sword back behind him.

In an instant, there were several bodies cut in half in the tavern.

You dare to challenge me with this little strength, you look down on me too much. After all, I am now a lieutenant general. Although I don't know what the concept of a lieutenant general's physique is.

At this time, the waiter had brought the food and wine, and turned a blind eye to what had just happened, as if he had gotten used to it.

"Brother, where is this place? Also, I'll pay for my meal with the guy who just died."

Su Chen asked

"This is the Seven Waters City. Guest, do you need to buy a boat? I can recommend one to you."The waiter seems to have a wide range of business.

"No thanks."

""Okay, call me anytime if you need me."

The waiter retreated, but soon he went into the inner room, took out a Den Den Mushi, and started to make a call.

Su Chen was already eating. He hadn't eaten yet today, so he didn't care about that. Eating was the most important thing.

But at this time, people were starting to come in. Su Chen was a hot commodity in the eyes of these people. A walking billion Baileys.

"Haha! Boy, you dare to show up so brazenly, you are really not afraid of death!

"Kill him, what's the point of talking, he's just a dead slave!"

"Don't compete with me!"

"First come, first served!"

A group of people rushed over in a mighty manner, but Su Chen still didn't even turn his head.


Plop! Plop! Plop!

The bounty hunters who were charging madly just now were like wood, and they fainted one by one! They fell to the ground

"What?! This is Conqueror Haki! This guy actually knows Conqueror Haki!"

"Is this really a slave?"

"How can a slave of the Celestial Dragons have Conqueror's Haki! A slave!"

At this time, the pirates outside who were not affected were all stunned! They didn't believe that a slave could be the one in a million owner of Conqueror's Haki!

But the facts were already in front of them, and they had no choice but to believe it.

Su Chen was still eating slowly. He had only used the Great Destruction for one second, and all these guys couldn't stand it. It was really rubbish.

I didn't expect to fly to the Seven Water City. Judging from the time, Luffy and others should have arrived here a long time ago. As for where the plot is now, it is not something that can be guessed. It should be Find someone to ask. Who should I ask?

Of course, it should be Mr. Iceberg, the mayor of Water 7, who participated in the conflict between the Straw Hat Pirates and CP9.

As long as we find him, everything will be clear.

As for what Su Chen wants to do?

He must want to make the five Celestial Dragons of the Five Elders unhappy!

Kill Rob Lucci first, the future captain of CP0.

Now let's go for a walk on the road and find the location of the city hall, or it would be even better if we can meet Luffy and others directly.

Just thinking about this, he walked out of the tavern and walked around on the numerous bridges in Water 7.

"Hurry, hurry, there are big pirates fighting over there!"

"Let’s go out and watch the fun!"

"I heard that he came from the New World specifically to ask our shipbuilder to repair the ship!"

"That guy must be very powerful! Let's go and see."

A group of people hurriedly ran to another street.

A guy who has traveled to the New World? Maybe he knows some domineering skills. It's a good opportunity to go and see. With the top talent of the Sword Demon, I might be able to learn a little bit.

Following the crowd all the way to an open field, a group of people were cheering around a huge arena!

At this time, a battle was going on on the stage!

A swordsman stabbed the tall figure in front of him with a sword, but the man just moved slightly to avoid the attack, and then punched through the swordsman's chest!

"Haha! This guy is no good! He was easily killed!"

"Yes, this is the 14th guy Sean the Tiger has killed who overestimated his own abilities."

"Is this the man with a bounty of 200 million?"

"You are indeed a great pirate who has traveled through the New World!"

A young man holding a knife was thrown down from the ring mercilessly.

At this time, a burly man stood in the center of the ring, with obvious disdain on his face. His eyes swept across everyone, as if silently mocking

"Is that all the Seven Waters have? Is there not even one person who can survive three moves from me? Hahahaha!"

He was the one who was setting up the challenge, the Tiger Sean. As long as one could survive three moves from him, he could take away 300 million Baileys. However, thirteen people had died at his hands before.

No one dared to challenge him now.

After the previous attack, Su Chen had seen that this person was not domineering. He must have eaten some powerful devil fruit to reach the bounty of 200 million. He immediately lost interest and prepared to continue to head to the city hall.

But at this time, someone had recognized him.

"Isn't this the guy with a billion bounty? Why is he here?"

"I didn't expect he was still alive. With such a high bounty, I thought he was dead. After all, there are many people who want to kill him."

The commotion in the crowd quickly attracted Sean's attention. He recognized Su Chen, the guy with a falsely high bounty. It was 1 billion Baileys! Even he was tempted! He immediately jumped up, came in front of Su Chen, and randomly smashed a lucky spectator to death.

"Boy! Let's have a fight! Hahahaha, don't leave in such a hurry! You lowly slave, I gave you this opportunity, why don't you thank me!"

Sean said arrogantly, constantly mocking.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't react, he continued to increase his firepower. He seemed to have a special liking for angering the weak.

"I heard that you also had a sister who died? Oh~! She was so pitiful! She must have been tortured to death! Tsk tsk tsk tsk!"

However, when he finished saying this, he could clearly feel that the guy's eyes had changed!

It was a look that was looking at a dead person!

Obviously, his goal had been achieved, but whether things could go as he wished depended on his own strength!

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