"How is this possible? This is? Whitebeard in his prime?"

Sengoku also noticed the situation here at this time. Whitebeard's appearance really evoked some not-so-good memories of Sengoku.

It also made him realize that the difficulty of this battle went directly from easy to hell.

Marinford should not be able to be saved.

It is already possible to imagine where the next headquarters of the navy will be built.

And Teach now has only one thought in his mind, that is, to retreat quickly.

He has been following Whitebeard for a long time.

He is the most qualified person to say how terrible Whitebeard was when he was young.

If he had known that this guy would be rejuvenated, Teach would never appear here.

Even if this does not last too long, but within five minutes, none of their group will be left.

Just like Shiryu who just passed away, Whitebeard can only kill them as if he were chopping melons and vegetables.

Thinking of this, Teach has begun to retreat slowly.

But he was still shouting and encouraging his brothers to kill Whitebeard.

"Don't be afraid, brothers! Together we can definitely take care of him!"

"This condition won't last long, he will collapse soon!!"

"And his abilities don't work in front of me! Without the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, he's useless!"

"Follow me!"

After saying that, Teach made a forward movement, creating the appearance that he was really going to lead by example.

These pirates who had just escaped from prison seemed to have their brains rusted, and three figures actually rushed forward!

Those three people were the King of Evil Government, the Drunkard, and Katarina!

The moment before they rushed forward, all the rest of the people began to run wildly to the back! They used all their strength, just wishing they had two more legs!

The old horse of Poison Q, which looked like it was about to die, ran faster than anyone else at this time, and people were really worried that its four legs would get tangled.

"What's going on?"

Two in front and one behind, the three people who just rushed to Whitebeard were stunned!

They looked at each other, and there was a clear stupidity in their eyes.

It seemed to say: We have been sold?

Whitebeard would not refuse this fast food that was delivered to his door.

He grabbed the foreheads of the two people in front of him at a speed that the two people could not react to. A dazzling white light appeared at the moment of grabbing.

The sound of a huge explosion followed!


The two felt a gripping force coming from the top of their heads, and then they arrived in another world without any pain.

They left the two people whose brains were shaken into soup, picked up the Congyunqi next to them, and swept it towards the drunkard who was one step slower than the two behind!

Seeing this, the drunkard hurriedly raised the wine gourd that had been with him for many years to block the attack.

But the red domineering aura wrapped around the knife would let him know what was in vain.

The long knife cut through without any hindrance.

A head also flew high!

After rolling a few times, it fell to the ground.

Then Whitebeard jumped.

Landed in front of the escape route of several people.

It didn't take any time to kill the three people.

Teach and the others just let go of their legs and ran, but when they looked up again, Whitebeard was already standing in front of them.

Looking back, three bodies were lying on the ground. The expressions on the faces of two of them were extremely peaceful..

If the three of them kept their distance, they could still fight with Whitebeard, but if he hit them directly in the face, that would be really unbearable.

What's more, they had just come out of prison, and it was a pipe dream to think they could fight against the current Whitebeard.

Teach's heart was now filled with fear. He knew a little about the strength of those three guys.

Otherwise, he would not have recruited them.

But in the hands of Whitebeard, it was like killing a chicken, no, it was even easier than killing a chicken.

How could he not be afraid? You can't cut melons or vegetables like this.

Give the vegetables some face!

But now that things have come to this, there is no room for them to turn around!

Everyone knows that if Whitebeard is not knocked down now, none of them can escape!

Van Oka's shooting speed is extremely fast, and the sniper rifle has been set up long ago, and it has been cleared in an instant. Magazine.

Bashas, who was wearing the same mask as the Bull Warrior, also elbowed Whitebeard in the face.

The sickly body of Poison Q also burst out at an astonishing speed at this time.

The huge sickle on his back was swung out fiercely.

The staff knife in Lafitte's hand did not stop at all, and stabbed straight to the throat.

Teach also knew that if he ran away now, these people would not be able to survive even two moves in the hands of Whitebeard and would die miserably on the spot.

He must limit Whitebeard's fruit ability.

Whitebeard will definitely lose his combat power without his ability!

Maybe he can't hold on for long like this. As long as he delays for a while, he can continue to complete his great plan.

Thinking of this, Teach's fists were covered with thick black mist, and he hit Whitebeard.

Facing the siege of the crowd, Whitebeard didn't even blink..

The corners of his mouth slightly curved up.

It was consistent with his upturned beard.

Then he knocked Congyun to the ground with one hand.

He did not choose to fight with Teach again.

His left hand slammed the air in front of him, and the air in front of him was suddenly full of cracks. The extremely powerful vibration force directly knocked everyone out and threw them far away.

The high wall of the Navy Headquarters behind them, with the word Navy printed on it, was also blown into powder by this blow.

The attacks of these guys were just a joke to him now.

Only Teach absorbed the force of the vibration and was not hurt at all.

His fist had already come in front of Whitebeard.

Whitebeard also raised his right hand to meet it.

But there was red lightning jumping on the fist, which looked a little unusual.

Teach's little black fist���He was completely defeated as soon as he came into contact with the enemy. He had no power to resist at all. His entire right arm became extremely twisted, and then he flew backwards like his companions.

His chest had collapsed after being hit hard by the blow.

Before he even hit the ground, Whitebeard had already caught up with him!

He was holding the fierce knife in his hand, and the blade was shining with red light!

In Teach's horrified eyes, the long knife began to fall towards his chest bit by bit.

"Dad! Dad, I was wrong! Please spare my life, Dad!!!"

Whitebeard's ghostly speed and earth-shattering power have completely broken down Teach's psychological defenses.

He began to beg for mercy, but Whitebeard ignored him and even moved faster.

Just as he was about to pierce Teach, a laser and a flash of cold light flashed and rushed towards this side.

It was Aokiji and Kizaru who took action.

They wanted to save Teach and then join forces with them to deal with Whitebeard.

Now Su Chen could no longer move. As long as they solved the problem of Whitebeard, they would win.

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