How could Scuyard not be in pain now? He had long realized that he had done the most ridiculous thing in his life.

He actually stabbed his own father in the back.

There was no need for Joz to do anything, the guilt in his heart was enough to kill him.

"Let it go, Jozi. If you want to find the culprit who killed your dad……"

"Why not me?"

A man with a few freckles on his face came over and put his hand on Qiao Zi's sturdy arm.

His face was full of loneliness.


Looking at the person coming, Joz's right hand that was tightly holding Scuyard slowly loosened

"Ace, don't blame yourself. Dad wouldn't sit idly by if it was any of us!"

Marco patted Ace's shoulder and comforted him softly.

Who could understand Ace's mood at this moment?

The guilt he felt towards his father was no less than that of Squard.

"Dad, he may not die. Isn't that guy Su Chen still there?"

"He won the bet with his father. He will definitely not sit back and watch."

Marco continued at this time. Whitebeard had mentioned his bet with Su Chen to him.

He told him that he also wanted him to work hard and find a chance to save Ace before Su Chen.

But after hearing his words, everyone on the deck fell silent.

The whole place was silent again.

Can Dad survive?

When they left, the injuries on Dad's body were so severe that none of them could have survived.

The horrible wound was shocking just to look at.

Sengoku Garp was ready to move.

Coupled with the old injury that kept recurring.


How can he survive?

Even if Su Chen wanted to save him, how could he save him?

Garp's terrible strength killed Su Chen in seconds as soon as he came up.

It can be seen that the gap in strength between the two is still quite large.

In that case, other navy soldiers were enough to kill Dad.

Thinking of this, everyone's heart trembled again. Sadness began to fill the entire deck

"Gambling? Does Dad know that guy?"

Ace didn't know what happened between the two of them at this time. He looked at Marco blankly.

"Well, we met that guy in the New World at that time, and because of that bet, he became our ally."

"Otherwise, why do you think he would save you?"

Marco replied.

"What is the content of the bet?"

Ace asked again

"Bet on who will save you first"

"The bet is his own life. Dad has already lost, he lost his life to that guy."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over here, all with disbelief on their faces.

Dad actually bet so much! He bet his life directly!

He is one of the Four Emperors, how could he bet with a guy whose bounty was only 1.5 billion, and the bet was his own life!

And now he has lost!

Doesn't that mean that Dad's life is in the hands of that kid? It's incredible!

But soon, they reacted again.

Dad has no chance of surviving...

So that guy got nothing, and if it weren't for him this time, Ace would never have been able to save him.

So, that kid worked for them in vain?

At this moment, everyone understood Dad's good intentions.

In that case, that kid will really help save Dad.

"If that's the case, then that guy does have a reason to save his dad. But the problem is, he doesn't have the ability to do so."

"Even if it was him, it would be difficult to escape from there."

After Joz finished speaking, everyone reacted.

Yes, even if that guy really wanted to save his father, did he have the strength to do so? The answer was obvious. No.


Marco's next words once again gave everyone hope.

"Su Chen had given Dad a pill of something similar to a potion. It should have a healing effect. It looks powerful. Maybe it can save Dad's life."

Upon hearing this, Ace grabbed Marco's shoulders and asked hurriedly,"What potion? Can it really save Dad?""

The eyes of everyone on the ship began to brighten. They seemed to see a ray of hope shining.

At this moment, Ace, as if he had grabbed the last straw, anxiously waited for Marco to bring him some good news.

However, Marco did not respond to him immediately.

But it didn't take long for Ace to gradually regain his composure, but the fire of hope that had originally ignited in his eyes quickly dimmed, just like the other crew members.


What kind of potion can save the old man in such a desperate situation? That's a fatal injury!

Death is only a matter of time for the old man.

Sadness surged into his heart again like a tide, surrounding Ace tightly.

Self-blame, guilt, pain, sadness and other negative emotions came one after another, as if to swallow him up.

"It was me. It was all because of me that Dad died! If it weren't for my willful behavior, how could Dad have...……?"

Ace's face was filled with sorrow and regret. He could not accept this cruel fact, and his heart was filled with endless self-blame and guilt.

Tears began to fall.

Tears of endless sorrow.

His mood now was just like Luffy in the original novel, who watched his brother being killed by him.

"No......It's not your fault, Ace. You don't need to blame yourself like this."

Marco's voice was trembling, as if every word was exhausted with all his strength.

He clenched his fists tightly, his nails digging deep into his palms, but he didn't feel any pain.

"This may......This is the ending that my father expected."

"Rather than dying in obscurity on the ship due to aging and illness, it would be better to die honorably on the battlefield like now. This is more in line with my father's usual style!"

Marco murmured, his eyes revealing endless sadness and determination.

He slowly raised his head, his eyes seemed to penetrate the clouds and look at the distant sky.

However, only he knew that he was not really looking at the sky, but trying to use this method to hide the pain in his heart.

Because he was afraid that as long as he lowered his head, the tears would burst out of his eyes like a dam, blurring the figure in front of him that made him heartbroken.

At this moment, Marco wished that time could go back and return to the days when he fought side by side with Ace and was carefree.

But the reality is so cruel and ruthless that it ruthlessly took away what they cherished most, catching people off guard.

On this ship, everyone is a resolute and courageous warrior.

They have experienced countless storms and challenges, and have long since honed their strong will and tenacious spirit.

However, at this moment, these iron-willed people have more or less flashes of tears in their eyes.

"Yeah, Ace, it's not your fault. It's all because of Teach! It's all because of that guy!"

"That's right, if he hadn't killed Thatch, you wouldn't have chased him. I didn't expect that guy to hide his strength. Even you are no match for him!"

Everyone spoke up and pointed out the culprit of this incident.

Ace paused when he heard this.

"I was the one who insisted on going alone to catch him. My father tried to stop me, but I didn't listen.

Then, flames began to appear on his body, just like the rage in his heart.

"As for that guy Teach, I must kill him with my own hands!"

At this moment, something suddenly fell from the sky!

There was a loud"bang", and the unidentified object fell heavily on the deck.

Then, a shrill scream suddenly sounded.

And that scream was so familiar.

Everyone turned their eyes to the sudden falling object.

After a closer look, they couldn't help but gasp - it was a man with all his limbs broken!

What's even more shocking is that the face is exactly the face that everyone hates now!

Everyone who witnessed this scene was dumbfounded and dumbfounded. Completely stunned.

How could this guy appear here? And all his limbs were broken, who did it?

Just when everyone was so shocked by this shocking scene.

A low and magnetic voice came from the bow.

"Are you talking about this guy?"

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