Whitebeard witnessed all this and knew that this young man had reached his limit.

He did not look for Su Chen again, but turned to Marco beside him and said:

"Go prepare some food for this kid. When he wakes up, he might eat up our boat.

Marco nodded and left.


At this time, at the news newspaper office, this huge system was operating at an overloaded state.

Although the reporters in the corners of the square fainted under Su Chen's domineering look, there was one person who didn't. Morgans not only did not miss any details, but even after the incident, he was the first to receive the Navy's change in Su Chen's bounty.

He didn't care to be surprised. At this time, the newspaper office did not pause for a moment, and the newspapers were printed one by one. The same was true for Su Chen's new bounty. Soon, a large number of news birds had set off. No one was not curious about the follow-up of the incident. The news today was so popular that the news birds even went off work early. When the whole world saw that Su Chen and the other two had escaped unscathed, they all showed expressions of disbelief.

"Really, let him get away?"

"This guy, even the Five Elders can’t defeat him?"

"The World Government is such a rubbish! Can it still protect us if it continues like this?"

"Yes, they collect a lot of taxes from us every year, but in the end they are so bad! They can't even deal with a pirate worth 1.5 billion!"

But after this guy finished speaking, a companion beside him, who was looking at a bounty order with wide eyes, refuted

"Fifteen billion? Do you want to take another look?"

He handed the bounty to the man.

The man took it and took a look. He was stunned at first, and then he shouted:"Seven billion?! ?!!!"

"Are you kidding me? Someone actually offered a bounty of 7 billion! Even Pirate King Roger doesn't have such a high bounty!"At this moment, almost everyone who saw Su Chen's bounty had the same reaction.

This is a new height. A new height for the bounty.

From 1.5 billion, it directly jumped to 7 billion!

The gap of 5.5 billion in the middle. This is simply unacceptable. It's really crazy!

Just from this bounty, we can see the degree of fear of the world government towards Su Chen, which has reached an unprecedented level.

Long looked at the bounty in his hand at this time. He just felt that it was a little unreal.

The photo on the bounty can be recognized at a glance that the person on it is Su Chen!

His eyes were full of blood, and his eyes revealed endless madness.

A pair of huge wings spread out behind him.

His whole body was stained with blood, as hideous and terrifying as a demon from hell!

"Scarlet Demon Su Chen"

Bounty: 7000000000.

That series of zeros, each one is a huge impact on the dragon

"It's really terrifying, this boy has become a great man!"

The fact is really as his sixth sense said, Su Chen left Marinford unscathed with his men under the eyes of the Five Elders.

This point was not described in detail in the news. But not being detailed is enough to explain the problem.

If the navy can cause any loss to Su Chen, it will definitely make a big fuss.

But at this time, there is nothing.

The fact is obvious.

"Perhaps... following him directly is also a good choice."

Long lowered his head and thought, and this idea began to appear in his mind.


New World.

When the pirates who were committing crimes in Whitebeard's territory saw this news, they were extremely terrified!

Without saying a word, they called for people to evacuate.

""Go! Go, immediately! Find a place to hide first! It will be over when Whitebeard and the others come back! Let's hide out for now!"

Soon, all these people disappeared on the island.

The island regained its former tranquility.

But the ruins and corpses were telling the story of the disaster that had just happened.

The two Four Emperors also received the news at the same time, but they would not be like those bastards.

Stop? How is that possible?

Not only did they not stop, but they even moved faster.

As long as it's in their stomachs, it's theirs.

We are all Four Emperors, why should we be afraid of you?

What's more, the Whitebeard Pirates have just experienced a big battle and they have to rest for a while. They simply don't have the courage to go to war with them now.

Kill him while he's sick!

Cruel Just rob them ruthlessly and they'll be done!

But when the two saw the bounty order of Su Chen with a bounty of 7 billion, they were still shocked.

What is the concept of 7 billion?

It's almost catching up with two of the Four Emperors.

Although I don't know why the navy gave this guy such a high bounty.

Although Su Chen's performance in the war at the top has been recognized by them.

But this bounty must be a lot of water.

There is no need to panic.

It's just that Su Chen has an ambiguous relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates.

If he and Whitebeard join forces to deal with any of the two, they will definitely not be able to resist.

After thinking for a while, the two old friends also contacted each other.

"Kaido, you received the message, right? How about we join forces?"

After the call was connected, Big Mom didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

"No problem, if those two guys are together"

"No matter which side is attacked, the other side must provide support as quickly as possible."

We are all four emperors, and no one is stupid. Kaido didn't waste any words and directly told the content of the cooperation.

This is exactly what Big Mom wanted to say, and the two hit it off.

"That's it."

After saying that, the two of them hung up the phone contentedly, and the main character quickly


Nine Snake Island also received���The world has been waiting for the follow-up news from the companions.

The video Den Den Mushi projected a newspaper on the screen.

However, the first reaction of these people was not like that of the outside world.

Their focus was only on their own Snake Princess.

"Great! Lady Snake is safe! That witch is really just spreading lies to confuse the people!"

"Well, when Lady Snake comes back, I must report her to Lady Snake and let her punish her severely."

At this time, a crew member of the Nine Snakes Pirates saw a photo in the newspaper.

The photo was a picture of Su Chen hugging Hancock after he kicked Satan away.

"That Su Chen actually hugged Lady Snake's waist! How abominable!"

When she said this, everyone noticed

"That guy! He actually stole our Lady Snake! His crime is unforgivable!"

"He even touched Lady Snake's waist! I must kill him!"

Just as these people were shouting to kill Su Chen, suddenly, a bounty order was presented on the huge screen in the center of the square with an extremely clear picture using the video telephone bug.

A man suddenly appeared in it.

He seemed to have just walked out of the bottom of hell, and his body was filled with a chill that made people tremble with fear.

Those fierce and cruel eyes full of violence seemed to be able to kill people with just one glance. As soon as this figure appeared, the originally noisy square immediately became silent.

People were so scared that they dared not speak, and waves of fear and chills surged in their hearts.

However, just below this terrible image, the amount of the bounty was clearly marked.

When everyone saw the number clearly, the absurd and unreasonable thoughts before disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At this moment, they had only one thought in their minds: Sorry, I was wrong, I was too ignorant, please forgive me!

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