The geographical location of Fishman Island is very close to Mary Joaquim. It can be said that at this point, the Celestial Dragons are like a mountain pressing down on all of them!

The moment Arlong cut off the head of the Celestial Dragon.

Hundreds of years of oppression were shattered, and the darkness in the hearts of the five million people of Fishman Island was completely pierced!!

If Adolf is the light that illuminates the darkness, then the moment of beheading the Celestial Dragon is the moment when the dark clouds in their hearts are torn apart, and a ray of light shines in - allowing them to see the sun of freedom and the vastness of the entire ocean....

But this is not enough. The soul of a race must have pioneers who inject this blood and bury the same spiritual belief in everyone's bones!

They are real heroes, not personal heroism!

Personal heroism cannot make a great nation, but a nation must have heroes who stand up. Heroes can lead people, and the light he shines will determine the future direction of a nation.

These heroes are great because they truly love this nation, have lofty beliefs, and move forward firmly!!

Aaron does have many shortcomings. He is not smart, knowledgeable, or strong enough, and he treats many things too roughly.

But these can be improved through acquired learning.

Only his bloodiness, love, rationality, and unyielding will to resist, these precious qualities are the most important cornerstones of a nation.——

""Your Majesty the Sea King!!"

Aaron looked back, moved in his heart, and felt that they had an extremely strong backing to support them - he had never been a slave, but he watched his compatriots being captured and enslaved, and watched the former Boss Tiger being betrayed and killed by humans. The resentment and anger in his heart even swallowed him up!

Yes, he didn't have such strong power, so he was caught during the revenge and imprisoned in Impel Down. Later, Jinbei became a Shichibukai and was rescued.

But he didn't think he was wrong. What was wrong was that he didn't have enough power!

What was wrong was that Fishman Island couldn't be his backing, and Otohime's ridiculous ideal...

"Without taking a step back, you fought back against the power. You have stood up for us, Aaron!"Adolf patted his shoulder with great satisfaction.

He looked at all the fishmen warriors in the Sunshine Cave and said,"Go and deal with the others. We are fighting side by side.——"

"yes——"Everyone clenched their fists and raised their arms enthusiastically!

Strength continued to surge from their hearts. At this moment, they even felt that they could do anything. Even if the red earth continent blocked their way, they could break through it!

Although they were still very weak, all the warriors here would use their lives to support the starting point of the rebirth of the fish people.——

‘————!’King Garin Sheng didn't even think about it. He waved his hand and struck and fled immediately, without any direct confrontation with him!

"If we join forces with Garp to resist, we can hold out for a while longer. If we run away now, how can we escape?!!"Adolf waved his hand to break the slash and chased after him.

‘hateful! Saint

Jialin grabbed a murloc warrior blocking the road ahead and threw it towards Adolf, delaying it as much as possible while looking for the location of the different space door!

"Come on, kill them all——"

"Don't be afraid, brothers, the King is with us——"

All the fish-man warriors rushed towards the other two members of the Knights of God, including the fruit ability user who fell to the bottom of the sea!

"One of the Shichibukai, Moonlight Moria! What a pity, you are going to die in the deep sea——"

Octopus Hachi swung down with eight blades!

With his strength, he could never be a match for Moonlight Moriah on the ground, but at this moment, the ability user was completely a chopping block and at the mercy of others!

"Hancock, don't move. Give him such a beautiful woman to the king! Anyway, the esper fell into the sea and lost her resistance. I will bring her the Shanghai Tower Stone later!"

"Hahahaha! That's great. It's necessary to leave one or two spoils of victory for the king in such a major battle!"

The fishmen who had been swimming towards Hancock with the order laughed loudly, and the reason immediately convinced the others.

‘Huh?! '

Hancock's eyes secretly swept over the fishman captain beside her. The moment she was caught, her physical condition suddenly recovered to the best.

Even the suffocating feeling of the sea water was refreshed.

But after all, in the sea water, she was drowning again in the next second....

The fishman captain also took a look, and their eyes met, conveying some kind of message.

"Don't kill that old woman over there, go and capture her.——"

"No, Captain! Should such an old woman be kept for the king? ?"The fish-man warrior showed a confused expression.

"What the hell are you thinking, idiot! These are all famous people on the sea, and then we will publicly execute them! Do you know how much of a blow it will cause to the Navy and the World Government? How much of an impact will it have on the reputation of Fishman Island? ?"

The captain hit the soldier on the head, this idea is too perverted!

"Oh, that's it...."The soldier breathed a sigh of relief, but he was also scared.

"quick! Catch all the drowning ability users.——"

""Captain Xiaoba, don't stab him to death. We can still execute him!"

Everyone shouted to remind him.

They had no regrets, but were looking forward to it.

Killing him now was just for pleasure, and then publicly executing him again would be so exciting!

"I won't give you this chance——"

A round, transparent door opened, and the interior was dark and eerie.

At the same time, a tough guy with horns appeared behind, but did not come out of the door.

‘Swish! Swish! Swish!——’

Doberman, Ghost Spider, Burning Mountain, Flying Squirrel, and Gumier rushed out of the alien space door and headed for five different locations.

However, the moment the bubble membrane came into contact with the seawater, it collapsed immediately and was exposed to the deep sea water pressure.

The bubble membrane degradation liquid in the seawater would definitely be thoroughly diluted and purified by the seawater. It wouldn't even take too long, but this"too long" definitely didn't include 20 minutes....


Each elite lieutenant general covered his entire body with armed color domineering to increase his resistance, but even though his face was ugly, his movements were forcibly restricted.

He kicked and slashed, quickly killing the surrounding fishmen warriors.

"hateful! Come quickly, there are still capable people ambushing here.——"

The fishman captain was cut in half at the waist, and his body was split into two sections, but he still screamed wildly.

With his last breath exhausted, he turned his head with difficulty to look at Adolf's figure, his eyes gradually dimmed, and the picture began to blur.

‘Your Majesty, my mission...finished...’

Although dead, there is a satisfied smile on his face.

When Adolf found him, he knew the danger of this mission, and it could be said that he would die!

But he decided to do it anyway, without even bringing an extra cure for himself, because that might make the enemy suspicious!!

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