The first main gate of the front island was easily broken through, but when it came to the second main gate, two giants blocked the way.——

"Although I don’t know what you are here for, it’s best to go back before you get trampled all over!"

"You said, Oimo?"

The skinny giant holding a huge axe

"That's right, Cassie, I will crush your bones to pieces!"The obese giant, Ouimo, carries a wooden mace.

The two giants are more than ten meters tall. They are both wearing simple and crude tribal clothing. Their weapons are also very primitive, but extremely strong!!

"Giants? Aaron raised his head and frowned slightly,"Forget it, no matter what race, as long as you join the World Government, it will be a hostile stance!""

"Don't take any action! Since there are only two enemies, leave it to us!"

Hody Jones and Aaron stepped forward.

This operation is also a good experience for them!

"The giants have the most natural warriors in the world, so be careful." Jinbei said calmly

"We fishmen also have arm strength ten times stronger than humans! Let's compete!——"

Skinny Cassie and fat Ouimo wielded axes and hammers, while

Aaron and Hodi Jones also held sawtooth broadswords and tridents, and were wrapped in armed color domineering, responding to them respectively!!


There were clashes and clashes, and strong air waves washed over them.

A huge figure of more than ten meters with a weapon fell from the sky, and the two-meter-old fish man resisted with all his strength.

Completely disproportionate body shape contrast, but she managed to hold it together——

"A natural fighting race? It doesn’t seem to be that good!!"Aaron became more and more excited. He held the serrated sword and suddenly flicked the giant ax away!

"Damn fishmen!"The giant is angry!

When the giants reach adulthood, they have the power of a brigadier general.

As a giant clan, they were members of the Giant Pirates forty years ago. Their strength is completely comparable to that of ordinary lieutenant generals at the Navy Headquarters, especially their strength.

He should be able to master the domineering power even more than the elite lieutenant general!——

【There are too many scenes in the original work where the combat power is compromised for the sake of the plot. Let’s restore it a little bit here and treat it as leveling up for Aaron and the others.】


"hateful!! ah——"

As the giant mace pressed down with all his strength, Hoddy Jones's pressure doubled, his arm muscles bulged, and veins on his forehead and arms throbbed!!

With a heart-wrenching roar, he competed with the giant in strength!!

"We are also working hard to train ourselves.——"

Then he took the initiative to rush up

‘boom! boom! boom!...’

The fighting speed of both sides is not fast, but the strength is extremely strong, and every time it is a crazy head-on confrontation.

The giant's terrifying size, coupled with the two-color domineering power it possesses, makes it impossible to win with small moves.

There was a loud bang in front of the door, terrifying strong winds tore through the atmosphere, the earth shattered, cracks spread, and slashes flew out from time to time.

"How could he not be able to defeat two guards even if he had high hopes from that adult? ?"

"Isn't it that I can't even see the king's back?——"

The head-on collision with the giants lasted for more than half an hour. The huge force shook their internal organs and blood, and their bones were shaking.

"Boss! Big Brother!"

All the fish-man warriors nearby looked on nervously, eager to rush over to help.

Jinbei looked at the two of them deeply, and instead of worrying about them, he recognized them more, and they also wanted to become stronger.

Not only him, but every warrior on Fish-Man Island wanted to become stronger, to be able to play a little role....

"What's going on with these two fishmen?!"Cassie and Fatty from the giant tribe were panting a little.

Aaron and Hody Jones were even more tired. They used their will to support themselves and fought desperately to squeeze the potential of their bodies!

Even if the muscles of their hands and feet collapsed after the war, even if their body organs failed, they would not hesitate.——

‘Sawtooth chop——’

‘Water Trident——’

The slash that separated and tore like a chainsaw landed on the body of the thin man Cassie, and blood sprayed out.

The trident in Hody Jones' hand also showed traces of water, as if it was wrapped in water. It suddenly flew out and landed on Oyimo, punching out three big holes!

After half an hour of fierce fighting, the two giants were finally defeated!


After the battle, as soon as the spirit relaxed, Aaron and the two immediately collapsed, their whole bodies were sweating and convulsing.

"This is really serious! Not only did he escape from weakness, but he also had a head-on confrontation with the giants, and his internal organs and hand bones were shattered! Even the domineering energy has been exhausted...."Jinbei saw the state of the two of them

"It’s so shameful that two doormen left us in such a mess! How can you live up to the king’s high expectations?"Hody Jones covered his face with his hands in shame.

Even his own state and the drama coming from his body could not suppress the emotions in his heart.

"Boss Aaron, Brother Huodi, please heal them quickly!"The soldier handed over the healing dandelion.

"hateful! Rescue Tom and go back to strengthen training!"Aaron grabbed the healing dandelion and was unwilling to give in.

They didn't know the identity and origin of the two giants. They only knew that the doorkeeper...

And now even a security guard has to work so hard, it's really too useless!!

‘rough shark——’

Jinbei held the huge door with one hand and suddenly exerted force to break the thick and huge door.

Opposite the door are more than 10,000 naval soldiers and World Government guards.

It's just that these navy soldiers have been on Judiciary Island for a long time and are too close to the World Government.

"There are so many people, I can kill them all!"

Along showed a ferocious smile and rushed in at the lead.——

"Wait until I surrender. I am a marine, and it was the people from the World Government who forced me to become your enemy!"Before they could rush in, a navy man raised his hands.

"I surrender too, the world government is going to be finished, only a fool will die with them!"


Almost everyone made a wise decision.

As for the rest, they also raised the French military salute....

"It's amazing that you can do this now, but it's a pity that you don't know how to do it lying on your back...."

In the sea, Adolf watched this scene quietly, extremely satisfied.

As a fish-man who mastered the blueprints of Pluto and designed the sea train, Tom certainly couldn't arrange only Aaron and the others for such an important matter.

"What to do, what to do, what to do!! How can I get back to Mariejoia? The sea surface has been blocked by those damn fishes, so there is no way it will work!"

"These fishmen actually blocked the signal? Isn’t it that you can’t even send out a cry for help?"

"The damn sailors actually surrendered to the enemy like this? Traitor——"

Spandam huddled in an unknown corner, shivering and snotting from his nose.

"Did you find it? I didn’t find it here!"

"I didn't find it here either, let me look over there..."

‘Tap tap tap...’

Listening to the footsteps disappearing, Spandam breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he turned around, he spotted a dog!

"——The French Dog Team!!"Spandam was so frightened that he lost his soul instantly!

"Chief Spandam, I need to use you to perform a meritorious service. Will you hand over the head to me, or come with me? ?"


"Don't kill me! I surrender, I know the secrets of the world government————’

Spandam immediately knelt down.

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