"Everyone, get moving! Swim at the speed of Turtle Island for an hour, and then do fishman karate sparring. That's today's exercise!"

"The peace we have now is because someone is carrying the burden for you! But it doesn't mean you won't encounter bad people!"

"If you don’t ask for a counterattack, you can at least run away and survive!!"

Before returning to Fish-Man Island, Adolf was training one hundred thousand fish-men as the chief instructor!

It's like all the people are soldiers, but more importantly, it is to cultivate the culture of martial arts among all the people.

Seeing the live broadcast, Fish-Man Island Neptune Organized with Minister Zuo

"Aaron, Jinbe, Hody Jones, this is left to you, let the fishman warrior lead everyone in training."Adolf said

"Yes!" The three nodded.

Adolf nodded and left, coming to a huge cave in Turtle Island.

The cave was simply decorated, with a large number of corals, shellfish, pearls and other decorations collected, and even a huge shell bed, full of merman style.

Adolf was half lying on the shell bed. The merman's body shape was actually not suitable for sitting like humans, half lying was the best~

"The important documents that Ain faxed are all here."Otohime came over with a stack of documents.

""Yes." Adolf took it.

You can talk about ideals with people, but such a large organization must talk about systems.

Now the system is not perfect, so let others know that he cares and pays attention to these things, so that psychological pressure is formed and they are afraid of not doing well.

Otherwise, when the reserve grain is used, there will be a granary fire, and when weapons are needed, there will be a big fire. The generals who are on missions outside collude with the pirates of the World Government. That would be funny....

"His Majesty the King of the Sea..."Tom finds Adolf

"What's wrong?"Adolf was still looking at the document.

‘thump——’Tom suddenly fell to his knees

"...?"Adolf just looked up

"I apologize for my incomprehension. As you said, peace is always relative. It is only because of those soldiers who carry the burden forward that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment...."

"I am willing to do anything for Fish-Man Island, including Hades!!"

Tom felt guilty and said extremely firmly at the same time.


Adolf looked at him, and to be honest he was a little surprised, because he hadn't talked to Tom yet....

But it’s not surprising that the current environment of the Fishman Island and the Fishman Tribe is bound to be affected.

What he instilled in Fish-Man Island is self-improvement, and only the peace they control is their peace. These spirits...

The fishmen now completely regard these ideas as their creed.

"Get up quickly. You refused because of Pluto's terrifying power. I understand your concerns."

"In fact, I am also worried that if you have such terrible power, you will inexplicably give it to others, which will bring disaster to the world!!"

"At the same time, I also want to apologize to you. Last time, I lost control of my emotions and hurt you, but I didn't even say an apology."

Adolf quickly stood up and helped Tom up, speaking softly with apology....

"No, it's not your fault! The Five Elders threatened the safety of the entire world, and I still questioned your decision and caused you trouble. I apologize for my stupidity."

Being helped up by the king, he was so humble and courteous.

Tom felt honored, but at a loss, and his guilt deepened.

When he talked about that time, he couldn't help but kneel down again in shame, deeply blaming himself and twisting his heart. What qualifications did he have to question the man who actually saved the people of the world and was doing his best to protect the people in the face of desperate situations? He really deserved to die.


"Hahahaha, come and sit"

"I really wanted to kill someone, and you came up to me."

Adolf helped Tom up again, took him to a seat beside him, and talked and laughed. His every word and gesture affected Tom's emotions.

"His Majesty the Sea King is really amazing. He almost killed me with just his domineering aura. Even Roger doesn't have such a strong kingly spirit!" Tom laughed.

"Don't compare me to a thief king." Adolf said jokingly.

"King of thieves? Ha ha ha ha! Worthy of being the resounding King of the Sea——"Tom laughed in admiration.

If it had been before, he would definitely have retorted, Roger, the Pirate King, do you call him the King of Thieves? Who are you humiliating? ? ? Building ships for Roger was a lifelong pride for him.

But it was Adolf who said this, so you are right——

"You're laughing so happily, would you like some wine?" Otohime came over with a tray.

"You drunkard, you just sobered up and drank again?" Adolf had a headache.

"Princess Otohime!!"Tom stood up quickly

"I am no longer a princess..."Otohime put down the bottle, scratched her cheek in embarrassment, and looked at Adolf secretly.

It’s not that the current King Adolf is afraid of overthinking it.

But now the king is Adolf, and you call her princess, what is the relationship like?! Neptune is still guarding his home on Fish-Man Island!!

She has been too close to Adolf lately....

"But in my eyes, you will always be the princess."Tom said.

He had been away from Fishman Island for too long. Although he agreed with Adolf, he still had some ideas about the inheritance of royal blood. He had known Otohime and the original royal family for a longer time.

"It doesn't matter."Adolf didn't care either."Otohime, fax these documents back. I've already signed them."

""Okay." Yiji took the document.

"Tom, what technologies have you mastered regarding the Pluto design? asked Adolf

"Pluto is too complicated, it is not a technology available in this era at all, and I only have some superficial knowledge of it."Tom shook his head...Technology is always developing forward, and the past technology has not yet been mastered. Especially Vegapunk, which claims to be 500 years ahead of the world, is also doing archaeology and science. It's speechless.

It's like a country that went to the moon, but didn't go there for half a century. Isn't it a joke? ?

"Fishman Island is in the deep sea, and the sunlight is completely dependent on the Sun Tree Eve. The compatriots in the Red Earth Continent can only rely on simple water flow to generate electricity for lighting, which poses a great risk."

"I want to know how much research you have done on energy technology?"

Adolf asked

"As long as it is not used on Pluto, I can convert seawater into energy, which is completely sufficient for the lighting needs of the entire Fish-Man Island and meets everyone's household energy needs. It can also be installed in the living areas in the Red Earth Continent."

"The power required by Pluto is too strong. We must fully master the energy power technology. I can't make it yet."

It's for the people's livelihood. Tom suddenly became energetic.

"Converting seawater into energy..."

Adolf couldn't help but think of Frankie Cola, which converts energy into energy, and even green tea, juice, and other beverages. What a black technology it is.

"The best thing is to use sea floor stone as energy source to completely release the sea energy in sea floor stone. said Tom

"Energy is the core of everything. I will provide you with a secret research institute, and you will master energy technology first."Adolf said seriously.

"I understand!"

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