The cream puff incident did not happen. It was obvious that the other party were pirates and there was no need to talk about human rights. He was still sticking to the bottom line....

Come, put positive energy on the puffs——

"Hahahaha, the pirate group that massacred the White Sand Village is on this island, come and catch them! Navy——"

"I plan to retire after a while, you won't come to arrest me now, right?"

"Hahahaha, no one admits it?!"

In Gaya Island, where pirates gather, countless pirates laughed wildly.

But no one admitted it. After all, the pirates were being driven away a bit miserably now, and they didn't want to be targeted.

"hateful! None of the 770 people were left alive. Each of these pirates is a serious suspect! I think they are just covering each other!!"

"If the naval forces were not scattered across various countries and could not spare so many men, I would really want to capture them all!!"

On the warship, the sailors were annoyed.

With only three warships and no strong lieutenant general, Gaya Island, a gathering place for pirates, would have been torn apart by tens of thousands of pirates on the spot.

If it hadn't been for this With the presence of the fish-men troops, hundreds of pirate groups have rushed towards us!

"I slaughtered an entire town a few months ago, and the tavern owner's wife still dared to ask us for money?"

"Who are we? We are pirates! My brothers and I raped her right there!"

"That girl screamed so loudly that everyone in the town heard it. She even wanted to ask the navy for help. We had to kill them all. They must be so angry that their eyes were red with anger!"

A pirate captain boasted loudly, showing off his achievements with a proud look on his face, as if he was afraid that others would not know.

"Did you guys loot anything? You should be able to find some gold and silver, right?"The other pirates envied him.

"These guys hide too tightly, each family is too troublesome, it makes me all burned..."

"The most exciting thing is that the mayor’s daughter died from playing, and then let the chef cook it, and the skull is still left.——!!"

The captain became more and more arrogant.

In their eyes, people are like two-legged sheep, especially beautiful women. The younger the better, preferably a few months old, they are the most delicious when put into the pot!

Instead of being terrified, the other pirates became more excited!

"You should return the skull to the navy, otherwise they won’t be able to complete their mission!"

"Ha ha ha ha——"

"Damn it!!"The navy's face was distorted. He actually talked about cannibalism in front of them!!


The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a bolt of lightning exploded, startling everyone with a dull thud!

Then, a huge black shadow approached from afar, and an extremely heavy sense of oppression enveloped them.

"What is that?——"

Looking at the Turtle Island that appeared in the darkness, all the pirates were scared and their noses were snotty, and the navy was so scared that their legs went weak.

"Marine! Report the situation——"Adolf's voice came out

"Neptune?"Navy, fishmen, and pirates: Surprise, surprise, horror!

They never expected that Neptune would come in person!!


"A small town was massacred one day ago, and all 770 people died. We followed the clues and came here. The prisoner is on Gaya Island."

"Gaya Island is a gathering place for pirates, known as the Devil's Town, but they are protecting each other and are all pirates, so we can't land to investigate!"

The navy quickly came back to report

"Wait, Your Majesty, I didn't do it. I want to turn over a new leaf and become a new person!!"

"I reported him, but yesterday he was drunk and showed off to me!"

Adolf had no expression on his face, stretched out his hand to pull out the water vapor from the atmosphere, and condensed it into a trident of water.

As if connected to the power of the sea, the invisible water was turbulent.

The sea undulated violently, forming a thousand-meter tsunami on the spot, and the entire sea area became a three-dimensional space, with countless Big waves roll up, not the sea level——

"Ahhhh...Are you kidding me? ?"Tens of thousands of pirates on Gaya Island were terrified.

Dark clouds covered the island, and huge waves thousands of meters high rolled in from all directions. It was simply the end of the world!!

"Turn on the video phone bug!"Adolf ordered.

The navy man picked up the phone and recorded the scene in front of him.

"Pirates gathered on Gaya Island, massacred 770 people, protected each other, and sentenced to death——"

As the trial was announced, the Trident of Water swung down, and giant waves of a thousand meters came down layer by layer, killing everyone on Gaya Island!

Even the houses and buildings on the island have been washed away, leaving only sandy soil....

Only the three warships nearby were not affected at all and were lifted up by the huge waves.

"His Majesty the King of the Sea——"The Navy was shocked and excited.

It was processed very quickly, and all the tens of thousands of pirates were wiped out, even their traces were wiped away, and the Pirate Island became a clean island!!

This scene was also recorded by the phone bug...

"After the execution is completed, you will send the video to the headquarters, and they will broadcast it all over the world to tell the world our attitude!!"

"If something like this happens again, report it immediately and I will arrange personnel nearby to exterminate them all!!"

Adolf said in a cold voice.

"yes!"The navy saluted, and then left with the warship to continue its original mission.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed and the sea water became calm again....

"Perona, do you know why I don't force you? You are all pirates, and you don't need to talk about human rights."Adolf looked at the sky.

"Why?"Perona was on alert, fearing that her bestiality would suddenly overwhelm her.

"Once forced to commit rape, it will be completely indulgent, and then it will only get worse until it goes berserk!!"

"If I really do this, not only will you be scared, but the whole world will be scared...."

Adolf looked deeply into his heart.

Power is poison, a chronic poison, and a violent poison!!

Only the truly powerful can control it.


And how long has he been exposed to power?

Poverty and weakness make people follow morality. Only after enjoying all the top temptations in the world for a long time can he not be deceived by the world of flowers....

But before that, restrain your desires in the cage of reason and be controlled by your own will——

"...What's wrong with you? Is your brain broken?"

Perona looked at him in confusion, and suddenly felt confused. Wasn't he easygoing before?

Although he was also very mean, always bullying her and threatening her....

"Nothing, do you want to go to heaven?"

Adolf looked at the sky almost

""Go up to the sky?" Perona looked at the sky in confusion.

"And, call Tom Aaron and the others to go to Sky Island, and then Jinbei will protect everyone and continue to set off."Adolf ordered

"Good!" Otohime Den Den Mushi said

"Your Majesty the King of the Sea, does Sky Island refer to the island in the sky? Bai Xing asked curiously

"Yes, you'll know once you see it."

""At an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, the white sea!"

Adolf explained casually.

Aaron, Hody Jones, Tom, Franky, Iceberg, Otohime, Shirahoshi, Perona...

The fishmen used their hard power to forcibly stimulate the sea current, and they followed the current up without any tools.

The three humans were thrown into the bubble, and they went up with the bubble.——

"Ahhhh!! Hahahahaha...Flying!!"Bai Xing was surprised at first, and then laughed happily. The more adventures he experienced, the more cheerful he became.

"Sky Island, an island in the sky!!"Otohime is looking forward to it.

"Be careful! If the bubble bursts, we're doomed!"Perona wanted to cry but had no tears. The huge water column really didn't make her feel safe at all!


Looking at the water column soaring into the sky, Jinbei sighed and followed Turtle Island away.

He also knew that it was not not to take him with him, but that someone really needed to stay here. He was the strongest and most trustworthy.

But...Why do you feel a little uncomfortable? ?

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