"King Adolf, didn't you say you would lead the Fishman Island to scatter across the seas and destroy all the navy ships? We will take control of the right to navigate!" Hodi was puzzled. They could clearly take control of the right to navigate and let the world see how powerful their fishman race was, so why were they still worried here?

"It seems domineering to spread out across the world to fight against the Navy World Government, but what do we get in the end?"Adolf asked and looked at him

"Both sides will suffer losses, and we ourselves will not be able to develop at all. Instead, we will lose more compatriots in the long war, which will infinitely extend the time for our rise."

"The world will also fall into chaos because of the collapse of order, countless people will die because of our destruction of order, and our own dreamy and beautiful legend will become a synonym for deep-sea evil. What is the purpose? Are we going to be enemies with all living things?"

"What we need now is to recuperate, increase the population, and cultivate more young people who love the racial country and are willing to fight for the rise of the ethnic group."

Adolf explained patiently

"I see!"Hodi was convinced.

He only saw a temporary scene, but Adolf had a bigger picture and saw the whole world!

"Adolf!"Shark Star was touched and admired.

One sentence made him see a wider world, a truly beautiful and rising future, instead of the original imagination, which would plunge Fishman Island into endless battles and killings.

"Brother?"Bai Xing looked at Shark Xing in confusion.

"Are there any resistances from the navy prisoners?" Adolf looked at Jinbei.

"Not yet. According to your order, all of them are imprisoned in the water prison outside Fishman Island. There is only a fixed bubble space, and the outside is all seawater. Patrol soldiers are not allowed to carry bubble corals. Even if they escape, they will be crushed to death by the huge sea pressure!"Jinbei replied.

He is responsible for guarding the prisoners, and he is equipped with 10,000 fishmen. Only he has the strength to suppress possible unrest.

There is no way to capture too many prisoners. The 25,000 elite soldiers of the Navy Headquarters are all elites who can wear the cloak of justice!

In addition, there are 10 major generals and captains.

Not to mention replacing Neptune, even if you add the existing 100,000 fishmen troops on Fishman Island, they may not be the opponents of these 25,000 elite soldiers!

Maybe there is not much difference in pure strength, but these naval soldiers are extremely experienced in combat, and they are not something that the fishmen can touch!

But if you dare to come out of the bubble, you will understand what the horror of the deep sea is!

Adolf nodded. Not only was Jinbei in charge, but Violet also glanced at him from time to time. This was the reason why he was really relieved.

"It's a waste to keep so many people in prison. Let them build the independent bubble island and the Red Earth Continent survival center. 25,000 people, and they are elite and high-quality labor trained by the navy."

"Just remember to get a large stationary bubble, don't give them individual bubbles."

Adolf reminded him, just because he was afraid that the plot of the animated protagonist would disgust him.

"These guys have nothing to do but think about how to escape, and I'm also worried about something happening." Jinbei nodded.

"Let's go, it's time to go see Akainu and the other three."Adolf stood up and arranged at the same time

"Minister Zuo, gather all the technicians on the island and arrange for the Fishman Island bubble. You can be a little rough, as long as you can destroy it."

"It would be best to develop a substance that can control bubbles and membranes and dissolve the bubble material instantly."

"Yes!" The left minister accepted the order.

Fishman Island has scientific research talents, and the murderous drug was originally developed by Fishman Island. After Hodi discovered it, he asked the scientists of Fishman Island to improve and upgrade it.

When passing by Shirahoshi, he glanced at her, and Shirahoshi shrank back in fear.

Although she also saw the admiration of Adolf by the people of the whole island, even she herself felt that saving Fishman Island was really amazing and a hero.

But Adolf's attitude towards Neptune and Otohime, and the way her parents bowed their heads and made mistakes in front of Adolf, put her under a lot of pressure, and her senses were naturally not so good.

But everyone seemed very convinced, even her parents admitted it, and she was trying to understand.

Adolf and Jinbei swam directly into the sea and headed straight out of the island.


"Hello?"Adolf answered the phone

"The Warring States Period sent a lieutenant general to negotiate the issue of the three generals, and now the warship has entered the sea."Violet saw the report

"I understand."Adolf nodded.

Jinbei looked at Adolf Den Den Mushi with a cryptic look. 'Human woman? Spy?'

But he didn't ask any more questions. As a force, these are essential.

"King Adolf, wait a minute!" Hodi chased after him and said,"I have something very important to report to you."

"What's the matter?" Adolf asked.

Hodi looked around and saw that there was no one around, then looked at Jinbei before speaking:

"About half a year ago, a Celestial Dragon was in trouble and came to Fish-Man Island. The people on the island hated the Celestial Dragon, especially the former Sun Pirates, who wanted to shoot and kill him...."

"Hodi!!"Jinbei's pupils contracted, and he instantly understood what he wanted to say!

But Hodi ignored Jinbei and continued,"They did the same thing, they really shot, but Princess Otohime saved the Celestial Dragons. But the Celestial Dragons not only did not appreciate it, but were angry and wanted to shoot and kill Princess Otohime, and everyone was panicked."

"At that time, the Neptune class appeared! Many sea kings suddenly appeared, and their huge posture even bit the World Government's ship in their mouths!"

"The appearance of the Sea Kings frightened the Celestial Dragons, and Princess Otohime was saved. Then the Sea Kings also left Fishman Island."

"But I noticed it, no, Jinbei should have noticed it too!"

"That was not accidental, but he was summoned by someone."

Hodi looked straight at Jinbei.

He admired Adolf and was completely convinced. So he told him this shocking secret because he hoped that he would have stronger power!!

Jinbei's expression sank. Hodi had already said it, and there was no need to hide it anymore."Yes, if my guess is correct, it should be summoned by Princess Otohime's daughter, Shirahoshi!"

"White Star." Adolf narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the two of them.

"There has always been a legend on Fish-Man Island, a story that only spreads in Ryugu City"

"Only every few hundred years will there appear a mermaid princess and king of the Neptune species who can communicate with the Neptune species. She has the huge power to save countless lives or destroy the world. It is also called the ancient weapon that destroys the world, the Neptune Wave. Sedon!"

"But looking at Bai Xing's current appearance, she probably hasn't truly awakened yet."

Now that it has been mentioned, Jinbe simply told the matter.

Adolf nodded,"Who else knows about this matter besides you?"

"There were so many people there at the time that I'm not sure anyone else noticed it," Hodi said.

"I understand. You should understand the importance of White Star. If you encounter danger, notify me immediately and protect me at the risk of my life! Do you understand?" Adolf said

"yes!"The two bowed their heads.

Adolf nodded and continued to set off.

He naturally knew that White Star was Poseidon who had not yet awakened. He also knew about the four-legged target fruit and his two younger brothers also knew about it.

But Hody Jones could take the initiative to tell this secret Telling him that he was happy also showed Hodi's loyalty to him.

Jinbe looked at Adolf's back and felt guilty for hiding it....Old man..."




The author apologizes. I was too arrogant and overestimated my abilities.

I got more than 200 gifts in just one day without looking at them. Big daddy, I'm sorry -

I'll make some adjustments and I'll add more gifts for 1,000.

The main reading rate is increased to four or five chapters per day, so even if I owe it, I can't make up.

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