"Hehehe..."Hody suppressed his laughter, and if he hadn't restrained himself, he would have laughed wildly.

But in the presence of the king whom he respected, he had to exercise restraint

"Navy! You didn't send anyone to negotiate before the war, and you didn't come when we, the fishmen, were discriminated against. Now that the war is over and we have been defeated miserably in the seabed, do you know to come to negotiate? It's too late!"

"Everything was caused by you humans. You are the ones who wanted to destroy Fishman Island and exterminate the Fishman tribe! All of this was your choice!!!"

"Next we will seize your right to sail on the sea, completely block you on the islands, and then kill all of you humans island by island!!"

Hodi’s eyes were bloodshot, filled with the madness of revenge!

‘——!!’Gion looked ugly. As a soldier who had lived on a ship for a long time, she knew the importance of a ship all too well.

Losing the boat means losing the right to sail!

If the people on the boat fall into the sea, they will only be swallowed by the waves and die of exhaustion before reaching the next island!

"Hmm?" Adolf raised his eyebrows and looked at

"——!!"As if he was struck by lightning, Hodi quickly knelt down on one knee and lowered his head in respect,"I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Sea King, I was too excited!"

Adolf waved his hand and asked him to stand aside.

"Yes!" Huodi looked back respectfully, without a trace of reluctance.

"Your Majesty, the Navy did make an extremely stupid decision, but didn't it cause any damage to Fishman Island? You defeated Fishman Island before they even saw it, and you became known as the Sea King!"

"The bounty of 5.6 billion exceeds that of Roger, the Pirate King, and is far higher than the great pirates such as Whitebeard and Kaido!"

"In this battle, three great generals were defeated, including even the commander of the Knights of God. What a character it was, the world was fully aware of it, and it would also leave a mark in history!"

Gion was respectful and admiring. Hodi's words made her understand the importance of her mission more clearly.

This is not a question of redeeming the three generals, but whether the navy can continue to sail on the sea!!

"That is also due to my strength, and it should be natural!"Adolf was slightly interested and pleased with himself.

There was nothing he could do, otherwise he wouldn't know how to let those three 'reasonables' go back!

Relying on rescue? Haha....

When Gion saw Adolf's interest, his attention changed and he immediately increased his efforts.

"Not to mention the distant past, there are many female officers in the navy who admire you, and even the sisters on my ship are discussing"

"Although they are enemies, everyone admires and respects men who defend their country, let alone those who resist the Celestial Dragons!"

"Not only is she a responsible hero, but she is also a legendary dream mermaid. Men are particularly attracted to the legendary mermaid, and so are girls."

Gion worships, and his words are slightly biased towards lust.

Adolf's mouth curled up slightly, and his eyes were no longer so sharp and strong.

"Fish-Man Island and humans do not have to fight to the death. As I said, as long as the fish-people develop themselves and strive to have children with a population of 5 billion, the world will calm down and listen to our voices!"

"————!!"Gion pupils shrink, population of 5 billion.

Facing such a huge race, they have no chance of winning.

"How do people treat me, how do I treat others!!"

"This is my principle of treating others, and it is also the principle of treating others in Fishman Island!"

"We hope to live in peace with all races, but you discriminate against us as fish, capture us as slaves at will, and even kill us all. All we can do is resist!"

"At the end of the war, all of you humans will be killed, because this world is the world of the sea!!"

"And we, the fishmen, will kill more than...1000000000! Even 2 billion or 3 billion!"

Adolf said slowly.

Gion's heart trembled, he felt real fear, his soul trembled!

It was not fear of Adolf's strength, but genocide, more than 1 billion or 2 billion people died!

What three generals? What naval navigation rights? This is the problem of human extinction!

"Once the endless war begins, it will be a racial war that will last for decades, with corpses floating everywhere in the sea."

"This is what I don't want to see, and I don't think you would want to see it either...."

Adolf looked at Gion, his plain words filled with endless terror.

"certainly! We can all live in harmony, so why engage in a meaningless war?!"

"In fact, only a small part of the human race treated Fishman Island too badly, the pirates, the nobles, these evil rubbish! They were just as cruel to the human race themselves, and these people could not represent all of humanity."Gion said hurriedly.

Yes, she was scared, really scared.

Anyone with a brain could understand that the fishmen hid in the seabed to develop and reproduce, did they have any way?

They had no way!

Even if some came to the surface and were caught, they were very few and could not affect the whole!

And the deeper the darkness, the more suppressed the hatred, and the more horrible the revenge that would erupt!!


Not to mention Gion, even Neptune, Otohime, and Jinbe were all scared!

"I have never thought about it so deeply!"

"If we continue to be treated unfairly, hatred and revenge will slowly evolve into a racial war, which is not impossible!"

"We must avoid this outcome! No matter what!!!"

Even Hodi was shocked."But so what? Even if all humans are killed, it was them who started it!!!"

Adolf turned his eyes away and immediately restrained himself.

"Your Majesty the Sea King, I will definitely appeal to the Warring States Marshal and the World Government to completely improve our relations!"Gion said cautiously

"Hmm? What gave you the illusion that I would be friendly with you?" Adolf tilted his head slightly in confusion.

"Did not you say?"Gion was stunned.

"What are you misunderstanding? I want to destroy the world government and rule the world!"

"As long as the world government is gone and the navy is gone, don’t I have the final say on so-called conflicts and discrimination?"

Adolf looked at her like a fool.

"I!! But? ?"Gion opened his eyes wide and his brain failed to function.

"3,287 murloc soldiers died in this war. Do you think you can just flatter them and make peace?"

"No! They made me understand that the World Government must be eliminated to end this!"

Adolf decided.

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